ShigeCOCA¹⁶⁹⁸³¹ 基本例句 重¹⁰⁰ Even Shige, whom Western viewers are inclined to censure, surprises us with her sudden, copious, utterly sincere burst of tears at her mother's death; 甚至是那个金子,也因为在母亲死后发出的突如其来地,但是却情真意切的哭声使先前多倾向于将之贬义理解的西方观众所震惊; mtime If it is big, as long as Sun Wukong, a senior in, Shige Pig will not try to steal the credit. 如果是大事,只要有悟空大师兄在,猪八戒绝不会去抢师哥的功劳。 ezhaorc