

单词 shine out
释义 shine out短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
For God, who said, ‘ Let light shine out of darkness, ’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
对于上帝,总是忽悠着:‘让光明驱散黑暗’的那位大大,把他的光芒射到我们心中,来给我们基督脸上映射出的上帝之荣耀的知识之光。 yeeyan

Liza's dress took the shine out of all the female guests.
莉莎的衣着使所有女宾的服装黯然失色。 hotdic

They were under a great shadowy train shed, where the lamps were already beginning to shine out, with passenger cars all about and the train moving at a snail's pace.
他们现在到了一个巨大的车棚底下,昏暗的车棚里已点起灯火。到处都是客车。火车像蜗牛一般缓缓移动。 hotdic

This convention theme is“ Shine Out Loud” and it definitely will bring you a fantastic chance to sparkle your talent and your passion!
本次会议的主题是“唱响你的舞台”,她必将给您带来的是一次闪耀魅力、感受震撼的机会! zduedu




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