

单词 sheatfishes
释义 sheatfishes 英'ʃiːtfɪʃ美'ʃiːtˌfɪʃ
large elongated catfish of central and eastern Europe Activates the official troop truly, needs a crowd “thesheatfish”.真正激活公务员队伍,需要一群“鲶鱼”。
Orientalsheatfishis one of economic fish for saline-alkali fishery wetlands in Songnen Plain.鲇鱼是松嫩平原盐碱湿地重要的高值食用鱼类之一。
The body reduces prices blatantly for profession giant's Wan Ke, without doubt becomes the agitation real estate market thesheatfish.身为行业巨头的万科公然降价,无疑成为搅动房地产市场的“鲶鱼”。
The newt swims by means of its feet and tail; and its tail resembles that of thesheatfish, to compare little with great.蝾螈通过它的脚和尾巴游动,它的尾巴类似于六须鲇,只是有小与大的区别。
Perhaps, the official appoints the system also to be insufficient “the activation” the entire official troop, or, one “thesheatfish” is insufficient.也许,公务员聘任制还不足以“激活”整个公务员队伍,或者说,一条“鲶鱼”是不够的。
Someone used the very common throwing line and hooked a catfish and asheatfishas heavy as 50 jin, and someone got an Aohua as heavy as 20 jin, a rare fish in Wusuli River, just with the long rod.有人曾用极普通的甩线钓上了50多斤重的鲶鱼和六须鲶,还有人用海竿钓上了乌苏里江稀有的20多斤重的鳌花。




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