

单词 shopped
释义 shop·ped 英ʃɒp美ʃɑːp COCA²⁸²¹⁹BNC⁴³⁰⁷⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
C 商店,店铺

building or room where goods or services are sold to the public

C 工厂,车间

place where things are manufactured or repaired

C 办事处,机构,企业

place of business; institution; establishment

vi. & vt. 到…去买东西〔购物〕

visit or go to a shop or shops to buy sth

vt. 告发

give information about sb, especially to the police

a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services;

he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod

small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are donea course of instruction in a trade as carpentry or electricity;

I built a birdhouse in shop

do one's shopping;

She goes shopping every Friday

do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client ofshop around; not necessarily buying;

I don't need help, I'm just browsing

give away information about somebody;

He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam


❌ The ladies retired to leave the men to talk.

✔️ The ladies retired to leave the men to talk shop.

talk通常指一般性的谈话,而talk shop通常指“谈论与职业有关的事”。


❌ Let's go to shop tomorrow, shall we?

✔️ Let's go shopping tomorrow, shall we?

表示“去购物”,通常应说go shopping。类似的用法还有 go swimming去游泳, go hunting去打猎, go fishing去钓鱼, go bathing去游泳等。


❌ I shopped around a gift for a friend.

✔️ I shopped around for a gift for a friend.

表示“到商店里为的是选购…”可说shop around for sth。

shop, department store, store

这组词都可表示“商店”。其区别在于:shop在英国一般指零售商店,在美国还指专卖店,即出售固定商品的门市部; store为美国用词,指零售商店,其复数stores则指百货商店,相当于英式英语中的department store。例如:

By the end of the year the little seed and grain shop had developed its trade considerably.到年底,那个种子、粮食小店的生意有了相当大的发展。
She bought the sofa at the stores.她在百货公司买了这沙发。
I do all my shopping at that department store.我什么都在那家百货商店买。下面两个句子的意思不同:He keeps shop for his uncle.他替他叔叔看店。
He keeps a shop in town.他在城里开了一家店。department,store,shop


department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为department store。



用作名词 n.
动词+~close a shop闭店close down shop停业,关闭商店equip a shop装备商店expand a shop扩大商店keep a shop开店,经营商店manage a shop经营商店open up a shop开店,开业operate a shop经营商店own a shop经营一个店run a shop经营商店set up shop开店shut down shop闭店,歇业shut up shop关门,歇业start a shop开始营业cut the shop不再谈论本行业务talk shop说行话形容词+~duty-free shop免税商店exclusive shop唯一的商店expensive shop高价商店,高档品商店fashionable shop时髦的商店nearby shop附近的商店small shop小店closed shop只雇用工会会员的工厂open shop雇用工会会员及非工会会员的工厂名词+~arts and crafts shop工艺美术商店barber shop理发店beauty shop美容院beer shop啤酒店betting shop赛马场外的下注站blacksmith shop铁匠铺body shop出售香皂等清洁用品的商店book shop书店camera shop照相馆clothing shop服装店coffee shop咖啡店dress shop服装店food shop食品店fruit shop水果店general shop杂货店gift shop礼品店meat shop肉店men's wear shop男子用品商店milk shop乳品店paint shop油漆行print shop印刷所repair shop修理店retail shop零售店shoe shop鞋店sports shop体育用品商店sweet shop糖果店tea shop茶馆toy shop玩具店variety shop杂货店book-seller's shop书店butcher's shop肉店chemist's shop药铺draper's shop布店tailor's shop裁缝店women's wear shop妇女服装店assembly shop装配车间machine shop金工车间,机械工厂repair shop修理工厂union shop只雇用工会会员和即将加入工会的工人的工厂work shop车间介词+~at a shop在商店in a shop在商店work in a shop在一家商店工作~+介词shop for milk乳品店shop in the town镇上的商店用作动词 v.~+名词shop the gang leader告发匪首shop the murderer告发凶手shop the shops逛商店~+副词shop around仔细寻找
用作名词n.all over the shop

纷乱,零乱; 到处 in great disorder; scattered everywhere; everywhere

set up shop

开店,开业 start a business

shut up shop

停止工作 stop working

talk shop

谈本行的事 talk about one's work

用作动词v.go shopping

去买东西 exchange sth with money

shop around v.+adv.

仔细寻找 search carefully for goods that are the best value or the best services, etc.

shop aroundI shopped around till I got what I wanted at a price I could afford.我在商店里到处寻找才买到了我所需要又能买得起的东西。
People must shop around for the best school for their children.人们都要为子女找最好的学校。近义词 storemarketworkshopn. chainhypermarketsupermarket
用作名词n.This is the only shop in the village community.这是这个社区的唯一的商店。
We go to a shop to buy things.我们去商店买东西。
He found he could make no money as a writer so he decided to open a shop.他发现当作家挣不到钱,所以他决定开商店。
The shops in town close at five o'clock.镇上的商店五点关门。
She often browses in dress shops during her lunch hour.她经常利用午餐休息时间逛逛服装店。
He worked in a carpenter's shop.他在一家木工厂工作。
I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.我想让这个机构办得尽可能顺利。
The director's office is a smooth running shop.主任的办事处是一个管理很上轨道的营业部门。用作动词v.
S+~+ADo you like shopping?你喜欢逛商店吗?
I always shop in that grocery store.我一向在那家食品店买东西。
I usually shop on Saturdays.我通常在星期六去商店购物。
Someone has stolen her purse while she was shopping.她在购物时,有人偷走了她的钱包。
We shopped all morning for new coats.我们整个上午都在选购外套。
S+~+ n./pron.We shopped all the main shops.我们为了购物把主要的商店都逛遍了。
The gang leader was shopped by one of the robbers.有个劫匪向警方告发了匪首。



在口语里, shop可作“工厂,车间,作坊”解,尤用于构成复合词。





用作名词The local dressshopis having a sale.附近的时装店正在大拍卖。
The dresses in theshopare priced high.这家商店的衣服定价很高。
Thatshophas a large connection.那商店有一大批顾客。
I saw both of them at work in theshop.我看见他们两人都在车间干活。
The foreman oversaw the workers in theshop.这个工头在车间里监视工人。用作动词Women in general like toshopfor new clothes.大多数妇女喜欢逛街买新衣服。
I usually goshoppingon Sundays.我通常星期天购物。
I have 3 days free. I'm going to HK toshop.我有3天假,我想去香港购物。
I believe that it will be easier toshoponline in the future.我相信将来在网上购物将会更容易。
My mother was outshopping.我母亲出去买东西了。 After a long unbroken spell of spending growth, consumers in America are finally shopped out.
美国消费者在经历了很长一轮消费增长周期后终于停止消费了。 yeeyan

For two decades now, you and I have shopped until Chinese workers dropped.
20年了,要不是中国工人接连跳楼,您我还在商店购物。 yeeyan

“ I don't like it. They should close it sooner,” retiree Barbara Murrofsky told AFP as she shopped at a local hardware store.
“我不喜欢它,它们应尽早把它关闭,”已退休的芭芭拉·莫若斯科在当地一家五金店买东西时对法新社说。 yeeyan

Customers shopped its warehouses more often and spent about 2.5 percent more on each visit than they did in 2009, the company says.
该公司表示,与2009年相比,顾客更多的在其大商店购物,每次购物多消费2.5%。 yeeyan

Even after adjusting for factors like physical and mental infirmity, men and women who shopped daily lived longer than those who shunned retail therapy, say scientists.
科学家们指出,即使考虑到像身心疾病这些影响健康的因素,天天购物的男女也比那些拒绝购物疗法的人更长寿。 yeeyan

For many, it became the only place they shopped.
对于许多人来说,沃尔玛成了他们购物的唯一去处。 yeeyan

I felt like a football player dodging other players on the field as I shopped, occasionally getting rammed into.
购物时,我感觉自己就像个足球运动员,躲避其它对手,时不时就被撞到。 yeeyan

I have shopped too often online these days.
这些天我们经常在网上购物。 hxen

I just couldn’t warm to these sometimes magnificent efforts to satisfy the desires of people who had photo- shopped their memories.
画家有时会作出特别努力来迎合那些美化了自己回忆的人,而我很难对这样的尝试产生好感。 ecocn

I compile a list of ingredients that need to be shopped for, and hopefully have done any advance preparations so that work will proceed smoothly when my assistant arrives.
我把需要购买的食材列了个单子,并希望能预先完成一些准备工作。这样在我的助手到达后,工作就能进展得比较顺利。 cri

I hated those cashiers, and I hated them seeing me with food stamps, so I took the bus and shopped elsewhere.
我恨那里的收银员,我恨他们看我拿着食品券的眼神,所以我坐车到别的地方去买东西。 yeeyan

If shoulder pads were all the rage the last time you shopped for clothes, then it is time to freshen your look.
如果你的披肩还是上次购物时为搭配衣服买的,那现在就该改头换面了。 hjenglish

Now that I had my prescription with PD, and my frame measurements, I copied it into a text file and kept it open as I shopped online.
现在,我已经有了我的处方包括瞳距和框架参数,我将其复制到一个文本文件,并公开以便网上购镜。 yeeyan

Now data were being captured on what news we read, where we shopped, what sites we surfed, what music we listened to, what movies we watched, and where we travelled.
现在信息收集已经深入到我们在读什麽新闻,我们在哪里购物,我们浏览哪些网站,我们听哪些歌曲,我们看哪些电影,还有我们到哪去旅行。 yeeyan

Of those who have used it, 72% checked email, 49% browsed online, 35% watched videos, 28% shopped, 25% played video games and22% visited social- networking sites.
曾经用过机上无线上网的人当中,72%是查看邮件,49%的人浏览网络,35%的人收看视频,28%的人上网购物,25%玩视频游戏,而22%的人则访问社区网络网站。 yeeyan

Research by the Centre for Public Health Nutrition at the University of Washington found that only15% of people shopped for food within their own census area.
据华盛顿大学公共健康营养中心的一项调查显示,只有15%的人口在他们自己的普查区范围内购买食品。 ecocn

She quit buying plastic ware for her kitchen. She shopped for local produce.
她没有为厨房添置塑料制品,只买当地生产的东西。 yeeyan

The researchers used different approaches to take account of physical limitations and cognitive impairment, but even so, those who shopped daily lived longer than those who shopped less frequently.
研究人员采用不同的方法把身体和认知障碍考虑进来,但即使如此,那些每天购物的还是比那些购物没这么频繁的活的时间长。 yeeyan

We were going to a little market where I have also shopped. So this was where she's been getting all that great cheap produce.
我们走进一个小菜场,我以前也来过,这里就是她采购又新鲜又便宜的食材的地方。 ebigear

We shopped in the same streets, belonged to the same gym, and shared the same parish church.
我们在同一条街上买东西,去同一家健身房锻炼,上同一所教堂做礼拜。 yeeyan

Well, OK, but don't you think you've shopped till you dropped already?

You could also argue that these respondents were in tough financial shape because they shopped and spent too much.
你可能会认为那是因为这些受访者花太多钱购物以致经济状况不佳。 yeeyan




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