

单词 shining example
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Its executives refer to this as the “ fewer, better” approach, and the shining example is the Chevrolet Malibu.
这个通用的高管们称之为“少而精”战略最成功的例子就是雪弗兰马里布了。 yeeyan

Boston has long been the shining example.
波士顿在这方面也一直是杰出的典范。 ecocn

He is abject. He is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery, perhaps, but is not conducive to attractiveness.

It was not a shining example of democracy in action. But neither were ordinary citizens left fuming about power-drunk bureaucrats deaf to anyone below.
这虽然并非政府民主进程中的正面范例,但却是普通市民改掉向来对大权在握的官僚行事不管不问习惯的进步。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was supposed to be a shining example of e- governance: open data that would benefit everyone and bring new efficiencies to the world’s largest democracy.
这被期望成一个很好的电子管理的例子:公开数据应该是基于大家的得益并且给全世界最大的民主带来新的效益。 yeeyan

These are the two major projects for the next10 years which will be a shining example of Indian-Russian cooperation.
这是未来10年内最主要的两个项目,它们将是印俄合作最好的例证。 blog.sina.com.cn




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