

单词 shifting sands
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The greater dragon actually submerges itself in the shifting sands, and can use its ten powerful limbs to swim through the dunes.
实际上,大克雷特龙能使自己潜入流沙之中,利用十条有力的腿在沙丘中穿梭。 starwarsfans

The shifting sands look after these cultures just as a mother, who fear greatly these cultures would be disturbed by unidentified of questionable origin person.
流沙像母亲一样看顾着这些文化,生怕他们被来路不明的人打扰。 blog.sina.com.cn

He and his criminal coterie would delight to see the Sarlacc's victims struggle helplessly, as they tried to climb up the slippery shifting sands of the Carkoon pit.
他和他的犯罪团伙高兴地看着沙拉克的受害者无助地挣扎,试图爬出卡孔大坑滑腻的流沙。 starwarschina

Now I can cross the Shifting Sands.
现在我可以穿越大漠流沙了。 yeeyan

Only its foul mouth extends to the surface, ringed with grasping tentacles ready to pull any prey unfortunate to fall into the shifting sands.
只有那张肮脏的嘴伸出地表,嘴边布满触手,随时准备将不幸落入流沙的猎物拖入口中。 starwarschina




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