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Shenhua coal 基本例句 神华煤 Shenhua coalcontains relative high moisture.Discussion denoted that moisture could be reduced only by thermal drying.神华煤水分偏高,论证表明,必须采用热力干燥的方法才能降低其水分含量。 The Catalyst that is suitable forShenhua coalliquification was found out through experiment study.通过试验研究找出了适于神华煤液化的催化剂。 Shenhua coalhas high volatile, high caloricity, low sulphur, and low ash.It is better power coal.神华煤具有高挥发分、高发热量、低硫、低灰等特点,是优质的动力用煤; Combustion properties ofShenhua coalliquefaction residuals were studied with a TGA/SDTA851 thermogravimetric analyzer.运用TGA/SDTA851热失重分析仪进行了神华煤液化残渣的燃烧特性试验研究。 The slagging tendency figure ofShenhua coalblending combustion can be used as conference and basis in the design ofShenhua coalblending scheme.笔者通过试验提出的神华两类煤掺烧结渣趋势变化图可为神华配煤方案的设计提供依据。 Alfred G Comolli,Theo LK Lee, Gabriel A Popper.TheShenhua coaldirect liquefaction plant;.Fuel Processing Technology,1999.高云龙;焦安亮.;煤液化油发展现状及投资前景分析; |