释义 |
shine 英ʃaɪn美ʃaɪnAHDshīn ★★☆☆☆常初中高研T牛4COCA⁴³⁶⁸BNC¹⁶⁰⁰⁵iWeb³⁸⁸⁰Economist⁷³⁶⁴ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.照耀³³;出色⁴;发光³;投光于²;使发光n.光泽⁹;光辉⁷;阳光¹⁵;擦皮鞋美;喜欢¹;鬼把戏复过去分词shone/shined现在分词shining三单shines 事物太阳
v.动词 vi. 发光; 反射光; 照耀give out or reflect light; be bright vt. 照射aim the light in a specified direction vt. 擦亮polish sth and make it bright vi. 表现突出,出众excel in some way n.名词 U 光亮,光泽brightness; polished appearance S 磨,擦an act of polishing Noun: the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light Verb: be bright by reflecting or casting light;Drive carefully--the wet road reflects emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light;The sun shone bright that day The fire beamed on their faces be shiny, as if wet;His eyes were glistening be distinguished or eminent;His talent shines be clear and obvious;A shining example have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink;Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna throw or flash the light of a lamp;Shine the light on that window, please touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;Light fell on her face The sun shone on the fields The light struck the golden necklace A strange sound struck my ears experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion;She was beaming with joy Her face radiated with happiness make a surface shine;shine the silver, please polish my shoes v.动词 shine, light up两者都有“发光”“照亮”的意思。其区别在于: 1.shine是不及物动词,指太阳等能发亮的主体自身发光; 而light up则是及物动词,意思是“照亮…”。例如: The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home.明媚的阳光照耀着我古老的肯塔基故 乡。 All the streets were lit up with electricity.所有街道上灯火通明。2.shine和light up均可用于比喻,指“眼睛亮”,但前者强调状态,后者强调由不亮到亮的变化。例如: Her eyes shone with pleasure.她的眼睛里闪烁着愉快的光芒。 Her eyes lit up when I mentioned a holi- day.当我提到去度假时,她的双眼顿时亮 了起来。shine, flare, glare, glow, light这组词的共同意思是“发光”,均可用作名词或动词。其区别是: 1.指由日月星辰等天体或灯光、火光发出或照射的光用shine; 指太阳、灯等发出的非常强烈、耀眼的光用glare; 指由铁等发出炽热的热光或无焰的燃烧用glow; 指由手电筒、火炬等发出的摇曳的闪光或火焰用flare; 而light可用于任何物体发出的光。例如: The sky was indigo blue, and a great many stars were shining.天空一片深蓝,闪烁着点点繁星。 The bright lights arrested the boy's attention.灿烂的灯光吸引了这个男孩的注意。 I saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness.我看到手电筒在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光。 The glare of the head-lights almost blinded her.前车灯几乎把她的眼都照得睁不开了。 The glow from the embers warmed us.余烬的灼热使我们暖和。2.glow还可指因运动或激动而发热、发红或容光焕发; shine还可引申指眼神、情感等显露。例如: His face has a shine with perspiration.他的脸因出汗而显得亮晶晶。 The baby was all in a glow after a hot bath.婴儿在洗完热水澡后浑身通红。来自古英语 scinan,照耀,照明,发光,来自 Proto-Germanic*skinan,照耀,发光,来自 PIE*skai, 照耀,发光,词源同 sheen,shimmer. 用作动词 v. ~+名词shine a flashlight以手电照亮shine a light以灯照亮shine a shoe擦只鞋shine a torch以火把照亮~+副词shine auspiciously发出吉祥的亮光shine beautifully光线很美shine brightly灿烂地照耀shine brilliantly灿烂地照耀shine capriciously发出变幻莫测的光shine dazzlingly亮得耀眼shine directly直射shine feverishly发出炽烈的光shine fiercely发出强烈的光shine fitfully一阵一阵地发出亮光shine glaringly亮得刺眼shine gloriously灿烂地照射shine goldenly发出金色的光shine hazily发出朦胧的光shine keenly熠熠生辉shine lucidly发出清澈的光shine luminously发出明亮的光shine majestically发出庄严的光亮shine perpendicularly发出垂直的亮光shine politically在政治上崭露头角shine radiantly发出绚丽的亮光shine tremulously发出摇摆不定的光shine in through the window照进窗内shine up使向上照,把…擦亮shine the shoes up把鞋子擦得发亮shine the torch up把手电筒往上照~+介词shine as a teacher当教师很出色shine at tennis擅长网球shine in〔into〕把光射进…shine in sb's eyes把光照向…的眼睛shine into the cave把光照进洞内shine on照在…上shine on the heads照到头上shine on the water照在水面上shine over the earth普照大地shine through the trees透过树木照下来shine with excitement闪烁着兴奋的光芒用作名词 n.动词+~give a shine擦亮have a shine有光泽keep up a shine引起风潮,引起大骚动lose its shine失去光泽need a shine需要擦亮put a good shine擦亮take a shine to sb爱上某人,对…一见钟情take the shine off除去光泽形容词+~beautiful shine好的亮光good shine美丽的亮光warm shine温暖的光介词+~make no end of a shine大闹~+介词shine in society在社交场合出风头shine of sun阳光 用作动词v. shine at v.+prep.
〈非正〉擅长 be good at shine at sthI have never shone at tennis.我网球从未打好过。 He shines at maths.他擅长数学。 He didn't shine at languages, but he was a wonderful card-player.他在语言方面并不出色,可他是个极好的牌手。 shine away v.+adv.
向一边照 shine to one side shine awayThe lamp in the window shone away for hours.窗子里的灯光亮了几个小时。shine sth ⇔ awayPlease shine that light away from my eyes.请把那盏灯往一边照,请别让灯晃我的眼睛。 shine down v.+adv.
使向下照耀 (cause to shine from above) shine downThe sun shone down.阳光照耀。 I remember it was on a fine morning with the sun shining down.我记得那是在一阳光普照的早晨。shine sth ⇔ downShine the torch down here, please.请把手电从这儿往下照。 shine in¹ v.+adv.
使从外边照进来 (cause to shine from outside) shine inThe light shone in.灯光照进来了。 We stopped the work when the setting sun shone in.当落日照入时,我们停止了工作。shine sth ⇔ inShine the torch in, please.请把手电往里照。 Shine the candle in, please.请把蜡烛往里照。 shine in² v.+prep.
出色,出众 be good at sth shine in sthThe light was shining in his eyes and he could not see.灯光正照着他的眼睛,他什么也看不清。 Wear dark glasses so the sun won't shine in your eyes.戴上墨镜,这样阳光不会刺眼。shine sth in sthHe shone a light in my eyes.他用灯光照我的眼睛。shine in sthHe shone in an examination.他考试成绩突出。 He doesn't shine in the conversation.他不善于谈吐。 He shines in the literary world.他在文学界很有声望。 Betty shines in spelling.贝蒂的拼写很出色。 shine on¹ v.+adv.
使照耀; (使)照射 (cause to shine) shine onThe sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.天放晴了几个小时。 The stars shone on into a pale morning.星星一直闪亮到晨光微明。shine sth ⇔ onShine the torch on so that we can read the labels.用手电筒照这个标签,我们好看得见。 shine on²〔upon〕 v.+prep.
使照射在…上 (cause to give light on sth/sb) shine on〔upon〕 sthThe red sun, rising in the east, shone on the happy village.一轮红日从东方升起,照耀着这个快乐的村庄。shine sth on〔upon〕 sb/sthWhen I shone my flashlight on their nest, they were still working silently.当我用手电照着它们的窝时,它们还在不声不响地干活。 He raised the lamp and shone it on the grandmother's face. She was still.他举起灯,朝老奶奶照一照,老奶奶已经一动不动,没有气息了。 shine out v.+adv.
从里边照出 (cause to shine from inside) shine outThe rays of lamp shone out through the window.灯光从窗户射出来。shine sth ⇔ outShine the torch out, please.请把手电筒向外照。shine out of sthThe rays of lamp shone out of the window.灯光从窗户射出来。 shine through v.+prep.
使透过某物( cause to be able to be seen through sth in the way) shine through sthThere the lights were shining through the windows.那里窗口还亮着灯光。 Two steady rays of lucidity shone through the confusion.在混乱中透出两束清澈的光。 Her continuing courage shines through all her actions.她的行动里显示出了她不衰的勇气。shine sth through sthIt is difficult to shine a light through this thick mist.光线很难穿透这么浓的大雾。 shine up v.+adv.
尽可能地使发亮 shine or polish as much as possible shine upThe light shone up.灯光从下边照上来。shine sth ⇔ upShine the torch up into the rafters, please.请用手电筒照一照房椽。shine sth ⇔ upHe shined his shoes up till they gleamed.他把皮鞋擦得锃亮。 shine up to v.+adv.+prep.
竭力讨好以博取…的友谊 try to please and get the friendship of shine up to sbThe young man shone up to Ally.那个年轻人向阿莉大献殷勤。 Smedley shines up to all the pretty girls.斯米德莱企图讨好所有漂亮的姑娘。 shine with v.+prep.
由于…而发亮,放光 appear bright because of sth shine with sthHer eyes shone with tears.她的眼睛里闪动着泪花。 His face shines with happiness.他的脸上喜气洋洋。用作名词n.rain or shine风雨无阻 no matter what's the weather like take a shine to对…有好感 form a liking for sb take the shine off〔out〕 of使…相形见绌 cause to appear less importantAny one of our workmen could take the shine off the new foreman.我们工人中的任何人都能超过那个新来的领班。 to a shine达到…的亮度 at the degree of brightness 故事记忆好多瓶 Wine酒数目是 Nine九个拴在了 Vine葡萄藤连接着 Mine地雷在那里 Shine放光炸死个 Swine公猪小学英语速记发音记忆:“闪”→太阳发光一闪一闪地照耀着大地→发光,照耀非常记忆shi是+ne哪〖吒〗⇒是哪吒在发光闪耀联想记忆太阳照耀shine,蝙蝠害羞shy得藏在洞中近义词 brushflashglaregleamlightsparklev. beamtwinklen. brightness反义词 rain雨 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe rain has stopped and the sun is shining.雨停了,太阳照耀着。 There is something that shines, perhaps bayonets.有闪闪发亮的东西,可能是刺刀。 She brushed her hair till it shone.她把头发梳得直发亮。 A light shone in his room. He was still working.他屋里的灯还亮着,他还在工作。 Her jewels shone in the lamplight.她戴的珠宝在灯光下闪闪发光。 He's a pretty good student, but sports are where he really shines.他是个很好的学生,可体育运动才是他真正出色之处。 用作系动词 S+~+ adj.The sun shone bright and warm.阳光灿烂而和煦。 The star shone red on his cap.他军帽上的红星闪闪发光。 His face shines excited.他脸上露出兴奋的神色。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.Heshined his shoes carefully before he went out.他出门之前,把皮鞋擦得锃亮。 Mothershined all the knives and forks.妈妈擦亮了所有的刀叉。 Shine the silver before the guests arrive.在客人到来之前把银具擦亮。 Have youshined the brass?你把铜器擦亮了吗? Heshined his glasses, then put them on his nose.他擦亮了眼镜,然后戴上。用作名词n.The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.窗子在落日的余晖中金光闪闪。 There's too much shine on the seat of these old trousers.这条裤子臀部磨得太亮了。 The wooden surface had a beautiful shine.那木质的表面有美丽的光泽。 His top-hat had lost its shine.他的大礼帽已失去了光泽。 We saw the shine of the night watchman's flashlight.我们看见守夜人的手电筒发出的光。 Your floor had such a fantastic shine.你们的地板真亮。 How does she get such a good shine on her silverware?她是怎样把她的银器擦得这么亮的? Give the silver a good shine.把银具好好擦一擦。 She is going to give his shoes a shine.她准备擦擦他的皮鞋。 He likes a good shine on his shoes.他喜欢把自己的皮鞋擦得亮亮的。 Would you put a good shine on these boots?请把这些靴子好好擦一擦好吗?Pmonkeyshinen.胡闹Pearthshinen.地球反照Psunshinen.阳光光明晴天Pshoeshinen.擦亮的皮鞋面擦皮鞋Pmoonshinen.月光大话非法酿制的酒Pmoonshinern.烈酒私酿者烈酒走私者shinedshine的过去式和过去分词; Pshinern.出色的人发亮物发光体钱币金钱Poutshinevt.光亮强过…使相形见绌使失色vi.发光
shine的基本意思是“照耀”“发光”,指太阳、灯等发光体发出光亮,也可指物体反射出光亮,还可指用手电筒等的光向某方向照射。引申可作“表现突出,出众”解。其过去式和过去分词都是shone。 在美式英语中shine还可作“擦”解,表示把某物擦亮、磨光或使之发亮,其过去式和过去分词都是shined,不是shone。 shine作“发光”解时是不及物动词,作“擦亮”解时是及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 shine可以用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。 shine后接介词at表示“擅长”; 后接介词in表示“把光射进…”或“卓越,出类拔萃”; 后接副词in表示“照进”; 后接副词up表示“使向上照; 把…擦亮”; shine up to表示“竭力讨好以博取…的友谊”。 n.名词
shine用作名词的意思是“光亮,光泽”,是不可数名词。 shine也可作“磨,擦”解,指抽象的动作,通常用作单数形式,常和不定冠词连用。 动词96%,名词4% 用作动词The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright lightshonein.突然窗帘拉了开来,一道强光照了进来。 Heshinesat golf.他高尔夫球打得很出色。 The sun is shinning brightly.今天阳光格外明媚。 I hate lights beingshonein my face.我不喜欢灯光正对著我的脸。用作名词The waxed floor had a goodshine.打蜡地板闪闪发光。 Now her hair has taken on a healthyshine.现在她的头发呈现健康的色泽。 The fete will take place on Sunday, rain orshine.游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。 Would you put a goodshineon these boots?你把这些靴子好好擦一下好吗? I think that dog has taken ashineto me: it follows me everywhere.我想这狗已经喜欢上我了,我走到哪儿它跟到哪儿。noun.brightness;polish 同义词 gleam,glitz,gloss,luster,sheen,shimmer,sparkleflash,glare,glaze,glint,lambency,light,luminosity,patina,radiance,rub,show 反义词 darkness,dullness,darkverb.give off or reflect light 同义词 beam,blink,burn,dazzle,flash,flicker,glare,gleam,glisten,glitter,glow,illuminate,radiate,shimmer,sparkle,twinklebedazzle,blaze,deflect,flare,glimmer,illumine,incandesce,irradiate,luminesce,mirror,scintillateemit light,give light 反义词 darken,dullverb.polish, burnish 同义词 rubbrush,buff,finish,furbish,glance,glaze,gloss,scour,sleek,waxbuff up,give a sheen,make brilliant,put a finish on,put a gloss on 反义词 dull adorationnoun intense love admiration,amore,ardor,attachment,crush,devotion,esteem,estimation,exaltation,glorification,hankering,honor,idolatry,idolization,infatuation,pash,passion,puppy love,reverence,veneration,weakness,worship,worshipping,yen affectionnoun strong fondness amore,ardor,attachment,care,case,closeness,concern,crush,desire,devotion,emotion,endearment,feeling,friendliness,friendship,good will,hankering,heart,inclination,itch,kindness,liking,love,passion,predilection,propensity,puppy love,regard,sentiment,shine,soft spot,solicitude,tenderness,warmth,weakness,yen attachmentnoun affection, high regard affinity,amore,attraction,bond,case,crush,devotion,fidelity,fondness,friendship,hankering,liking,love,loyalty,partiality,possessiveness,regard,shine,tenderness,weakness,yen beamverb smile broadly gleam,glow,grin,laugh,radiate,shine,smirk blazeverb burn brightly beam,burst out,coruscate,explode,fire,flame,flare,flash,flicker,fulgurate,glare,gleam,glow,illuminate,illumine,incandesce,jet,light,radiate,scintillate,shimmer,shine,sparkle brightnessnoun shine brilliance,glaze,gloss,illumination,light,luminosity,luster,shine And America’s moral example must always shine for all who yearn for freedom and justice and dignity. 美国的道德榜样力量必须一如既往的照耀那些渴望自由,公正和尊严的人们。 yeeyan The light they shine is brilliant because it comes from a roaring fire of passion within, not by fluorescent bulbs lit by the nods of others. 他们身上散发出来的光芒非常耀眼。因为它来自于他们内心的激情之焰,而并非靠别人点头赞许点亮的日光灯。 yeeyan This city's glittering diamond district is recovering some of the shine it lost during the financial crisis by cashing in on a hungry new customer: China. 比利时安特卫普市光彩奕奕的钻石区正在恢复因此次金融危机而失去的部分光泽,它凭借的是一个渴望钻石的新客户:中国。 voa365 Viewing the salamanders under a fluorescent microscope, the researchers were able to see the algal pigments“ shine” when they were illuminated with light of a certain wavelength. 采用荧光显微镜对火蜥蜴进行观察,研究人员能够看到海藻色素“发光”当它们被一定波长的光照射的时候。 yeeyan After you've planned and built your application, now comes time for your application to shine in the marketplace. 在你计划和建立了你的应用程序后,到了你的应用程序在市场上发光的时候了。 ibm Because I know: gems cannot shine without polish, and I can not perfect myself without hardship. 因为我知道,宝玉不经磨砺就不能发光,没有,我也不能完善自我。 kekenet Below, the lights of El Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina, shine by the lake shore. 下面,阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的埃尔加拉法提的灯光在湖岸边闪耀。 yeeyan But in your perishing you will shine brightly fired by the strength of the God who brought you to this land and for some special purpose gave you dominion over this land and over the red man. 但是在你死时你会光芒闪亮,由上帝的力量引燃光芒,也是这个力量把你带到这片土地,而且因为某种原因赋予你统治这块土地和红人的权力。 yeeyan Future observations will determine whether this is a planet or a brown dwarf, a gaseous body not big enough to begin the nuclear fusion process that makes stars shine. 进一步观测将会确定这是否是一颗行星,还是一颗褐矮星,即一个不够大,无法开始核聚变反应来发出光芒的气体星体。 yeeyan Only as God is allowed to shine the light of his truth on our faults, failures, and hang-ups can we begin to work on them. 只有上帝才被允许在我们的错误、失败、障碍上显露真理之光,而在这些失意上我们就将展开努力。 yeeyan Some of the accusations undoubtedly stand up and shine a light on the often- murky business of Chinese science. 一些非难没有疑问地站出来,在经常是阴暗暧昧的中国科学行业闪耀了光芒。 yeeyan Soy Silk is valued for its quality, shine, and softness. 在质量、光泽及柔软性方面,大豆丝绸都很有价值。 edu.sina.com.cn Stars shine brightest in the long dark night of winter. 星光照耀得最亮的时候,是在黑暗的冬夜。 ebigear They begin to build up and dull the shine and tone of our hair. 它们开始堆积,使头发的光泽和色调变得暗哑。 kekenet This may be a challenge because we still need to shine for other to see. 这可能是一个挑战,因为我们仍然需要为了让别人看见而发光。 hjenglish Thus, through letting go of control in our creative endeavors, our natural and unique creativity can shine through, often resulting in original works of lasting beauty. 因此,通过放手我们的创造性和努力,我们的天性和独特的创造力就会发光发亮,结果是我们的原创作品持久美丽。 yeeyan Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. 神阿,求你使我们回转回转或作复兴,使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。 ebigear We are not monochrome single dimension people. Learning to illuminate your differences for unique circumstances allows your full spectrum to shine. 我们不是黑白照片中平面的人,学会在不同的环境中,用不同的方式展示自己可以让你充分闪耀发光。 yeeyan When interest rates eventually rise, the opportunity cost of holding gold will go up, taking off the shine. 当最终利率上升,持有黄金的机会成本将会上升,而黄金将失去其光芒。 ecocn Whenever you open up your heart to me, I come in and let my light shine. 任何你向我敞开心扉的时候,我就会进来并让我的光明照耀。 blog.sina.com.cn You may not be that popular at home but you should be able to shine at social gatherings. 本周在家中你可能不太受欢迎,但在社交场合你会光芒四射。 hjenglish You who are reading this, and who feel drawn to the Christ energy, are someone who longs to shine your inner light out into the world. 你们正在阅读这些的人,和感到被基督能量吸引的人,都渴望把你们的内在光芒照耀向这个世界。 blog.sina.com.cn Shine a light on war and its consequences— fine. 在战争和战果上表现政治的光芒——好。 yeeyan Shine your shoes before going out. 出门前把你的皮鞋擦亮。《新英汉大辞典》 |