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词汇 shias
释义 shias ˈʃiːəz COCA⁶³⁶³⁶BNC⁴⁸⁰¹³
n.什叶;什叶派等于Shiah原型shia的复数 A constitution has been written, but this has not resolved the big differences between Shias, Sunnis and Kurds.
宪法已经写就,但并未弥合什叶派、逊尼派与库尔德人的分歧。 ecocn

Its past struggle against Israel has won it the fierce loyalty of many Lebanese Shias, and its present one will add to their number even if it comes off worse.
以往同以色列的斗争为真主党赢得了许多极度忠贞的黎巴嫩,而眼下这场战争将使这个人数扩大,即使战况不利。 ecocn

The biggest trouble is that the dominant Shias think they should have unfettered power in the new Iraq, while the Sunni Arabs, only a fifth of Iraqis, refuse to accept second place.
最大的困难在于占绝大部分的什叶派认为他们在新伊拉克应该拥有至高无上的权利,而逊尼派阿拉伯人,虽然只占伊拉克五分之一的人口,则拒绝接受第二的位置。 ecocn

The capture of power by Iraq's long- oppressed Shias is perceived as having, for the first time in history, removed the main Arab bulwark against Persian expansion.

The outnumbered Sunnis feel locked out of a new Iraq dominated by Shias.
人数上处于劣势的逊尼派觉得自己被排斥在一个由什叶派主导的新伊拉克之外。 ecocn

The Shias would be foolish not to give Mr Allawi and his Sunni supporters a clutch of decent jobs.
如果什叶派未支持阿拉维及阿拉维的逊尼派支持者,以组建政府,那将是愚蠢的。 ecocn

At least32 people, mostly Shias, were killed.
至少32人,大多数是什叶派,在这次镇压中被杀。 ecocn

However, most of the killing is now part of a sectarian war between Sunnis and the Shias.
不过,现在多数的杀戮源于逊尼与什叶两派的宗派之战。 ecocn

If the insurgents manage to create strife between the Muslim sects, Shias and Sunnis may be provoked into ditching non- sectarian alliances and falling back on sectarian loyalties.
如果反动分子挑起了穆斯林什叶派和逊尼派之间的纷争,可能会分裂无宗派联盟,使联盟成员重新忠于各自的信仰。 ecocn

In particular, the Shias and their Kurdish allies have not done enough to allay the fears of the previously dominant Sunni minority that they are being excluded and disadvantaged under the new order.
尤其是什叶派和库尔德人联盟,他们并未努力安抚从前占统治地位的什叶派,后者是少数族裔,一直忧心被新秩序排挤甚至打击。 ecocn

Indeed, the island’s Shias as a whole may well endorse Khalifa rule, provided they are given a greater say in running the island and a fairer share of jobs.
不错,如果巴林岛什叶派人能有更多发言权,有平等工作机会的话,他们会愿意赞同哈里发家族的统治。 ecocn

Iran's influence on Iraq's Shias is limited, and it has none at all over the Sunnis.
伊朗对伊拉克什叶派影响有限,对逊尼派则是完全没有影响。 ecocn

Many Bahraini Shias are rich and successful.
很多巴林什叶派人士富裕且成功。 ecocn

Many non- Shias admire the party and take pride in the courage and skill of its fighters.
很多非什叶派的人非常羡慕真主党并且以这些斗士的勇气和素质为豪。 ecocn

More recently the Iraqis decided to take over the camp, doubtless with the encouragement of their ruling fellow Shias in Tehran.
伊拉克人最近打算接管该营地,毫无疑问,这是在他们的什叶派同胞——德黑兰统治者的怂恿下做出的决定。 ecocn

Most Shias and many Kurds do not care a jot about the technical defects of the trial.
大多数什叶派和库尔德人并不在乎法庭审判上那些细枝末节的错误。 ecocn

Oppressed under Saddam Hussein, the majority Shias grabbed power in the first free elections and held on despite endless crises.
在萨达姆执政时期,什叶派多数派在第一次政治选举中夺得了政权,并在不断的危机中艰难维持。 ecocn

Relations between Iraq’s Shias and Sunnis have again been badly damaged
伊拉克什叶派和逊尼派的关系再次遭到重创 ecocn

Sectarian hatreds have deepened since that referendum of2005, as the wildly differing reactions of Shias and Sunnis to the hanging of Saddam Hussein demonstrated.
自2005年全民公投以来,教派仇恨加深了,对于绞死萨达姆,什叶派和逊尼派截然不同的反应就是明证。 ecocn

Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power, only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion.
一些人总结说什叶派其实毫无分享权力的意图,他们只是在糊弄美国人,仰仗美国主子的强大军力,消灭对手,以使其统治更加坚不可摧。 ecocn

The authors of the NIE are less optimistic. They say Sunni resistance to al- Qaeda has not yet turned into support for the government or a willingness to work with the Shias.
NIE的作者们倒不那么乐观,他们说,逊尼派是在抵制基地,但并未转而支持政府,也不愿和什叶派合作。 ecocn

The Iranians should stop egging on their fellow Shias to humiliate the Sunnis.
对于伊朗人而言,他们要停止怂恿什叶派羞辱逊尼派。 ecocn

This would deepen the rifts between Iraq’s Sunnis and Shias, which had slowly been healing after the sectarian bloodbath of2006 and2007.
这将加深伊拉克逊尼派和什叶派之间的裂缝。自2006和2007年的宗教流血事件以来该裂痕已经在缓慢地愈合。 ecocn

Why, retorted Shia delegates, did Sunni clerics so rarely condemn the slaughter of Iraq's Shias? And what of the disenfranchised Shia minorities in Sunni countries?

Yet communal feelings are rising even where Shias, around 15% of the world's Muslims, have little or no presence.




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