

单词 shipping industry
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One of the most successful diversions, near the river’s mouth, is now in danger of being shut down because the shipping industry has complained that it is silting up a useful anchorage.
最成功的例子就是在河口处是很危险的地带,因为很多船主都抱怨说哪里是一块很好的“抛锚处”——淤泥比较多。 yeeyan

The Danish shipping industry, which is one of the world's largest, has said a that truly global system would work well.
世界最大航运业之一的丹麦航运业已经表示,全球航运系统会运转良好。 yeeyan

The shipping industry faces serious challenges on reliability.
航运业面临的严峻挑战就是准时性。 yeeyan

Analysts say this problem has been resolved, but the shipping industry has since been swamped by the global trade contraction.
分析人士指出这个问题已经解决,但是航运业从此已就此深陷于全球贸易萎缩。 yeeyan

The domestic shipping industry is vital to the economy of the archipelago, but its history is one of lethal mishaps.
菲律宾的航海业对于菲这样的群岛国家的经济是至关重要的,但她的历史却是一部灾难史。 ecocn

The development of the international ocean shipping industry can directly promote a country's overall national strength.
国际海运业的发展对一个国家综合国力的提高具有直接的促进作用。 cnki

These Barbary corsairs were a very strong group of pirates and were like terrorists to the shipping industry.
这些巴巴里海盗是非常强悍的海盗团体,对于航运业是极大的威胁。 yeeyan

TUI has sold57% of its stake in Hapag with a view to leaving the shipping industry.
TUI已经出售了自己持有的赫伯罗特股份的57%,以求从航运业脱身。 yeeyan

Western private banks in sub-Saharan Africa have loans of$50 billion, excluding South Africa and Liberia, whose shipping industry distorts the data.
西方的私人银行在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区的放贷额超过500亿美元,该数据不含南非和利比里亚,因为这两国的航运业使数据失真。 ecocn

When Fred Smith was a student at Yale, he wrote a term paper discussing the implications to the shipping industry as the world became more automated and reliant on computers.
当 Fred Smith还在耶鲁大学读书时,他撰写了一篇学期报告探讨了在世界由于电脑的影响而变得更加自动化和可信赖的大背景下,会对传统航运业造成的影响。 yeeyan




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