

单词 shoddily
释义 shod·di·ly 英'ʃɒdi美'ʃɑːdi 高COCA¹²³⁶³³BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb⁵²⁸⁸⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
reclaimed wool fiber
cheap and shoddy;

cheapjack moviemaking…that feeds on the low taste of the mob

of inferior workmanship and materials;

mean little jerry-built houses

designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently;

the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm

deliberately deceptive packaging

a misleading similarity

statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading

shoddy business practices

shoddy picker开纱头机
近义词 low低的poor可怜的cheap便宜的lousy多虱的sloppy肥大的tattered破烂的careless粗心的slapdash草率的inferior较低的low-down卑鄙的trashy垃圾似的deceptive骗人的ragged衣衫褴褛的tawdry廉价而俗丽的…misleading令人误解的substandard标准以下的jerry-built偷工减料的cheapjack兜售便宜货的叫卖小贩…

as in.awfully
同义词 dreadfully,wickedlyclumsily,disgracefully,disreputably,inadequately,incompletely,poorly,reprehensibly,unforgivably,unpleasantly,wretchedlyas in.badly
同义词 awkwardly,clumsily,poorlyabominably,blunderingly,carelessly,crudely,defectively,erroneously,faultily,feebly,haphazardly,imperfectly,incompetently,ineffectively,ineptly,maladroitly,negligently,stupidly,unfavorably,unfortunately,unsatisfactorily,unskillfully,unsuccessfully,weakly,wrong,wronglyas in.cheaply
同义词 inexpensively,poorly,reasonablyadvantageously,at a bargain price,at a discount,at a reduced price,cheap,dirt-cheap,discounted,moderately,on sale,shabbily
awfullyadverb badly
badlyadverb inadequately
cheaplyadverb economically
advantageously,at a bargain price,at a discount,at a reduced price,cheap,dirt-cheap,discounted,inexpensively,moderately,on sale,poorly,reasonably,shabbily,shoddily The8.0 magnitude earthquake on May12 killed more than70,000 people, including thousands of children at their desks in what many parents believe were shoddily made school buildings.
这场发生在5月12日的里氏8.0级地震已经夺去7万多人的生命,其中还包括成千上万坐在课桌前的孩子。他们所在的教学楼被家长们认为是“豆腐渣工程”。 yeeyan

There were still small gatherings in Sichuan villages and towns, often linked to anger at shoddily constructed school buildings that collapsed while nearby structures remained standing.
四川的一些村庄和城镇仍发生小规模抗议,通常来自对劣质校园建筑的愤怒。因为这些建筑被地震摧毁,但附近其它建筑却未倒下。 yeeyan

They led the duo to binge on securities backed by shoddily underwritten loans.
政策使得两房深陷由粗制滥造的承销贷款包装成的证券的泥潭。 ecocn

After a school collapsed in the suburb of Pétionville in2008, the capital's mayor said that60% of its buildings were shoddily constructed and unsafe even under normal conditions.
2008年佩蒂翁维尔郊区一所学校倒塌之后,该市市长就曾指出60%的该城市建筑都是粗制滥造,甚至在一些正常情况下都不安全。 ecocn

Although an investigative committee acknowledged in September that many of the schools that crumbled were shoddily constructed, the government has yet to issue a full report.
尽管一个调查委员会9月承认地震中很多倒塌的学校建筑质量有问题,政府仍然没有发布一个完整的报告。 yeeyan

And then Sara found it: by almost falling in a shoddily exhumed grave.
然后莎拉发现了:通过差点儿掉进一个挖的很糟的墓里。 yeeyan

Many are shoddily made, containing the wrong dose of the active ingredient.
很多假药都是粗制滥造的,所含活性成分剂量有误。 ecocn

More than ever, joining the war appears a mistaken policy, shoddily executed.
更有甚者,参战看起来是一个暗箱操作的错误政策。 ecocn

Nothing wrong with an A-list action-romance, except when it’s as shoddily put- together as this, and dominated by Cameron Diaz shrieking.
一流的最爱电影没有什么错,但是拙劣地堆积到一起以及由卡梅隆·迪亚兹的尖叫声主导贯穿,使该部电影大打折扣。 yeeyan

Now the Central Bureau of Investigation is starting an inquiry into corruption at the highest levels over the shoddily run Commonwealth games.
现在,中央调查局已经开始在最高级别对英联邦运动会举办得粗制滥造进行调查。 ecocn

Projects created with slave labor proved to be shoddily built and inefficient.
苦役建造的项目,最终证明是劣质的和低效率的。 ssreader

So far, however, there have been none of the accusations of shoddily built school buildings that became a controversy in Sichuan.
然而迄今为止,建设四川的豆腐渣学校的相关人员依然没有一人受到指控,这引起了很大争议。 stnn

There's sure to be a backlash over the number of children killed by the quake, buried in their classrooms as shoddily built schools collapsed around them.
针对地震中被压在坍塌的劣质校舍下的孩子数目,肯定会有强烈的反应。 bbs.ccut.edu.cn

Thousands of middle class families, without insurance or savings, have been forced to move in with friends and relatives after the quake left their shoddily built condominiums uninhabitable.
成千上万没有保险或积蓄的中产阶级家庭不得不搬去和朋友或亲戚生活,因为地震使他们那些粗制滥造的公寓无法再居住。 yeeyan




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