

单词 shaved head
释义 shaved head短语⁵⁹⁵⁹⁶
A shaved head was typically associated with monks, soldiers, and prisoners, all communities where individual identity is denied.
光头通常令人联想到和尚、士兵、犯人,这些社群都排斥个体性。 christies

Anderson’s trained eye went immediately to the one person who was alone and moving faster than all the others. Shaved head.
安德森那双经过训练的眼睛很快盯上了一个单独的人,他比其他的人走得都要快。 yeeyan

A car stops and a window slides down, revealing a monk with a shaved head and grey robes.
一辆汽车停在我面前,车窗滑下了,车里坐着的是一位光头和尚,他穿着灰色的僧衣。 yeeyan

A shaved head who left the root of the hair, the total length of600 feet.
一个剃光头的人所留下的头发根,其总长度还有600尺。 tradeask

Guo, a doughy-faced37-year-old with a closely shaved head, is seen as a people's hero for his populist humor, which skewers the police, bureaucrats and celebrities.
几乎光头的郭先生37岁,因为其大众化的幽默被民众视为人民英雄,这种幽默串烧了警察、官僚、名人。 gangsiwowo.com

I think I was around10 or12, and I sent a very enthusiastic and grammatically incorrect message including a picture of my shaved head.
我记得我当时大概是十或是十二岁,寄了一封非常热情,并且文法不太正确的信,并附上我剃头的相片。 app43

Milan has changed Ronaldo in more ways than one, as he has shelved the trademark shaved head in favour of short dark hair.
米兰在其它方面也改变了罗纳尔多,标志性的光头不见了,取而代之是短短的黑发。 blog.sina.com.cn




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