

单词 shaved
释义 shave·d 英ʃeɪv美ʃeɪv 高COCA²²²⁰⁹BNC²¹⁶³¹iWeb²²⁵⁸⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
vt. & vi. 剃胡须; 刮脸

take hair from the face by using a razor

vt. 擦过; 掠过

come very close to sb/sth without touching him or it

the act of removing hair with a razor
remove body hair with a razorcut closely;

trim my beard

cut the price ofcut or remove with or as if with a plane;

The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood

make shavings of or reduce to shavings;

shave the radish

touch the surface of lightly;

His back shaved the counter in passing

shave, brush, glance, graze, shim


用作动词 v.
~+名词shave one's beard剃胡须shave a board刨一块木板shave the chocolate把巧克力切成薄片shave the corner擦过拐角shave one's face刮脸~+副词shave daily天天刮胡须shave cleanly刮得很干净shave closely掠过shave freshly刚刚刮过shave neatly刮得很整洁shave off刮掉,剃掉shave up剃光
shave off¹ v.+adv.

剃,刮,削平 cut off close to the skin; remove from any surface

shave sth ⇔ offSome people entering religious groups have to shave their hair off as proof of their sincerity.有些人加入宗教组织必须削发,以示心诚。
Please don't shave off your beard without warning me,I'm so used to your face with it.别不跟我说一声就刮掉你的胡须,我已看惯了你那长胡子的脸。
I was just able to get the car into the garage, but I'm afraid I shaved off some of the paint from the door.我勉强开进了车库,不过恐怕我还是把门上的漆蹭掉了一些。
The carpenter shaved off the rough corners of the plank.木匠把木板的粗角刨平。
shave off² v.+prep.

剃,刮,削平 cut off close to the skin; remove from any surface

shave sth off sthShe sometimes shaves the hair off her leg.她有时剃腿上的汗毛。
He shaved a millimetre off the block.他把木头削去一毫米。shaved=-ed⇒v.刮⁴²;剃³²;修剪²;掠过³;削减n.剃须¹⁰;修面;剃刀v.刨掉削掉削减;略减;拼命讨价还价;善于讲价;剃³²头发|胡须剃去…上的毛发;为某人剃毛发;刮⁴²脸|胡子把…切成薄片;擦过;挤过;勉强通过;调低;降价n.刮脸;幸免;侥幸逃过;削片;薄片;剃³²胡子擦过掠过票据的杀价收买;刮胡刀;刨刀近义词 cut切rub擦snip剪piece件bit少量trim修剪peel果皮clip夹住pare削减dock码头skin皮肤away离开thin薄的shear修剪brush刷子graze放牧touch触摸flake薄片scrap碎片scale刻度slice薄片plane飞机scrape刮掉fleece羊毛crop农作物paring削皮sliver裂片cut off切断shaving剃须remnant残余peeling剥皮cutting切断poll民意测验barber理发师cut away切掉snip off剪掉shred撕成碎片splinter尖碎片thin slice薄片whittle削木头shive碎片薄塞scrape away刮去retrench减少开支mow割草、麦等…knock off停止做某事off表示状态的关闭或离开…shard陶器或玻璃等的碎片…
S+~+AI shave every day.我每天刮胡子。
He only shaves once a week.他每星期只刮一次脸。
S+~+ n./pron.Father shaved his beard.父亲剃了胡须。
Do you shave your face every day?你每天都刮脸吗?
The carpenter was shaving a board.木匠在刨一块木板。
The bus just shaved me by an inch.公共汽车从我身边一英寸左右掠过。
The car shaved the corner.汽车擦过拐角。
She shaved the chocolate.她把巧克力切成薄片。




用作动词I lathered my face and started toshave.我往脸上涂了皂沫,然后开始刮胡子。
Heshavedhis head bald.他剃了个光头。
He asked me toshavethe lawn.他叫我修剪草坪。
The ball narrowlyshavedhis off stump.那个球紧贴着他的三柱门的外柱掠过。
The lorryshavedthe barrier, scraping its side.那辆卡车掠过路障,刮坏了车身。用作名词He had ashaveand a bath.他刮了脸,又洗了澡。
A sharp razor gives a goodshave.锋利的剃须刀好剃须。
I can't seem to get a closeshavearound my chin area.我好像没法把下颚部分剃干净。
The barber gave him ashaveand a haircut.理发师给他修面理发。
Do not disassemble or handle theshaveroughly.不要拆卸或粗暴地操作电动剃须刀。 It derives from a brief trip we did with General Raymond Odairmo the second most senior American military commander in Iraq, a great bull of a man with a shaved head.
当时和我们同行的是雷蒙德•奥丹尔默将军,他是美军驻伊拉克高级指挥官的第二把手。 他身体强悍、剃着光头。 kekenet

The car just shaved the garage door.

We shaved them off for us.
为了自己,我们剃光了胡子。 yeeyan

What’s more, I live in Berkeley, California: if princesses had infiltrated our little retro- hippie hamlet, imagine what was going on in places where women actually shaved their legs?
而且,我住在加利福尼亚的伯克利:如果连我家这样嬉皮重生的陋室,都能流行公主心态。 住在那些女人还得剃腿毛的地方,该怎么办呢? yeeyan

Wherefore Hanun took David's servants, and shaved them, and cut off their garments in the midst hard by their buttocks, and sent them away.
哈嫩便将大卫臣仆的胡须剃去一半,又割断他们下半截的衣服,使他们露出下体,打发他们回去。 ebigear

After the Nazirite has shaved off the hair of his dedication, the priest is to place in his hands a boiled shoulder of the ram, and a cake and a wafer from the basket, both made without yeast.
他剃了以后,祭司就要取那已煮的公羊一只前腿,又从筐子里取一个无酵饼和一个无酵薄饼,都放在他手上. ebigear

As had happened the night before, he found the little people dancing and singing.The old man shaved him smooth once again, and indicated that he should take some coal.
正如前天晚上一样,他发现小人们又在唱歌跳舞,老人又给他剃了个光头,让他带走一些煤块。 ebigear

Big Bob's sculpted hair had been shaved off and his fingerprints had been burned off with lye.
大奶鲍勃造型过的头发已经都剃秃了,他的指纹也用碱液处理过了。 yeeyan

But he did order his men shaved so that their beards could not be grabbed in battle.
但是他命令手下的男人刮胡子,以防止打仗中被人拽住胡子。 yeeyan

But like the traditional samurai hairstyle shaved pate and topknot, such attitudes are looking increasingly out of date. Writing business software is now a growing business in Japan.
但如同传统日本武士的发型一样刮光半个头皮,在脑袋上将剩下的头发扎起来,日本人对待软件的态度看起来早已过时; yeeyan

But then you have to keep it shaved or else you’ll itch like you have crabs and then you worry that you really have crabs.
但是刮了一次之后你老觉得痒,像梅毒似的,接着你就会担心你是否真的得了梅毒。 yeeyan

Cavemen probably shaved with stone knives, and there’s some suggestion that they may even have trimmed their hair with fire.
野人也许用石刀刮,有人甚至提议他们可以用火来修理头发。 yeeyan

Darwinian man, though well- behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.
达尔文派的人虽然乖巧,但充其量只是一只剃掉毛的猴子。 tingvoa

He quickly ran upstairs, fetched his razor, lathered the goat's head, and shaved her as clean as the palm of his hand.
他匆匆上楼,拿来一把剃须刀,在羊头上抹上肥皂,将羊头剃得像手掌心一样光。 ebigear

I’d have my scalp completely shaved; they would put sickly reptilian skin on my hands and cover my eyebrows with prosthetic pieces.
我会剃光头,然后让化妆师在我的手上装上恶心的爬虫类皮肤,和在眉毛以上覆盖假皮。 yeeyan

I grew a beard during the trip. but I shaved it off when I came home.
我在旅行时留了胡子,但我回到家时就把它刮了。 ebigear

I'm proud to admit that I shaved a Y in the back of my head.
我自豪的承认我在后脑勺上剃出了个 Y字! ecocn

In fact, this shaved-headed, soft-spoken Brit is anything but.
但事实上,这个小伦敦汉子也不过就是剃着板寸,外加柔声细气而已。 yeeyan

In a quiet field, Dr. Dial,57, with a shaved head and goatee, stands out with his evangelical zeal about understanding bird flight.
在一块安静的场地里,57岁剃着光头留有山羊胡的戴尔博士非常显眼,正如新教徒般狂热地研究着鸟类的飞行。 yeeyan

It was during that dinner, as I listened proudly, that I finally noticed that Theo had shaved.
就是在这次晚餐中,当我带着自豪的心情倾听时,我终于留意到西奥已经刮了胡子。 yeeyan

Let's put it this way: Other artists got haircuts. Lennon shaved his head— then donated the clippings to a cause.
让我们这样说吧:别的艺术家剪了头发,那列侬就是剃了个头---然后把剪下来的头发捐献给革命运动。 yeeyan

One of the skaters I'd met suddenly shaved his head and disappeared one night.
我遇到一个溜冰者突然剃光了头,从某个晚上起消失了。 yeeyan

The catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan depressed global markets in March, and may have shaved a few tenths of a percentage point off America’s growth.
三月份日本的大地震、海啸及核灾难抑制了全球市场,也可能将美国的经济增长刮去了十分之几个百分点。 ecocn




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