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shel·ter·s 英'ʃeltəʳ美'ʃeltər COCA¹⁰¹²²BNC²²⁷⁵⁰Economist¹¹¹²⁴ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句例句 n.避难所²²;庇护⁴⁰;庇护所¹⁶v.保护²⁰;隐匿²;庇护原型shelter的三单形容词shelterless名词shelterer过去分词sheltered现在分词sheltering三单shelters n.名词 U 遮蔽; 保护being safe from bad weather or danger C 避难所; 庇护所a place which is safe from bad weather or danger v.动词 vt. 保护give shelter to; protect vt. & vi. 隐匿take shelter Noun: a structure that provides privacy and protection from dangerprotective covering that provides protection from the weatherthe condition of being protected;they were huddled together for protection he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earningstemporary housing for homeless or displaced persons Verb: provide shelter for;After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people invest money so that it is not taxable n.名词 shelter, asylum这组词都有“能躲避威胁或打扰的安全地方或状态”的意思。其区别是: asylum特指为躲避抓捕或掠劫的人提供庇护的避难所。shelter常指可以暂时受到保护、可防止有害的人或物侵犯的躲避处。 shelter, cover, protection, refuge这组词都是指一处保护某人使不受袭击或伤害的地方,但含义有所不同:cover的意思是“隐蔽物”“躲避处”,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等; protection的意思是“保护物”“保护”,在这组词中,它的词义最笼统,用途最广,可指任何阻挡伤害或破坏的事物; refuge和shelter都用以指无家可归的人能够得到照顾和施舍的地方。例如: Take cover in the barn as soon as you hear gun fire.一听见枪声就躲进谷仓里吧。 A strong defence system offers protection from sudden attack by the enemy.坚固的防御系统提供保护以防备敌人 的突袭。 The trees formed a shelter over our heads.这些树成为我们的庇护所。 He has found a refuge.他已找到一个避难所。 v.动词 shelter, board, harbour, house, lodge, room这组词用作动词时,都有“寄住”的意思。其区别是: 1.room指“给…提供一个房间住”,仅供睡觉,不包括餐饮与娱乐。 2.house指“遮蔽以免受气候等侵袭”提供有顶盖、有墙、像房屋般的遮蔽。例如: Many villagers volunteered to house the flood victims.许多村民自愿为水灾难民提供住处。3.board主要指“提供膳宿; 包食宿”,而且通常指收费的。例如: My aunt boards holidaymakers during the summer.夏天我的姨母收费给度假的人提供膳宿。 She arranged to board some Chinese students from the university.她安排了这所大学的一些中国学生在她家食宿。 Mrs. Jones makes a living by boarding students.琼斯太太靠给学生们提供食宿为生。4.shelter指“庇护,遮蔽”,暗示提供庇护场所,使人免受风雨、轰炸等伤害。例如: Many southerners sheltered runaway slaves during the Civil War.南北战争之时,许多南方人保护过逃跑的奴隶。 You can't shelter your brother from blame in the accident.在这次事故中,你无法庇护你的弟弟免受责备。5.lodge指“给某人提供一个地方暂住”。例如: They lodged the wanderers for the night.他们为流浪汉提供住宿。 The motel lodges thirty people a night.汽车旅馆一夜可为30个人提供住宿。6.harbour指“为…提供安身场所”,主要指通过不法的手段来“窝藏”,是一种违反法律的行为,常用作贬义词。例如: Harbouring criminals is an offence in law.窝藏罪犯是违法的。defend,protect,safeguard,guard,shield,shelter,harbour这些动词均有“保护、保卫”之意。 defend普通用词,指用武力或其它措施使人或物不受损害,消除危险。用作比喻时,指坚持某种行动、决定或意见。 protect普通用词,指用某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害。 safeguard语气强,指采取积极措施预防可能发生的一切攻击或危险。 guard普通用词,指保持警惕以防可能的攻击或伤害。 shield语气比protect强,但侧重防止迫在眉睫的攻击或伤害。 shelter通常指寻找安全地方躲避风雨或使人免遭危害。 harbour贬义词,指隐匿或非法保护、窝藏。 protection,refuge,shelter这些名词均含“保护、掩蔽部、庇护所”之意。 protection普通用词,指任何保护物。 refuge指避难所。 shelter趋向指临时性的。 直接源自中古英语的sheltron,意为隐蔽处。 用作名词 n. 动词+~afford〔furnish, give, offer, provide〕 shelter给予庇护find shelter in在…里躲避form a shelter构成掩体〔隐蔽物〕seek〔take〕 shelter寻求〔得到〕庇护形容词+~dangerous〔good, perfect〕 shelter危险〔良好,完美〕的隐蔽处safe shelter安全的避难所temporary shelter暂时的庇护名词+~bus shelter公共汽车亭tax shelter减免所得税的合法手段介词+~under the shelter of在…的庇护下~+介词a shelter from the sun躲避阳光的地方用作动词 v.~+名词shelter eyes遮护眼睛shelter the homeless收容无家可归者shelter runaway slaves保护逃跑的奴隶~+副词shelter faithfully忠心保护shelter gratefully感激地保护shelter paternally慈爱地保护shelter off wind挡风~+介词shelter against〔from〕掩护〔保护,庇护…〕使不受…shelter behind躲在…后面shelter behind sb else躲在别人背后shelter by hills有山挡住shelter sb from blame庇护某人不受责骂shelter the soldiers from gunfire使士兵免受炮火的攻击shelter from the rain避雨shelter from sunlight避光shelter from trouble避开麻烦shelter from the wind避风shelter oneself in躲在…里面shelter oneself in a deserted house在无人居住的屋中躲避shelter oneself under躲在…下面shelter oneself under the eaves在屋檐下躲避 用作动词v. shelter from v.+prep.
掩护,保护 protect sb from sth or doing sth harmful shelter from sthThey huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.他们挤在商店门口躲雨。 The climbers had to shelter from the snowstorm in a mountain hut.登山队员不得不在山中的一个小棚中躲避暴风雪。shelter sb/sth from sth/v-ingYou can't shelter your brother from blame in the accident.在这次事故中,你无法庇护你的弟弟免受责备。 He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism.他极力为老板顶住外界的批评。 The wall sheltered the soldiers from gunfire.这堵墙挡住了攻击士兵的炮火。 He tried to shelter his friend from knowing of his father's death, but he was too late.他企图不让他的朋友知道他的父亲去世的消息,可为时已晚。 This woollen hat is to shelter your face from the bitter cold.这顶羊毛帽可使你的脸不受冻。 The trees shelter the house from the wind.树给房子挡风。 Is our country's industry sheltered from foreign competition?我国的工业在与外国竞争时是否有足够的保障? These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.必须使这些植物不受阳光照射。近义词 refugesafetysecurityn. coverprotection反义词n. exposure 用作名词n.We took shelter from the rain in a cave.我们在一个山洞里避雨。 Trees are a shelter from the sun.树木可以遮挡阳光。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AWe sheltered under a tree until the shower passed.我们在树底下躲雨,直到雨过天晴。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.He sheltered himself behind a hedge.他躲在树篱后面。 The government was sheltering the homeless.政府正在收容无家可归者。 Many southerners sheltered runaway slaves during the Civil War.南北战争之时,许多南方人保护过逃跑的奴隶。 v.动词
shelter用作名词的意思是“遮蔽物”“庇护物”,用作动词指给某人〔物〕提供庇护处,尤指为被追踪者提供庇护的处所或逃跑的途径。 shelter主要用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 shelter偶尔也可用作不及物动词,意为“躲藏”。 名词84%,动词16% 用作名词The refugees' main requirements are food andshelter.难民的主要必需品是食物和住所。 In the storm I tookshelterunder the tree.暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避。 The spectators scuttled forshelterwhen it began to rain.一下起雨来,观众就纷纷找地方躲避。 People were scrambling madly forshelter.人们疯了似的抢着往隐蔽处跑。用作动词These plants must beshelteredfrom direct sunlight.这种植物必须遮起来,免受阳光直射。 This cave served as a hideout for a bearded seal seekingshelterfrom the harsh Arctic climate.这个洞窟被髯海豹用来作为躲避严酷的北极气候的隐匿之所。 You can'tshelteryour brother from blame in the accident.你不可以庇护你的兄弟,使其免受事故的责难。 The central feature of many villages was the church— imposing edifices of brick and stone that were used as shelters in time of danger. 许多村庄的中心建筑就是教堂——这些庄严的砖石结构建筑在危险时刻可以当做避难所使用。 yeeyan They crammed into shelters with little food until the15th, after another explosion sent them fleeing farther west to the city of Nihonmatsu. 之后,在另一场爆炸后,他们又西逃到二本松,勉强挤在一个直到15号才有食物的避难所。 yeeyan After days of begging for help, many citizens stranded in evacuation shelters near the Fukushima plant were bused to Tokyo for refuge. 在求援十多天后,许多被困在福岛核电站附近避难所的市民终于能够乘坐大巴去东京。 yeeyan Although the city's education authority has asked residents to move to gym or other shelters, most classrooms are still occupied. 尽管该市教育局要求居民搬到体育馆或其他避难所去,大部分教室还是被占用着。 hxen As relief camps sprang up in marriage halls, schools, and cyclone shelters, volunteers helped pile bodies into mass graves after the consent of families and community. 随着大量帐篷出现在婚礼厅、学校以及龙卷风避难所,志愿者在取得死者家属和社区的同意后帮助将尸体堆入公共墓穴。 worldbank Classrooms in37 schools have served as temporary shelters after the earthquake and tsunami. 地震和海啸后37所学校的教室被用作临时避难所。 hxen He says they will be given temporary shelters and medical care, while immigration authorities decide what to do with them. 他说,难民们将得到临时庇护所和医疗照顾,与此同时,移民当局决定如何处置他们。 iciba Images released by the local government showed people huddled in emergency shelters and rows of destroyed houses with collapsed walls, blown out windows and charred roofs. 在地方政府公布的照片上,人们蜷缩在紧急避难所,有一排排被毁坏的房子,坍圮的墙,漏风的窗户和烧焦的屋顶。 yeeyan In the past, the homeless were offered a free ride to one of the city’s warehouse- like shelters. 在过去,有免费的车辆把无家可归者送到城市里类似仓库的避难所。 yeeyan It has now been found in30 states, but almost exclusively in settings where dogs live closely together: shelters, pet stores, kennels and dog schools. 现有30个州已发现了狗流感,但几乎完是发生在狗群密集的环境里:收容所、宠物商店、养狗场和训狗学校。 yeeyan Men built shelters, so they needed to learn to improvise and adapt, something which requires singularity of purpose as well as concentration. 由于要搭建避难所,男人需要学习临时起意以便能适应环境,这需要突出的意图以及注意力。 yeeyan Pets will not be allowed in designated public shelters. 宠物不允许带入指定的公共避难所。 yeeyan Sami have long used the tents as portable shelters—their wide bases and forked poles enable them to withstand winds of up to50 miles an hour on the Arctic tundra. 长期以来,萨米族人一直把这些帐篷用作便携式避难所——宽大的底部和叉状的支杆使它们能够承受住北极冻原上每小时多达50英里的大风。 yeeyan Some suspect that the wily Swiss set a trap, hoping to placate America, which has been cracking down hard on Swiss tax shelters. 有人怀疑诡计多端的瑞士人为讨好美国设了一个圈套,因为后者正严厉制裁瑞士的避税庇护。 yeeyan Some took refuge at cyclone shelters while many simply set up camp beside the roads. 一些人在飓风庇护所逃难,许多人简单地在路边搭起帐篷。 ebigear The shelters will be located in the heart of residential communities. 这些庇护所将在居民区的中心地带设立。 cri They might live in shelters or weekly hotels or abandoned buildings or even on the streets. Anywhere except a permanent home. 他们可能住在收容所、旅店、废弃的建筑物,甚至是街头,可能是任何地方,除了固定的住所。 ebigear This year, she canceled the meal and donated a dozen turkeys to two homeless shelters. 今年她取消了这顿大餐,并捐赠了一打火鸡给两个无家可归者庇护所。 yeeyan Turkey pushed hard for the convention, which calls for hotlines, shelters and legal aid for abused women. 土耳其极力推行为受虐待妇女呼吁热线,庇护所和法律援助的条约。 kekenet We have set up early warning systems for frosts and shelters for animals. 我们已经建立了霜冻预警系统,为动物建立了庇护所。 yeeyan We've grown more adept at shaping these underground shelters and passages over the millennia, and today we dig for hundreds of reasons. 经过几千年,今天我们能熟练的塑造这些地下避难所或者通道,同时我们有更多的数以百计理由来建造他们。 yeeyan |