

单词 shirted
释义 shirted 英ʃɜːt美ʃɝt BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²

动词 shirt:
put a shirt onshirt-ed如|被…的⇒穿着衬衫的 A state of emergency was declared in Bangkok during the third week of protests by red- shirted opposition demonstrators, who penetrated the parliament building.
在红衫军举行抗议示威活动三周并进入议会大厦后,曼谷宣布进入紧急状态。 topsage

The coup paved the way for the courts to order the seizure of $1.4 billion of Mr Thaksin’s fortune, which prompted his red- shirted supporters to call the present round of protests.
这次政变为法院下令扣押 Thaksin Shinawatra高达14亿美元财产提供了借口,这笔经费促使红衫军支持者号召了目前的抗议行动。 ecocn

There was more turmoil in Thailand when red- shirted opposition protesters set up an encampment in central Bangkok.
泰国的红衫军反对派抗议者在曼谷中部安寨扎营,引发了泰国大规模的骚乱。 ecocn.org

After April’s thwarted uprising by red- shirted protesters loyal to Thaksin Shinawatra, a fugitive former prime minister, Mr Abhisit resisted calls for an election.
在忠于流亡前总理他信的红衫军4月暴动被压制以后,阿披实先生拒绝重开大选。 yeeyan

At least20 intersections were occupied by red- shirted protesters, who swarmed over military vehicles and used buses to block several roads.
至少20个十字路口被红衫示威者占领。这些示威者挤上军用车辆并用公共汽车阻断数条道路。 yeeyan

At Tashkent airport flights from Seoul disgorge the white- shirted shock troops of South Korea’s electronics giants and resource companies.
在坦什干机场,大批穿着白衬衣的韩国电子业巨头和资源公司的雇员从来自首尔的航班上下来。 ecocn

But that is what happened in 2008 when Mr Chamlong and his yellow- shirted pals in the People’s Alliance for DemocracyPAD shut down Bangkok’s airports.
但是先例已有—2008年, Chamlong先生和他人民民主联盟的身穿黄色短袖的兄弟们关闭了曼谷的机场。 ecocn

Even before April’s violent spasms, Mr Abhisit was pelted by red- shirted opponents during his forays into rural areas.
即使在4月份的暴力围堵开始前,阿披实先生访问乡村地区时也倍受红衫军的呛声。 yeeyan

Everyone has become involved, from the Falange, the blue- shirted backbone of Franco's National Movement, to the descendants of the last Republican prime minister during the Spanish civil war.
从佛朗哥“民族运动”的骨干蓝衣长枪党,到西班牙内战期间最后一位共和党首相的后裔,每个人都被卷入其中。西班牙政治化的司法系统发现自己进退两难。 ecocn

From exile in Dubai he directs his red- shirted followers, known as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship UDD.
流亡迪拜的他亲自指挥其红衫追随者,即众所周知的反独裁民主联盟 UDD。 yeeyan

In 2008, Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow- shirted revolt that closed Bangkok’s international airports.
2008年,艾比希总理是黄衫叛乱党封闭曼谷国际机场事件的受益人。 ecocn.org

In one way, the yellow- shirted elite is right: Mr Thaksin probably did play a malign role, especially in helping scupper attempts at a negotiated end to the protests.
从一个角度看,黄衫军的一位精英人士的分析是正确的:他信很可能扮演中一个邪恶的角色,尤其是支持一些破坏活动,以挫败与抗议者谈判而终结动乱的企图。 ecocn

Last year all of Thailand seemed on the brink of a violent upheaval, as Mr Thaksin’s red- shirted supporters clashed with troops on the streets of Bangkok.
去年一年,似乎整个泰国都处于一种暴力冲突的边缘,因为他信的红衫军在曼谷的大街上与军队发生了冲突。 ecocn

Last year all of Thailand seemed on the brink of a violent upheaval, as Mr Thaksin's red- shirted supporters clashed with troops on the streets of Bangkok.
去年当他信的红衫军支持者在曼谷街道与军方发生冲突之际,似乎所有的泰国人都处在大规模暴乱边缘。 ecocn

Mark Wahlberg embraces his third nipple, which often poses a problem for his bare- shirted film scenes.
马克·沃尔伯格接受了他的第三个乳头,这往往在需要赤裸上身的镜头中给他带来麻烦。 yeeyan

More than100000 red- shirted supporters of ousted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra assembled in the area around Thai Prime Minister Abhisit's office Wednesday, demanding his resignation.
泰国局势日益紧张,当地时间8日,10多万名支持前总理他信的红衫军在总理府周围集会示威,要求总理阿披实下台。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Prosecutors have shied away from the army’s offences and instead chased up red- shirted arsonists.
公诉人回避了军方的犯罪事实而主要追查红衫军的纵火犯。 ecocn

Prosecutors have shied away from the army’s offences and instead chased up red- shirted arsonists.
检察官们也回避了军队的罪行,反过头来追捕红衫军纵火犯。 ecocn

Soldiers in riot gear clashed with red- shirted anti- government protesters as they tried to clear them from encampment in the capital.

They have the ear of Bangkok’s royal establishment, which is blamed by red- shirted leaders for pulling the plug on democracy.
同时,他们背后还有来自泰国王室的支持----红衫军领导人称黄衫军和王室之间的关系是在破坏泰国的民主。 ecocn

Thousands of police and soldiers guarded central Bangkok, where over 20,000 red- shirted protesters gathered under sodden skies to listen to anti- coup speeches and songs.
成千上万的警察和士兵守把守着曼谷的中心区域,两万多名红衫军聚集在此冒着暴雨听着反对政变的演讲和歌曲。 ecocn




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