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词汇 Sheehan
释义 Sheehan ˈʃiːən 
Explainer thanks Dr. Dave Lochbaum, Director of the Nuclear Safety Project, and Neil Sheehan of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
感谢原子能安全项目的戴夫.洛赫鲍姆博士和原子能管理委员会的尼尔.希恩。 yeeyan

In August2005 Cindy Sheehan set up camp in Crawford after her son was killed serving in Iraq. Hundreds of anti-war activists joined her demonstration.
2005年八月,由于其子丧命于伊拉克, Cindy Sheehan在克拉福特扎营以示抗议,随后几百名反战积极分子加入其中。

Since her son was killed last year in Iraq, Sheehan, a common mother from California, has become an anti-war icon in the United States.
希恩的儿子去年4月在伊拉克阵亡。 此后,这位来自加利福尼亚州的普通母亲成了美国著名的反战人士。 cri

The only writer who I think has gotten it right, aside from people in the inner circle like George Reisman and Nathaniel Branden, is Frederick Sheehan, author of Panderer to Power.
而我认为,除了像乔治·赖斯曼和纳撒尼尔·布兰登这样的内部人士,只有一个记者弗雷德里克·希恩看懂了这种关系。 yeeyan

“A Fiery Peace in a Cold War, ” Neil Sheehan's deeply researched, compulsively readable and important book, is about one of those decisions.
尼尔·希汉所著的《冷战中的暗潮汹涌》是一本研究深刻,引人入胜的宏篇巨作。 这本书就是关于这其中一项决策的。 yeeyan

At her campsite, Sheehan said each one was a valuable human life and an indispensable member of his or her family, so they should not be the “ playthings for the people who lust for greed and power.”
希恩在克劳福德农场外的营地说:“每个人都是一个有价值的生命。每个人都是其家庭不可或缺的一员,而不是那些追求贪欲和权力的人的玩物。” cri

Back in Washington DC, hundreds of people gathered in front of the White House to show support for Sheehan, and urged Bush to meet her.
在美国首都华盛顿,当晚也有数百人聚集在白宫周围,要求布什面见希恩,答应她的要求。 cri

Battle has inspired some peerless journalism, from the likes of Alan Moorehead in the second world war, James Cameron in Korea, David Halberstam and Neil Sheehan in Vietnam.
战场孕育出了一批出类拔萃的新闻报道,从二战期间的艾伦·莫海德,朝鲜战争中的詹姆斯·卡麦伦,越战中的大卫·海尔博斯戴姆和内尔·西罕。 yeeyan

Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Specialist Casey A. Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq on April4,2004.
Cindy Sheehan是2004年4月4号在伊拉克被杀的专家 Casey A Sheehan的母亲。 yeeyan

Cindy Sheehan, an antiwar activist, has even compared her to talk- radio's Rush Limbaugh.
辛迪·希恩,一位反战活动家,甚至把她比作广播电台主持人拉什•林堡。 ecocn

Graphene could be a sort of nanoscale“ electronic breadboard”, says Sheehan.
石墨烯可能成为纳米级的“电子电路试验板”,希恩说。 yeeyan

John Sheehan, the director of dairy safety for the Food and Drug Administration, says that the agency has thoroughly examined the claimed health benefits and found no support for any of them.
食品药品管理局奶制品安全处长 John Sheehan奶制品安全处仔细检查过生奶所谓的健康益处,但是没有找到任何支持的证据。 ecocn

Meanwhile, John Sheehan, a former supreme allied commander of NATO, said his recent statement blaming the presence of openly gay UN peacekeepers for making the massacre possible, was wrong.
但同时,北约的一名前欧洲最高统帅表示,他近日谴责联合国维和部队招募同性恋士兵导致了屠杀发生的说法是错误的。 ecocn

Politicians used Greenspan as what Sheehan calls their“air- raid shelter.”
政客们利用格林斯潘,用希恩的话说,作为他们的“空袭避难所”。 yeeyan

She has published five books, has her own Internet radio show, Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox, and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
她出版了5本书,有一家自己的网络电台节目“ Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox”,获得诺贝尔和平奖提名。 yeeyan

So far, Bush has not responded to Sheehan's request to meet her.
到目前为止,正在休假的布什还没有直接回应希恩的要求。 cri

Sheehan calls him “ the handsomest general in the United States Air Force.”
施里弗称其为美国空军最帅将军。 yeeyan




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