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词汇 Shi Tao
释义 Shi Tao
He admiredShi Taovery much and was good at painting landscapes, birds and flowers, especially plums.他一生敬佩石涛,善画山水、花鸟,喜画疏枝梅花,
Shi Tao, as an artist and adherent of Ming Dynasty, was born with a “Qu Yuan Complex”: a combination of loyalty to the emperor and narcissism.作为明朝遗民的艺术家石涛,从人生开始,便纠结上一个根深蒂固的“屈原情结”:恋君与自恋。
His painting style was influenced by Xu Wei andShi Tao, and he used light colors and adopted splashed ink skills to capture an unrestricted quality.他受徐谓、石涛影响较大,画风粗放,不拘法度,泼墨淋漓。
Shi Taois the artist of early Qing Dynasty, who claimed innovation and brought tremendous influence upon the middle age of Qing Dynasty and neoteric brushwork.石涛是清初力主创新的画家,他对清朝中期之后以至近代绘画艺术产生了重大影响。
From the void and vacantness in the artistic realm of the six dynasties to the artistic style of Chen Laolian in the Ming andShi Taoin the Qing dynasties, Fu Baoshi draws ample nutrition in traditional Chinese painting.从六朝虚淡空灵的艺术境界,以及明朝陈老莲、清初石涛的艺术风格中,傅抱石汲取了充足的传统国画营养,并结合自己艺术的理论修养和实践经验,画出了属于他自己特点鲜明的人物画风格。
The Theory of Primordial Line, the core ofShi Tao's aesthetical thought, is thoroughly studied in the paper through illustrating its philosophical meaning and ascertaining its aesthetical value.深入研究构成石涛美学思想核心的“一画论”在哲学上的阐释及其美学上的价值与内涵。




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