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shipping container短语³⁹⁵⁵¹ 基本例句 集装箱,装运容器,货运包装 装船运输 A collapsible shipping container would be useful for several reasons. 可折叠集装箱之所以有用,是有几个原因的。 ecocn Firstly, the problem concerned is described. Then, mathematics models of slot allocation and pricing for shipping container are proposed. 首先对研究的问题进行了描述,建立了集装箱舱位分配和定价的数学模型。 cnki Rene Giesbers, a heating- systems engineer from the Netherlands, has invented a collapsible plastic shipping container which, he hopes, will replace McLean’s steel design. 雷内•吉斯贝斯是荷兰的供暖系统工程师,已发明了一种可折叠塑料集装箱。他希望这种集装箱能取代麦克林的钢制集装箱。 ecocn The term Internet of Things refers to when real-world objects are connected to the Internet, for example goods in a shipping container. 物联网指的是把现实物品和互联网连接到一起,比如集装箱里的货物。 yeeyan Which raises the question: Wait, how can it hit a target the size of a shipping container from, like, another country? 问题来了:从很远的地方发射导弹,如何让它击中集装箱大小的目标呢? yeeyan Business Week magazine has made a list of the20 most important inventions of the next10 years, with shipping container housing taking a spot. 近日,美国《商业周刊》列举出最有可能改变人类未来10年生活方式的20项重大发明,集装箱房屋赫然位列其中。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Each robot will be no larger than a standard shipping container, with a number of smaller robots for smaller spills. 每个机器人的大小不能超过一个标准集装箱的尺寸,对于小型的漏油事故要采用小型机器人。 yeeyan For example, it recently won an order to provide a2.2 megawatt-hour battery, the size of a shipping container, for use in tests to back up a Chinese coal-fired power station. 例如,它最近获得了一个订单,为中国的一个火力发电厂提供一个2.2兆瓦时,集装箱大小的电池,进行备份测试。 ecocn.org In 1956 Malcolm McLean, a trucker from North Carolina, launched the first“ intermodal” shipping container, which could be transferred easily between lorries, trains and ships. 1956年,美国北卡罗来纳州一名卡车司机马尔科姆•麦克林发明了第一个“联运”集装箱。这种集装箱易于在卡车、火车和船舶之间转移。 ecocn Morale boosters this time round came in a metal shipping container-turned- commissary stocking a range of prized goods, from protein supplements to smokeless tobacco, to tend to a hard-bitten camp. 这次鼓舞士气者带来了装着满满的集装箱改造的军粮供应箱,里面存储着各种嘉奖品:从富含蛋白质的营养品到咀嚼的碎烟末,应有尽有,旨在打造一个坚固的宿营地。 ecocn So here’s the interesting precedent: In December2003 Google applied for a patent for a portable data center in a shipping container, which was awarded in Oct.2007. 那么,这里有一个有趣的先例:2003年12月,谷歌申请了集装箱内便携式数据中心的专利,2007年10月获授予。 yeeyan The shorthand for all this, the “ Asian miracle”, used to be a littoral phenomenon, confined to East and South- East Asia and tied via the shipping container to Western markets. 对所有这一切的速描,又称“亚洲奇迹”,过去仅仅是对沿海地带而言,仅仅限于东亚和东南亚,并经由远航的集装箱传播到西方市场。 ecocn They have embraced the shipping container which comes in a choice of20-foot or40-foot models as the basic building block in the construction boom accompanying their search for independence. 伴随着公民复决投票的进行,他们将集装箱可以选择20英尺或40英尺的作为基本的建设模块。 ecocn They created a bomb shelter for themselves by placing a huge shipping container topped with sand bags into a vast hole that took them days to dig. 士兵用数天时间在地下挖出深坑,把集装箱沉入坑中,再在箱顶覆盖沙包,就成为躲避炸弹的掩体。 yeeyan Thursday, the day one zoo official said he hoped would never come, began with keepers loading several armloads of wet bamboo for Tai to eat into an aluminum shipping container. 眼看着为泰山准备在途中吃的竹子最先装箱的时候,动物园负责人说他真的不希望星期四这点到来。 yeeyan |