

单词 sheath
释义 sheath 英ʃiːθ美ʃiθAHDshēth ★☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA¹⁸⁸²³BNC²⁰⁷⁵⁷iWeb¹⁰⁹⁶⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a protective covering as for a knife or swordan enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or parta dress suitable for formal occasions来自古英语sceath,套,护套。来自原始日耳曼语*skaithiz,套,护套。来自原始印欧语*skei,切,分开,词源同segment, section, science。比喻用法,即两块分开的木板,剑鞘的原型。 segment来自拉丁语secare,砍,切。来自原始印欧语*sek,砍,切,词源同section, secateurs。-ment,名词后缀。引申诸相关词义。 section来自拉丁语secare,切,分。来自原始印欧语*sek,切,砍,词源同segment, bisect。-ct,过去分词格,-ion,名词后缀。引申诸相关词义。 science来自古法语science,知识,学习,习得。来自拉丁语scientia,知识,学识,专长。来自scire,知道,了解,字面意思即区分,鉴别。来自原始印欧语*skei,砍,切,劈,分开,词源同shed, shin, scythe。词义演变比较intelligence,智能,智商,原义为选择和区分的能力。后词义专门化为科学。sheath knife鞘刀close sheath闭鞘tendon sheath腱鞘lead sheath铅皮,铅防护套…copper sheath铜包皮dentinal sheath牙质鞘sheath loss包皮损耗root sheath根鞘rubber sheath橡胶护套cable sheath电缆包皮层steel sheath钢皮epithelial sheath上皮鞘fibrous sheath纤维鞘myelin sheath髓鞘plasma sheath等离子壳层protective sheath接地屏蔽plastic sheath塑料护皮metallic sheath金属套管,金属包皮…proboscis sheath吻鞘condom安全套
GRE红宝书shears是剪刀,sheath是剪刀鞘,结尾一个是s,一个是thGRE难词记忆sheath 音“西施”→西施扬眉剑出鞘谐音记忆sheath音“西施”⇒西施扬眉剑出鞘近义词 shell壳case例子casing套skin皮肤cover封面covering覆盖物scabbard刀、剑鞘cocktail dress正式场合穿的短裙…

用作名词Put the dagger back in itssheath.把短剑插回鞘内。
As he stepped forward, it dropped out of itssheath.约押前行,刀从鞘内掉出来。
The continuous filament polyestersheathis braided over a continuous nylon fiber core.连续细丝聚酯护套被编织物包上连续的尼龙纤维核心上方。
The polyestersheathprovides added protection for ultraviolet light and from chemicals that are harmful to nylon.聚酯护套提供增加的保护紫外线和从化学制品对尼龙伤害。noun.case
同义词 coveringcover,scabbard,sheathing,spathe,wrappingnoun.covering
同义词 coatcapsule,case,dress,envelope,scabbard,skin,wrapper
armornoun protective covering, often made of metal
bulletproof vest,defense,guard,hard shell,mail,plate,protection,security,shield
blanketnoun cover, covering
casenoun container;items in container
casingnoun covering
condomnoun birth control
French letter,contraceptive,johnny,prophylactic,protection,raincoat,rubber,safe,sheath
covernoun wrapping
awning,bark,binding,canopy,canvas,cap,caparison,case,ceiling,cloak,clothing,coating,covering,coverlet,dome,dress,envelope,hood,integument,jacket,lid,marquee,overlay,paint,parasol,roof,screen,sheath,sheet,shroud,stopper,tarp,tarpaulin,tegument,tent,top,umbrella,wrapper,wraps A bull, meanwhile, stimulates itself by alternately protruding its penis from a genital sheath, while some moose can ejaculate simply by rubbing their antlers on bits of vegetation.
与之同时,公牛刺激自己的方式是把它的生殖器间歇地从生殖包皮里伸出,而某些北美麋在草木上简单地擦擦鹿角就能射精。 yeeyan

And the LORD commanded the angel; and he put up his sword again into the sheath thereof.
耶和华吩咐使者,他就收刀入鞘。 ebigear

And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.
对以色列地说,耶和华如此说,我与你为敌,并要拔刀出鞘,从你中间将义人和恶人一并剪除。 ebigear

“ Because there is no myelin damage at birth, we assumed prions are needed to maintain the quality of the myelin sheath, which diminishes throughout life, ” says Aguzzi.
因为老鼠在出生时没有髓磷脂损害,我们假设这种蛋白是为了维持髓磷脂的质量,并且在整个生命周期内会逐渐减小。 yeeyan

Another key factor is the insulating fatty sheath encasing neuron fibers, which affects the speed of electrical signals.
另一个关键要素是将神经纤维与外界隔离的脂肪鞘,它可以影响电信号的传输速度。 kekenet

But frequently what we see are disruptions in the way that a protein, it’s like an insulation sheath around the nerve cell, grows and develops.
但是,我们经常看到一种蛋白质的生长和发育的途径被打断,这种蛋白质就像一个神经细胞周围绝缘护套。 yeeyan

But when it was lacking in axons but present in the so-called Schwann cells that actually form the myelin sheath, the mice got sick.
但 PrP若不在轴突而在形成髓磷脂鞘的施沃恩细胞里时,老鼠就病了。 yeeyan

Don't use a dollar store extension cord with a flimsy, thin rubber sheath to get power to your HDTV.
不要用从一元店买来的橡胶层又轻又薄的延长电缆去给你的高清电视供电。 yeeyan

Dr Hess envisages a ray of light travelling down an optical fibre made from two materials: a core with a negative refractive index and an outer sheath with a positive one.
赫斯博士构想出一个画面,即一道光正穿越于一个由两种材料制作的光导纤维,一种是具有正折射指数的纤维核,另一种则是具有正折射指数的外围。 ecocn

Every time she stepped on a stage, resplendent in gold brocade or high hats or a sheath of shiny leopard skin, she unleashed the power of music to thrill, shock, elevate, and set men and women free.
每当走上舞台,她在金色的锦服或高高的帽子或光泽豹皮鞘中熠熠生辉,她释放出的音乐威力,如雷电如击鼓,令人激昂,予人自由。 ecocn

Everyone agrees that MS destroys the fatty myelin sheath that enwraps many nerve fibers.
所有人都同意医学干涉毁掉了许多脊髓鞘——它们将许多神经纤维包裹在内。 yeeyan

He drew his sword in its sheath and apologized for his defiance of the domestic, claiming a misunderstanding, and quickly left the scene.
他把剑放回鞘内,并为自己对仆人的挑战道歉,声称只是一个误会,然后快速地离开了。 yeeyan

In Byzantine times a simple silver sheath was made to hold a piece of the saint's arm.
在拜占庭时期,用一个简易的银质剑鞘来保存圣乔治的一只手臂; ecocn

Its researchers have turned them into a type of cell that produces the insulating sheath around a nerve cell.
其研究人员已经把干细胞变成了一种在神经细胞周围产生绝缘护套的细胞。 ecocn

Javert put on his hat again, and advanced a couple of paces into the room, with arms folded, his cane under one arm, his sword in its sheath.
沙威戴上帽子,朝屋里走了两步,叉着胳膊,腋下夹根棍子,剑在鞘中。 ebigear

Some researchers suspect that tissue stiffening plays a role in multiple sclerosis, in which nerves lose their protective myelin sheathJournal of Biology, vol8, p78.
一些研究人员怀疑,组织硬化导致多发性硬化症,这种疾病令神经失去髓鞘的保护《生物学杂志》,第8卷,第78页; yeeyan

The injury is actually the swelling of the sheath within which the cord slides.
这中伤痛实际上是跟腱鞘肿大。 yeeyan

These, in turn, generate a structure called the myelin sheath, which insulates nerves against leakage of the electrical signals that carry their messages around.
这些,反过来,产生一种叫做髓鞘的组织,它能隔离神经细胞防止电信号周围携带的信息泄漏。 yeeyan

They are the products of changes in the frontal lobe of our brains, in the rate of neuron growth, in the shedding of the myelin sheath around our nerve cells.
它们是大脑额叶、神经细胞成长速率、神经细胞髓鞘脱落的改变的产物。 yeeyan

When something took one of his remaining baits, he cut the line with his sheath knife.
当他剩下的鱼饵中有一块被咬住时,他就用自己那把带鞘的刀把钓丝给割断了。 putclub

Whenever there’s a nick or hairline crack in an insulation sheath, the electrical field in the underlying copper subtly shifts.
在绝缘套上只要出现缺口或者毛细裂缝,线缆里的铜周围的电场就会轻微改变。 yeeyan

While some may choose a simple sheath of light materials, perhaps the ideal choice for a bridal gown on the beach will be one with a design rule.
于是有人会选择轻质材料的女士紧身衣,也许是在海滩上新娘礼服的理想选择将会有一定的设计规则。 yeeyan




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