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词汇 Shaun
释义 Shaun ˈʃɒn 高COCA²³²⁶²BNC¹¹⁴³²
Former British soldier Shaun Clark has223 names of troops killed in Afghanistan tattooed on his body see photo in honor of their sacrifice, the Daily Mail reported.

“ We're looking to end homelessness among the men and women who wore our nation's uniform— not reduce or redefine it — but end it, ” HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan says.
住房和城市发展部秘书肖恩•多诺万说,“对于那些穿着国家的制服的人们,我们正在努力结束他们无家可归的状态,注意不是减少,也不是玩文字游戏,而是实打实地帮他们结束这种状态。” yeeyan

But to the new breed of philosophers who test people’s responses to concepts like determinism, there are crucial differences, as Shaun Nichols explains in the current issue of Science.
但对于那些测试人们对宿命论概念反应的新式哲学家们来说,这三个问题有着决定性的不同之处,正如 Shaun Nichols在这期《科学》里解释到的一样。 yeeyan

Common sentiments among housing activists; odder to hear them from Shaun Donovan, HUD’s new secretary.
在房屋活动家积极分子中是一个普通的观点;但是从新任住房与城市发展部部长肖恩多诺万口中说出是很古怪的。 yeeyan

For years, Shaun Ellis has lived a “ Jungle Book” kind of life in England's Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park.
多年来,肖恩·埃利斯在英格兰峡谷马丁野生动物和恐龙公园过着类似于“森林王子”的生活。 yeeyan

I met Shaun, the partner of a good friend of mine, and he and I became mates, so much so that I even agreed to be best woman at his wedding the first one I had ever agreed to attend.
我认识一个叫 Shaun的,他是我的好友的男朋友,我们后来成了挚友,我甚至答应了当他们的婚礼的伴娘,这可是我有生以来第一次当伴娘。 yeeyan

In“ Shaun of the Dead”, the hero, recovering from a hangover, easily mistakes the undead as Londoners stumbling through a drunken haze similar to his own.
在《僵尸肖恩》中,男主角从宿醉中醒来,轻易地错把不死人当成了和他一样喝醉了酒迷迷糊糊在街上跌跌撞撞的伦敦人。 topsage

It was kind of like that scene from Shaun of the Dead where they're dodging zombies in the Phillips' Jaguar, except with hundreds of cars doing the same.
这好像是《僵尸肖恩》里面那些在菲利普斯猎豹群中游走的僵尸们,只不过那些猎豹换成了无数的汽车。 yeeyan

It's a sentiment once professed for every artist from Shaun Cassidy to Paul McCartney.
从肖恩-卡西迪到保罗-麦卡特尼的每个艺人曾说过,那是种情绪。 yeeyan

On Saturday evening he went74 minutes without potting a ball, a period in which Shaun Murphy scored517 points in going from6-3 down to 8-6 up in their semi-final.
周六晚他有74分钟的时间一颗球未进,在此期间肖恩墨菲拿了517分,并在这场半决赛中从3:6落后打成8:6领先。 yeeyan

That’s how Shaun Stewart felt when he started receiving brochures from colleges.
这就是肖恩斯图尔特感觉时,他从大学开始接受小册子。 yeeyan

Then one day I went in to a Fitness First gym and met my boss Shaun.
有一天,我在 Fitness First健身俱乐部遇到我的老板 Shaun。 yeeyan

There is also interest from a French club, but these are all options Shaun will have to consider.
还有家来自法国的俱乐部,这些俱乐部肖恩都会考虑的。 yeeyan

There are several different takes of the scene where Nick Frost’s character Ed attempts to cheer up Shaun by telling stories about the pub regulars.
这出戏中有几处不同的取景镜头:尼克.福斯特的角色艾德说着酒吧荤段子要跟肖恩干杯。 yeeyan

There is also a spin- off of a spin-off planned for pre-schoolers called Timmy Time, featuring the character Timmy from Shaun the Sheep.
另外还计划了一档专为学龄前儿童拍摄的衍生剧《蒂米时间》 Timmy Time,主要展示的是《小羊肖恩》里的角色小蒂米。 yeeyan

Shaun Rein is the founder and managing director of the China Market Research Group, a strategic market intelligence firm. He writes for Forbes on leadership, marketing and China.
作者是市场战略智库机构中国市场研究集团总裁及发起人,同时也为《福布斯》杂志撰写营销和领导力方面的稿件。 yeeyan

Shaun Cozett, from South Africa’s Working for Water program, says the country’s increasing death rate has led to a “ great social need for coffins.”
南非“致力于保护水资源”项目员工 Shaun Cozett说,南非不断上升的死亡率导致“社会上对棺材的大量需求。” worldbank

SHAUN WRIGHT- PHILLIPS is resigned to leaving Manchester City this summer despite being given a reprieve by manager Roberto Mancini.
无视主教练曼奇尼的挽留,肖恩·莱特菲利普斯希望在这个夏天离开曼城。 yeeyan




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