释义 |
shen congwen 基本例句 沈从文 Is Shen Congwen narrates the indispensable element.是沈从文叙事不可或缺的元素。 He had a copy of collected works of Shen congwen in his bookcase.他的书柜中放了一本《沈从文别集》。 Shen Congwen“s life consciousness has a rich profound significance.沈从文的生命意识具有丰富深刻的意义。 Reflect Shen Congwen's interpretation of life authenticity through an analysis of crudity, ignorance, the good and the beautiful in his works.摘要通过对沈从文作品中展现的人的原始性、蒙昧性和真与美的人性分析,反映沈从文先生对生命本真性的理解。 There are two poetic features in Shen Congwen's Xiangxi native novels: poetic lyric and poetic philosophy.沈从文湘西小说有两种诗性:抒情诗性和哲理诗性。 |