

单词 Sheppard
释义 Sheppard
A few references on the economic downturn have made it into some routines, but Mr Sheppard said economics were not an obvious source for comics.
一些表演中也涉及到经济衰退,不过舍帕尔德说,经济也不一定是明显的搞笑素材。 hjenglish

Cities that experience both population and economic growth“ inevitably” expand, argues a2005 study, The Dynamics of Global Urban Expansion, by Shlomo Angel, Stephen C. Sheppard, and Daniel L. Civco.
2005年发表的一项研究由 Shlomo Angel、 Stephen C. Sheppard和 Daniel L. Civco完成的《全球城市扩张》认为,人口与经济同时增长的城市“必然会”扩张。 worldbank

Having been taught rudimentary airplane maintenance and minor inspections at Sheppard Field at Wichita Falls, Texas, we arrived at Salina's Smoky Hill Army Airfield in October1942.
在德克萨斯州的唯其多,谢博得基地被教会了基本的飞机维护知识和少量的检查措施以后,我们于1942年的10月份到达了 Salina的 smoky山的飞机场。 yeeyan

In the trial, prosecutors argued that the blood came from a knife that Dr. Sheppard had used to kill his wife, even though no knife was found.
尽管没有发现刀子,但该案的公诉人当时却坚持血迹来自谢泼德大夫用来杀死他的妻子的一把刀。 jukuu

Sheppard, of Brook Street, Selby, was found guilty of11 offences and Whittle, of Avenham Lane, Preston, was found guilty of five offences at a trial in July last year.
在去年7月的审判中,住在塞尔比布鲁克街的斯帕得被控11项罪名,住在普林斯顿艾文海姆路的维特被控以5项罪名。 yeeyan

Agent Sheppard, I need to keep his head from moving while I put him on the stretcher can you help me?
谢泼德特工,我把他抬上担架时,不能让他的头扭动,你能帮帮我吗? yeeyan

Amanda Sheppard's star, see?
阿曼达.谢泼德的星球看到了吗? yeeyan

Friends and family we are gathered here today for a most joyous occasion to join Keith Sheppard and Amanda Andrews in holy matrimony.
在今天这个喜庆的时刻,亲朋好友欢聚一堂,来见证基斯·谢泼德和阿曼达·安德鲁斯的神圣婚礼。 yeeyan

Good to see you awake, Mr. Sheppard.
很高兴见到你醒来,谢泼德先生。 yeeyan

I leaned in close, and put my hand on his neck, and whispered in his ear: “ You're very sexy, Mr. Sheppard.”
我挪挪身子靠近他,用我的手搂住他的脖子,在他的耳边轻声说道:“你很性感,谢泼德先生。” yeeyan

I now present to you: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sheppard.
我现在宣布你们成为:基斯.谢泼德先生和夫人。 yeeyan

It was traced back to a post office box in Hull registered to Sheppard.
由此追踪到一个位于赫尔市的一个注册在斯帕得名下的邮箱。 yeeyan

Leeds Crown Court was told Whittle wrote offensive articles that were then published on the internet by Sheppard.
利兹刑事法庭被告知维特撰写了攻击性文章,然后由斯帕得在因特网上发布。 yeeyan

Simon Sheppard,51, of Selby in North Yorkshire, received four years and10 months, and Stephen Whittle,42, of Preston, two years and four months.
西蒙斯帕得,51岁,来自于北约克夏的塞尔比,获刑4年又10个月;普林斯顿的斯蒂芬.维特42岁,获刑2年又4个月。 yeeyan

Then there is Sam Sheppard, a character based on a doctor who was famously convicted in the1950s for killing his wife.
而另一角色山姆谢菲德的原型是一名医生,这位医生在50年代因弑妻而判刑,举国哗然。 ecocn

Wear the sunglasses even when it's not sunny out, says Dr. Sheppard. They protect your eyes from the drying effects of wind.
谢泼德博士说,即使没有阳光照射,外出也应该带上墨镜,因为可以保护眼睛避免风吹而引起的干燥。 yeeyan

Well, you're incredibly sexy yourself, Mrs. Sheppard.
嗯,你自己也非常性感,谢泼德夫人。 yeeyan

When the eighth chevron engages and the wormhole whooshes open, there's a murmur of relief and a smattering of applause, and Sheppard clenches his fist tighter, fingernails digging into his palm.
当第八个啮合锁定,虫洞嗖的打开,伴着释然的低语和些许欢呼,而 Sheppard愈发紧握拳头,指甲深陷掌心。 sger

Sheppard is now a richer man.




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