

单词 balconies
释义 bal·co·ny 英'bælkəni美'bælkəni COCA²⁴⁴⁷⁰BNC¹⁹⁴⁰²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a raised flat surface which is built out from the upstairs wall of a building


the seats upstairs in a theatre

an upper floor projecting from the rear over the main floor in an auditoriuma platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or railing or parapet1610左右进入英语,直接源自意大利语的balcone,意为阳台terminal balcony终端杆站台distributing frame balcony配线架平台exterior balcony凸阳台balcony balustrade阳台栏杆balcony facing阳台饰面balcony truss眺台桁架open balcony露天阳台first balcony第一层楼厅的前排座位…circle圆圈dress circle剧院第一层楼厅的前排…
近义词 deckboxesupstairs porch
用作名词n.You can see the sea from our balcony.你从我们的阳台上就能看见大海。
He was watching a performance from the balcony.他正在从楼厅上看电影。
用作名词The prospect from thebalconywas breathtaking.从阳台上看去景色美极了。
He planted some flowers on thebalconythat projects over the street.他在那个伸出到街上的阳台上种了些花。
He was watching a performance from thebalcony.他正在从楼厅上看电影。
I'm sorry, all thebalconyseats are sold out.抱歉,包厢的票都卖完了。 The lovers chased each other around ladders and balconies, and fairies covered the walls with hearts and thunderclouds scribbled in chalk.
梯子间,阳台上,沐浴爱河的人们在互相追逐着,墙上留下了精灵用粉笔绘制的爱心和雷雨云。 ecocn

The architecture of these three-storey brick buildings with recessed balconies and decorative metal railings were modeled after structures in Southern China.
这些三层楼砖砌建筑、带凹形的阳台和装饰性的金属栏杆的建筑风格都是仿效中国南方的建筑结构。 yeeyan

The service was held in the indoor section of a soccer stadium, with a few thousand seats on the floor divided by an aisle in the middle, and several hundred more people sitting in balconies above.
仪式在一座足球场的室内部分举行,在地层场地中摆着几千个座位,中间有一条通道隔开,还有几百个人坐在上层的楼座。 yeeyan

They filled the stairs leading up the south side of the White House, spilling over onto adjacent balconies.
运动员们站满了通往白宫南面的阶梯,并且延伸到附近的阳台上。 www.voanews.com.cn

Traditional balconies and decorative facade in old town.
古城里的老式阳台及外表的装饰。 kekenet

A neighbor told her the balconies had been blown off her building.
一个邻居告诉她她家的阳台倒塌了。 yeeyan

Existing window cleaners’ balconies were converted into bay windows equipped with built-in air conditioners.
原有的窗户清洁阳台被改造成配有内置式空调的窗户盒子。 blog.sina.com.cn

In Benghazi, the main rebel town, businessmen who had strung rebel flags from their balconies or stuck them on their cars quietly took them down.
在叛军重镇班加西,在自家阳台或者就在自家汽车上树起叛军旗帜的商人们静悄悄地将它们取下。 ecocn

It means that guests can have the option of a sea or tree view and254 rooms with balconies overlook the park.
这使得乘客不仅可以享受海景,还可以欣赏到树林景观。254间带阳台的客房都可俯瞰到这个中央公园。 yeeyan

Located five floors above the Place de la Concorde, the suite's two100- square-meter balconies offer jaw-dropping views of the City of Light and the Eiffel Tower.
地处协和广场5层之上,该套房的两个100平方米的露台可以给客人提供令人惊叹的巴黎城市夜景和艾菲尔铁塔景色。 yeeyan

Men hung like spiders off the balconies and rooftops of surrounding buildings, filming with their mobile phones.
人们如同蜘蛛人一般站在附近建筑物的阳台和屋顶上,举着手机拍摄示威队伍。 ecocn

Men hung off the balconies and rooftops of surrounding buildings, some filming with mobile phones.
男人们在阳台以及周边建筑物的屋顶处张望,一些人在用手机录像。 ecocn

Offices have been closed, and staff and residents warned not to open windows or watch the parade from their balconies.
办公楼都已下班,工作人员和市民被警告不要开窗或从自家阳台上观看阅兵。 yeeyan

On the side alleys of the boulevards, in the branches of the trees, on balconies, in windows, on the roofs, swarmed the heads of men, women, and children; all eyes were filled with anxiety.
在大路的横街里、树枝上、阳台上、窗口上、屋顶上,人头象蚂蚁一样攒动,男人、妇女、小孩,眼睛里充满了不安的神情。 ebigear

On their side of the border Gibraltarians hung Union flags from balconies to remind him of their loyalty.
而在边界的这一边,直布罗陀居民在阳台上悬挂出英国国旗,以提醒他直布罗陀人的民心所向。 ecocn

Others stand on street corners as lookouts while women trill their protest from their balconies.
当妇女们从阳台发出颤抖的抗议声时,另一些人站到街角戒备。 ecocn

People leaned out of windows and balconies to watch the throngs of protesters march, many of whom were Moussavi supporters and conducted largely noisy but peaceful demonstrations.
其他人探出窗口和阳台观看抗议游行的人群。 参与游行的人多为穆萨维的支持者,抗议的声音很大,但是组织却很和平。 yeeyan

Salads, herbs, beans and even root vegetables can be grown in pots in small gardens and on balconies.
生菜、香草、豆类甚至块根类蔬菜都能在小花园或阳台的盆盆罐罐里生长。 yeeyan

Soon fireworks lighted the sky, veiled women ululated from balconies, men danced atop burned out vehicles, and grinning soldiers stuck flags in their rifles.
很快烟花点亮了夜空,蒙着面纱的妇女站在阳台欢呼啜泣,男人们在烧毁的汽车顶跳舞,咧开嘴微笑的士兵将国旗固定在手中的步枪上。 yeeyan

That became obvious during the football World Cup held in Germany in2006, when its black, red and gold flag fluttered above cars and balconies as though patriotism had never gone out of fashion.
这一点在2006年德国世界杯期间表现得非常清楚,当黑红金三色国旗在汽车和阳台上空高高飘扬时,爱国主义仿佛未曾走远。 ecocn

They said snipers were shooting on sight anyone on the streets or residents who venture out on their homes' balconies.
他们说狙击手向街道和敢于在居民住宅阳台上露面的任何人射击。 yeeyan

Tiles and glass lay smashed in the streets and concrete balconies dangled.
因为混凝土建筑摇摆而碎落的瓦片和玻璃撒满街道。 yeeyan

Washing is still hanging on the balconies of destroyed apartment blocks and a child's textbooks lie scattered on the floor.
洗过的衣物仍挂在坍塌的房屋阳台上,小孩子的作业本散落一地。 hjenglish

Women and children leaned from windows and balconies, chanting with the dissidents.
妇女和儿童从窗户、阳台探出身来,应和示威者的呐喊。 yeeyan

You will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies.
你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见。 ebigear




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