

单词 shc
释义 shcCOCA¹⁶⁵⁴⁵⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
Gargoyle Arctic SHC400 Series lubricants are recommended for reciprocating or rotary screw refrigerating compressors primarily where halogenated refrigerants are being used.
冷冻机油系列适用于以卤化物为冷冻剂的往复式及螺杆式压缩机。 sunmsc.com

Conclusion:The levels of viral load and the degree of liver injury in PTHC are significantly higher than those in SHC, different infective mode with HCV can bring on different clinical effect.
结论: PTHC组患者病毒血症水平和肝脏功能损害的程度均显著高于 SHC组, HCV不同的感染途径可导致患者不同的感染结果。 cnki

Famous cases include Jack Angel’s account of SHC that led to his hand needing amputation, or Mary Reeser who was burned to a crisp and found with a shrunken skull.
著名的案例有:记录在案的杰克·安吉尔Jack Angel自燃,导致手部截肢,还有玛丽·里瑟 Mary Reeser整个人烧透,被发现时仅仅只剩一块萎缩的头盖骨。 yeeyan

Mobil SHC PF462 is resistant to attack by chemicals and contaminants, including hydrocarbon oils, alcohols, acids, and caustic.
美孚 SHC PF462耐化学品和污染物,包括碳氢油类,醇类,氨基酸,和苛性攻击。 winok

The SHC- APF include a selective detection unit and a closed loop for DC voltage control and current control.
这种有源电力滤波器由选择性谐波检测环节、电压控制和电流控制环节组成。 cnki

SHC is burning from the inside out.
人体自燃是指由人体内部自发燃烧。 yeeyan

SHC type water level automatic measuring and reporting system was developed, researched and produced jointly by Shanghai Harbour Superintendence Administration and SSSRI.
SHC型水位自动测报系统由上海海监局海测大队与交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所等单位共同开发和研制。 dictall




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