

单词 sheering
释义 sheer·ing 英ʃɪəʳ美ʃɪr COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
A 完全的,十足的

complete; thorough


very steep; almost up and down


thin, light and almost transparent

vi. 避开; 突然转向

turn as if to avoid hitting sth; change direction quickly

complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers;

absolute freedom

an absolute dimwit

a downright lie

out-and-out mayhem

an out-and-out lie

a rank outsider

many right-down vices

got the job through sheer persistence

sheer stupidity

not mixed with extraneous elements;

plain water

sheer wine

not an unmixed blessing

very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front;

a bluff headland

where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise

a sheer descent of rock

so thin as to transmit light;

a hat with a diaphanous veil

filmy wings of a moth

gauzy clouds of dandelion down

gossamer cobwebs

sheer silk stockings

transparent chiffon

vaporous silks

straight up or down without a breakdirectly;

he fell sheer into the water

turn sharply; change direction abruptly;

The car cut to the left at the intersection

The motorbike veered to the right

cause to sheer;

She sheered her car around the obstacle






用作形容词 adj.
~+名词sheer cliff〔rock〕陡峭的悬崖〔岩石〕sheer waste of time纯粹浪费时间sheer chance偶然sheer nonsense一派胡言sheer nylon薄而透明的尼龙
sheer away v.+adv.

突然转向,急转change direction suddenly

sheer awayThe boat came close to the rocks and then sheered away.船靠近岩石时突然掉转航向。
She tends to sheer away from any discussion of her divorce.一谈到离婚,她就转变话题。
sheer off v.+adv.

躲开,避开 go away; leave in a different direction; take avoiding action

sheer offThe speed-boat seemed to be heading straight towards some swimmers but sheered off at the last moment.那快艇眼看驶向一些游泳的人,但最后一刻它改变了航向。
The boat was able to sheer off in time to avoid an accident.那船及时地躲开,避免了一场事故。
When he saw me coming he sheered off in the opposite direction.他一看到我过来,掉头就走了。
I saw her in the High Street, but she sheered off so as not to meet me!我在大街上看见了她,但她故意避开我。
Every time that delicate subject was mentioned, he would sheer off from it.每当提到那个微妙的题目时,他都要避开。sheer sb/sth ⇔ offYou should sheer off the urchin.你应该躲避这顽童。近义词 purethinsharpperfect
反义词 mixedthickpartialincompleteadj. coarse
~+ n.He achieved his aim by sheer strength of will.他纯粹靠意志力达到了目的。
It's a sheer cliff there.那边有一座悬崖。
The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.瀑布从1000英尺的高处直泻而下。
She wears a pair of sheer stockings.她穿着一双透明的丝袜。
S+be+~+to- vThe mountain was too sheer to climb.这山太陡峭了,无法攀登。
That dress is too sheer to wear without a slip.那条连衣裙太透明了,没有衬裙不能穿。


sheer是不及物动词,常跟副词away, off连用。

用作副词用作动词When he saw me coming hesheeredoff in the opposite direction.他一看到我过来,掉头就走了。
You should sheer off the urchin.你应该躲避这顽童。as in.lean
同义词 bow,drift,incline,nod,prop,recline,slant,tilt,tip,twist,veerbeetle,cant,careen,curve,decline,deflect,dip,divert,droop,heel,jut,list,overhang,pitch,place,repose,rest,roll,sag,sheer,sink,slope,turnbe off,be slanted,bear on,fasten on,hang on,put weight on,rest on
反义词 straighten,ascend,riseas in.pivot
同义词 depend,rotate,swivel,twirl,veer,whirlhang,hinge,rely,sheer,spin,turn,volte-face,wheel,whipbe contingent
反义词 stayas in.skid
同义词 drift,glide,slip,swerve,veermove,sheer,skew,sluego into skidas in.swerve
同义词 deflect,lurch,skid,stray,veerbend,depart,deviate,dip,diverge,err,incline,move,sheer,shift,sideslip,sidestep,skew,slue,swing,tack,turn,wander,waver,winddepart from,get off course,go off course,sheer off,train off
反义词 go directstay,remain,straightenas in.swing
同义词 curve,dangle,flap,fluctuate,hang,lurch,pitch,pivot,rotate,sway,swivel,turn,twirl,veer,wave,whirl,wiggle,wobbleavert,deflect,divert,oscillate,palpitate,reel,revolve,rock,roll,sheer,shunt,suspend,swerve,undulate,vary,vibrate,volte-face,waggle,wheelbe pendent,pendulate,turn about,turn on an axis,wag
反义词 be stillstabilizeas in.turn
同义词 change,convert,move,return,shift,swing,switch,transform,twistabout-face,aim,alter,alternate,backslide,capsize,curve,depart,detour,detract,deviate,digress,direct,diverge,incline,inverse,invert,loop,pivot,recoil,redirect,regress,relapse,retrace,revert,sheer,shunt,sidetrack,subvert,sway,swerve,swirl,tack,upset,vary,veer,volte-face,wheel,whip around,whirl,zigzagcall off,change position,double back,face about,go back,rechannel,shy away
反义词 hold,keep,persist,remain,stagnate,stay,continue,develop,grow,lose,progress,straightenmake wellas in.veer
同义词 bend,deflect,depart,deviate,diverge,divert,drift,pivot,shift,skid,swerve,swing,twist,whirlavert,bear,change,curve,cut,digress,dip,divagate,sheer,skew,swivel,tack,turn,wheel,whipangle off,be deflected,change course,get around,make a left,make a right,train off,volte-face
反义词 keep tostay,straighten,go directas in.whip
同义词 pull,rush,shoot,snatch,tear,whirl,whiskavert,deflect,dive,divert,flash,flit,fly,jerk,pivot,seize,sheer,surge,turn,veer,wheel
反义词 stay,walkas in.deflect
同义词 avert,bend,cover up,divert,hook,pivot,ricochet,slip,swerve,veer,whipcurve,deviate,disperse,diverge,fend,parry,sheer,shy,sidetrack,slew,twist,wheel,whirl,windglance off,hold off,keep off,volte-face
反义词 stay,straightenas in.dip
同义词 decline,drop down,fall,go down,nose-dive,plummet,plunge,reach,recede,sag,sink,skid,slip,slump,spiral,tumblebend,disappear,droop,fade,incline,set,settle,sheer,skew,slant,slope,slue,subside,swoop,tilt,veer,verge
反义词 advance,ascend,go up,increase,rise,even,level,straightenraiseas in.divert
同义词 alter,deflect,redirect,switchavert,change,modify,pivot,sheer,swerve,veer,wheel,whip,whirlturn aside,volte-face
反义词 stay,straightenanger,be direct,irritate,keep to,maintain,make mad,upset In conformity with fabric observation, there are flattening S plane and sheering S planes in silicified rock.
对硅化岩进行组构观察,可见压扁 S面和剪切 S面; cnki

The web limitation of height- width ratio was analysed by using sheering action, bending action, sheering and bending action and using strength after web- yielding.
本文主要从剪应力、弯曲应力、弯曲剪切共同作用以及腹板屈服后强度利用等方面分析了腹板高厚比的限值。 cnki

The ability of sheering barriers by swerving of the self- navigated ultrasonic exploring car affects its ability of driving by exploring ways.
自主导航的超声波探路车,其转弯避障的能力极大影响了其探路行驶的能力。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The melting of metal jet current results not only from adiabatic sheering, but the friction between jet current and base plate also plays an important role in jet current melting .
通过分析,射流熔化的原因并非仅仅来自绝热剪切,射流与基体的摩擦生热同样起着重要的作用。 cnki




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