

单词 shoplifted
释义 shop·lift·ed 英'ʃɒplɪft美'ʃɒplɪft COCA¹⁰⁰⁰⁴⁸BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
steal in a storeshoplifting入店行窃
近义词 steal偷rob抢劫pinch捏pilfer盗thieve偷nick刻痕pirate海盗pocket口袋knock off停止做某事filch偷不贵重的东西…

I accept that he was caughtshopliftingbut there's no need to keep rubbing his nose in it.我承认他在冒充顾客进商店行窃时被抓住过,但也没必要老是提起他的过失行为。 He bootlegged, sold drugs and shoplifted to make ends meet.

He shoplifted a bag of flour.
他在商店里偷窃了一袋面粉。 tingroom

I wanted to have sex with you in the handicapped bathroom at EPCOT when we shoplifted the alice in wonderland dress.
我想和你在 EPCOT主题公园的残疾人厕所来一下,那时我们会穿着购物时顺手偷来的爱丽丝在梦游仙境中穿的连衣裙。 blog.sina.com.cn

I shoplifted because I hated myself, and doing it just made me feel worse.
我偷东西就是因为恨自己,我这么做了只会让我更恨自己。 yeeyan

That doesn’t mean you have to tell us all about who you’re sleeping with or those Pop Tarts you shoplifted in the third grade— but you do need to be a real person in your online exploits.
虽然这并不意味着你得事无巨细地告诉大家你跟谁睡觉或者你在三年级的时候偷过谁的明星照片儿,但你在线的行为要真实。 yeeyan

We experimented with drugsby which I mean cigarettes and alcohol smashed up the odd telephone box and shoplifted handfuls of penny chews at every opportunity.
我们服过“药”我是指烟和酒,砸烂过形状怪异的电话亭,也进商店揩过油,有机会就偷走廉价糖果。 yeeyan

We shoplifted to put food on the table and found we were good at it.
我们为了能往饭桌上摆上像样的饭菜去偷盗,然后发现原来我们很擅长这一行。 yeeyan




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