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词汇 Shiguan
释义 Shiguan
Or a young age is a hair loss, MianShiguanfirst thing on the bad impression.要不年纪轻轻的就是个脱发,面试官第一眼印象就不好。”
Although some frustration, she quietly finishing their own emotions, polite and nodded Xieguo MianShiguan.虽然有些沮丧,她还是不动声色地整理好自己的情绪,有礼地点头谢过面试官。
Application of Godfather I, a stuff, you too said their outstanding, it is an insult to the intelligence MianShiguan.应用教父I里的一个牙慧, 你太明说了自己的优秀,那是对面试官智商的一种侮辱。
Shiguanshen raise people who are very public, and soon the twojuan mu silver 3000.官绅商民施募者甚众,不久捐募白银3000两。
MianShiguanfrom the point of view, she / he can only do two things, your judgement is excellent, there is not a good judge you.站在面试官的角度, 她/他只可以做两件事情, 判断你是优秀的, 还有就是判断你不是优秀的。
MianShiguananswer, Icahn only 4 percent stake in Yahoo, the possibility of the outside world does not like such a big rumor.“面试官回答,伊卡恩只有雅虎4%股份,可能性并不像外界传言那么大。”




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