

单词 short distance
释义 short distance短语¹⁶³⁸³
In late spring, when a hive gets too crowded, a colony normally splits, and the queen, some drones, and about half the workers fly a short distance to cluster on a tree branch.
晚春时分,一个蜂巢总是会非常拥挤,通常情况下蜂群就会分裂;蜂后、雄蜂与几乎一半的工蜂便会短距离地分行并簇拥于一个树枝。 ecocn

Only a short distance away, German soldiers were listening to the same song, sharing our loneliness and longings.
仅仅咫尺之遥的地方,德国士兵也正在收听这同一首歌曲,和我们一同感受着孤独与渴望。 putclub

Ordinary hybrids such as the Prius run on a combination of gasoline and internally generated electricity but can travel just a short distance on electricity only.
普锐斯等普通混合动力车可以通过汽油和内部发电共同提供动力,但单凭电力只能行驶短距离。 iciba

Since quick acceleration over a short distance is the key to winning a short race, Piazza says the trade-off makes sense for sprinters.
因为能够在短距离内迅速加速是在短跑中获胜的关键,所以 Piazza认为这些因素的权衡对短跑选手而言是值得的。 yeeyan

Then the stepmother led them a long way into the forest. They had gone but a very short distance when Hansel looked back at the house, and this he did again and again.
然后继母就带着他们进入了树林深处。他们走着,但是每过一小段距离汉斯就往回望他们的房子,他一遍一遍的这么做。 yeeyan

They had gone but a very short distance when Hansel looked back at the house, and this he did again and again.
他们走着,但是每过一小段距离汉斯就往回望他们的房子,他一遍一遍的这么做。 yeeyan




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