

单词 shortfall
释义 short·fall 英ˈʃɔːtˌfɔːl美ˈʃɔrtˌfɔlAHDshôrtʹfôl' ★☆☆☆☆高六八COCA¹⁴⁹⁶¹BNC¹⁰⁸⁰²iWeb¹²⁶⁸³Economist⁵⁵⁰¹
the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required;

new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit

average shortfall平均欠额
short矮-fall⇒n.不足⁷⁹;差额²¹近义词 gap缺口loss遗失lack缺乏deficit赤字shortage不足

用作名词There's still a hugeshortfallin our funds.我们的资金还有很大缺口。
There will be ashortfallin wheat supplies this year.今年的小麦供应会有一定数量的短缺。
Falling investment will simply compound theshortfall.不断减少的投资将加剧产量不足。
That is the largest budgetshortfall- adjusted for inflation - since 1945.把通货膨胀因素考虑在内,这个预算赤字是1945年以来最为庞大的。
We have to borrow money to cover theshortfallbetween expenditure and revenue.我们不得不借钱以弥补收支间的差额。noun.deficit;imperfection
同义词 deficiency,flaw,lack,loss,shortage,shortcomingarrears,default,defectiveness,inadequacy,incompleteness,insufficiencyin the hole,in the red,insufficience,red ink,underage
反义词 abundance,enough,perfection,plenty,success,sufficiency
deficitnoun shortage of something needed, required
arrears,dead horse,defalcation,default,deficiency,due bill,dues,in hock,in the hole,in the red,inadequacy,insufficience,insufficiency,lack,loss,paucity,red ink,scantiness,shortcoming,underage
deficitsnoun shortage of something needed, required
arrears,dead horses,defalcations,defaults,deficiencies,due bills,dues,in hocks,in the holes,in the reds,inadequacies,insufficiences,insufficiencies,lacks,losses,paucities,red inks,scantiness,shortcomings,shortfalls,underages
lacknoun deficiency, need
lacksnoun deficiency, need
scantinessnoun shortage
scantnessnoun shortage
curtailment,dearth,defalcation,defect,deficiency,deficit,failure,inadequacy,insufficiency,lack,lapse,leanness,paucity,pinch,poverty,scantiness,scarceness,scarcity,shortcoming,shortfall,tightness,underage,want,weakness A number of companies have been hoping to get such technologies to the market by2011 or2012, and some might be able to help with any shortfall should there be a pandemic later this year.
许多公司已经寄希望于再2011年或2012年之前将这些技术引入市场。 如果在此之后出现全球大流感,一些公司也许能够解决疫苗短缺的问题。 ecocn

In the long run Japan will also replace its shortfall of nuclear power with larger imports of gas, boosting the fortunes of countries like Brunei and Qatar.
长期来看,日本还将以大量的天然气进口来代替核能的短缺,这无疑将使如文莱和卡塔尔之类的国家受益。 ecocn

The details of dosing for a pandemic vaccine are not yet known, but it is clear that even if all the capacity was switched to pandemic flu there would still be a huge global shortfall.
研制全球大流感疫苗的细节还是未知之数,但是非常明了的一点是,就算把所有生产能力都转移到全球大流感上,疫苗生产能力仍将存在巨大全球性短缺。 ecocn

A well- judged budgetary stimulus would help fill the shortfall in demand while debt-laden firms and consumers get their finances in order.
一个明智的预算刺激将有助于填补需求短缺,直到负债累累的企业和消费者财政状况趋于稳定。 yeeyan

A list is generated for each region that identifies the endangered parts, the names of the suppliers in that region that supply them, and the size of the likely shortfall.
对于存在上述有危险的零件的每个地区,该作业生成一个列表,其中包括那个地区提供这些零件的供应商的名称和预计短缺的数量。 ibm

A bigger shortfall would fuel inflation beyond the already high forecast of13% to 14% for this year, he added.
他说如果出现更大的缺口,则可能推动通货膨胀率突破今年本已高达13%至14%的预期区间。 shinewrite

For now, the UN makes up the shortfall by hiring private firms to provide helicopter transport.
目前,联合国通过雇佣私人公司来弥补短缺,以提供直升机运输。 ecocn

Hardly anyone believes that Indonesian farmers can make up the shortfall: domestic production currently satisfies only62% of Indonesians' craving for beef.
几乎没人相信印尼的农民可以补上这个差额,毕竟国内现在的产量只能满足62%的牛肉需求。 ecocn

He said Arab states had given the PA assurances that they would make up any shortfall, and the Europeans and Japanese had also pledged not to cut funds.
他说阿拉伯国家已经给了巴勒斯坦权力机构保证,他们会帮助克服任何可能出现的短缺状况,欧洲和日本也许诺不会减少资助。 yeeyan

In February, the state-owned news agency Xinhua reported a shortfall of two million workers in the Pearl River Delta area.
今年二月,国营新闻社——新华社曾报道,在珠江三角洲地区有两百万的劳工缺口。 yeeyan

Many people find that the satisfaction they get from that makes up for the shortfall in pay.
许多人认为这种工作上的满足感足以弥补工资上的缺口。 fortunechina

Mr Simsek acknowledges a shortfall in domestic savings that will be hard to correct.
西姆西可先生承认国内储蓄的短缺将是一个难以纠正的问题。 ecocn

Part of Clinton's mission to the Middle East is to encourage King Abdullah of Saudia Arabia to give China a guarantee that it would make up any shortfall in oil supplies.
希拉里中东之行的部分使命就是说服沙特的阿卜杜拉国王给予中国石油供应的保证,以弥补任何从伊朗那里获得的石油短缺。 yeeyan

Second, the reform resolves the pension shortfall only until2020.
其次,改革直到2020年才能解决退休金短缺的问题。 ecocn

That is a bigger funding shortfall than in2000, on the eve of a savage retrenchment by firms that hurt jobs as well as investment see chart.
这一融资缺口比2000年那场破坏就业和投资的野蛮的公司紧缩战略风波前夕的缺口还要大见图。 ecocn

That means they are implicitly relying either on the investment portfolio to bail out the fund or on future taxpayers to contribute even more to make up the shortfall.
这意味着这些地方未曾明言的想法是:或者依靠投资组合为基金提供援助,或者指望未来的纳税人缴纳更多的数额以填补缺口。 ecocn

The IMF and the development banks should help to meet emerging markets’ shortfall in capital.
国际货币基金组织和发展银行应当帮助新兴市场弥补其资本短缺。 ecocn

The governors and state legislatures elected next month will determine how states overcome the gaping shortfall in revenue most face in the coming years.
下月举行的州长和州立法机关的选举将决定在未来几年中美国如何弥补越来越大的收入缺口。 ecocn

The root cause of the current shortfall is structural rather than cyclical.
当前差额的根源问题是结构层面的,而不是周期循环的。 ecocn

These days, the Golden State leads the nation on economic and fiscal dysfunction, from the empty homes spread across the Central Valley to the highest state budget shortfall in the nation's history.
最近,这个黄金之州在经济和财政失调方面总是领先于全国,从中央谷里遍布四处的空房子和有史以来最高的州预算缺口就是最好的证明。 yeeyan

This shortfall in vaccine supplies, in the face of universal need, is the result of limited global manufacturing capacity.
在面临普遍需要的情况下,疫苗供应短缺是全球生产能力有限的结果。 who

Until quite recently he was saying that he was not even sure there would be a shortfall, despite the cuts he had demanded.
直到最近,他还说自己并不确定未来是否真会出现预算短缺,虽然他已明确要求各处削减预算。 ecocn




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