

单词 ship off
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A USS destroyer, the John McCain named after the father of the Republican senator, who was an admiral, was awaiting orders to intercept the ship off the Chinese coast.
一艘以曾经担任海军上将的美国共和党参议员的父亲约翰.麦凯恩命名的美国驱逐舰已经在中国沿海等待驱逐命令。 yeeyan

A dead whale has been found pinned to the bow of a cruise ship off the coast of Alaska, the third such incident in a decade.
人们发现,一条死去的鲸鱼被卡在一艘阿拉斯加海岸外的游船的船头,而这已经是十年里的发生的第三起类似事故了。 yeeyan

The bacteria-like creatures, which were found in sediment cores extracted by a ship off the coast of Newfoundland in Canada, are able to survive extreme pressure and temperatures of up to100C.
加拿大纽芬兰海边的一艘勘探船从沉积岩中把它们给弄了上来,这些细菌样的生物可以承受巨大的压力和超过100摄氏度的高温。 yeeyan

This is only research project, but I want to ship off practical implementation.
这只是一个研究性项目,但是我希望早日能够应用到工业界。 infoq




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