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词汇 Shinsei
释义 Shinsei ˌʃɪnˈseɪ
While the banks argue overShinsei's proposals, some investors complain of being kept in the dark.各代理银行对新生银行的提议意见不一,与此同时,一些投资者抱怨银行未向他们通报真相。
In the meantime,Shinseiis revising its own proposal to persuade the other Japanese banks to join Abra.与此同时,新生银行也在修改自己的建议,以便劝说其它日本银行加入阿根廷债券重组机构。
“In the longer term, the weak yen will have side effects on global strategies,” says Yasuhiro Matsumoto, an analyst atShinseiSecurities in Tokyo.新生证券分析师松本泰裕指出:“就长期而言,日元的低迷不利于日本企业实施全球化战略。”
Shinseiis calling for bondholders to vote on joining Abra but, under Japanese regulations, the representative banks must agree unanimously before a meeting can proceed.新生银行呼吁债券持有人以投票方式决定是否加入阿根廷债券重组机构,但是根据日本的监管制度,除非各代理银行达成一致意见,否则会议无法举行。
Think of the fortunes made in the wake of America's savings-and-loan debacle, or by the acquirers of Japan's Long-Term Credit Bank, since renamedShinsei.想想在美国储蓄与信贷危机后催生的财富,以及收购日本长期信贷银行并更名为新生银行时聚敛的钱财吧。
S. dollars. Moreover, the list of Mizuho Corporate Bank,ShinseiBank, the central Mitsui Trust and Banking, Japan's life insurance and other financial loans Heranzailie agencies.此外,名单中瑞穗实业银行、新生银行、中央三井信托银行、日本生命保险等金融贷款机构都赫然在列。




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