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词汇 Shimon
释义 Shimon ˈʃiːmoʊn 高Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
In response to a barrage of Katyusha rockets fired into Israel from southern Lebanon by Hezbollah, Shimon Peres had ordered retaliatory attacks that killed many civilians.
为了对黎巴嫩真主党从黎巴嫩南部接二连三向以色列发射卡秋莎火箭炮弹做出反应,西蒙·佩雷斯已命令进行报复性还击,打死了很多平民。 yeeyan

Israel’s Likud- led government may have stayed away from its conference, but its president, Shimon Peres, and Tzipi Livni, the leader of its opposition Kadima party, expressed their support.
以色列利库德集团领导的政府虽然距 J Street集会千里之外,但它的总统, Shimon Peres,和 Tzipi Livni,反对党 Kadima党的领导人,均表示了支持。 ecocn

President Shimon Peres must consult with all the12 parties that have crossed the 2% threshold and made it into the new Knesset, and then decide whom to invest with the mandate to form a government.
西蒙•佩雷斯 Shimon Peres总理必须同12个获得超过2%席位的党派进行商讨并将其纳入新的议会中。 之后再决定让谁来着手组建新的政府。 ecocn

Rabbi Shimon Felix, an Orthodox rabbi and religious educator in Jerusalem, said he thought Dr. Landau's intent was“ let's stick it to the religious tradition.”
住在耶路撒冷的正统派拉比兼宗教教师西门.费里斯表示,他认为兰多医生的意图是“让人们更遵守宗教传统。” yeeyan

The president, Shimon Peres, is also known to oppose it.
众所周知,总统希蒙•佩雷斯也持反对态度。 ecocn

Addressing Germany's parliament Wednesday, Israel's president Shimon Peres said some of those who carried out the Holocaust, “ still live on German and European soil, and in other parts of the world.”
在星期三的德国国会上,以色列总统西蒙·佩雷斯说其中一些执行大屠杀的人“仍然生活在德国和欧洲的土地以及世界的其他地方”。 yeeyan

After the Gaza incident at the yearly Davos meetings in Switzerland, Erdogan publicly berated Israeli president Shimon Peres, paradoxically one of Turkey's greatest supporters.
加沙事件发生后,每年一次的达沃斯论坛在瑞士召开,埃尔多安在会上公开批评以色列总统佩雷斯,而矛盾的是,佩雷斯是土耳其最强大的支持者。 yeeyan

Earlier this month, when Israel’s president, Shimon Peres, was in Brasília, President Lula talked about Brazil helping to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
本月初,当以色列总统 Shimon Peres来访巴西利亚,鲁拉总统谈到巴西出面协助解决以巴冲突。 ecocn

I am very glad Shimon Peres got elected.
我非常高兴地看到希蒙·佩雷斯当选为总统。 yeeyan

I thought Shimon had done a good job as prime minister, and he had given his entire life to the state of Israel, but in1996, by a narrow margin, Netanyahu proved to be a better politician.
我认为西蒙作为总理工作出色,而且他把整个生命都献给了以色列这个国家,但在1996年,内塔尼亚胡以较小的优势证明自己是一名更好的政客。 yeeyan

In 1994 Shimon Peres, then Israel’s foreign minister, and Yasser Arafat struck a deal over Gaza and Jericho.
1994年,以色列外长佩雷斯 Shimon Peres和阿拉法特就加沙和杰里科 Jericho问题达成了一致。 ecocn

Israel's president, Shimon Peres, accused Syria of supplying Scud missiles to Lebanon's Shia party- cum- militia, Hizbullah, raising the possibility of a preemptive attack by Israel.
以色列总统 Shimon Peres。指控叙利亚向黎巴嫩的政党和民兵组织提供导弹,提高了以色列强制收买权的能力。 alai

Israeli elder statesman Shimon Peres called Iran's claim worrying and frustrating, but said diplomacy is the best way to resolve Iran's nuclear standoff with the West.

Israeli President Shimon Peres will host a new television show, “Brainstorming at the President's House”, a spokeswoman for Peres said. The show will deal with important issues in Israeli society.

Israeli President Shimon Peres met with Mr. Bush in Jerusalem and said some of the obstacles to peace may soon fade.
以色列总统西蒙.佩雷斯在耶路撒冷会晤了布什总统,并表示和平的一些障碍可能很快会消失。 hxen

Israeli President Shimon Peres says Israel is heading toward early elections after prime minister- designate Tzipi Livni failed to form a coalition government.
以色列总统佩雷斯说,以色列正在准备进行提前选举。此前,指定总理利夫尼组成联合政府的努力失败。 kekenet

It fell to Israeli President Shimon Peres, Israel's largely ceremonial head of state, to offer some tough talk.
最后还是以色列总统西蒙。佩雷斯讲了几句有份量的话。 tingroom

She was born in1923 in the Ukraine and met Shimon Peres after they both came to Israel, Haaretz said.
她于1923年出生于乌克兰,在他们都来到以色列后遇到了西蒙·佩雷斯,国土报说。 aitrans

She was born in1923 in the Ukraine and met Shimon Peres after they both came to Israel, Haaretz said. They married in May1945 and had three children.
她于1923年出生于乌克兰,在他们都来到以色列后遇到了西蒙·佩雷斯,国土报说。他们于1945年五月结婚,有三个孩子。 aitrans

The Illinois senator began his day meeting with senior Israeli cabinet members, and then met with Israel's ceremonial head of state President Shimon Peres.
这位伊利诺伊州参议员先是和以色列内阁成员举行了会谈,然后和以色列总统佩雷斯举行了会晤。 ebigear

Shimon Peres was sworn in at Israel's Knesset, or Parliament.
希蒙·佩雷斯在以色列议会宣誓,就职成为以色列新总统。 yeeyan




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