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词汇 Sharif
释义 sha·rif 英ʃəˈriːf美ʃəˈrifAHDshə-rēfʹ
Bolstering the economy, mismanaged by Mr Sharif, was one. An ambitious package of local government reforms, establishing elected mayors to run the district-level bureaucracy, was another.
恢复被谢里夫时期管理不善的经济是其中之一,另外还有雄心勃勃的地方政府改革计划,以建立当选市长管理地区级政府制度。 ecocn

Late Sunday in Lahore unidentified gunmen shot and killed a candidate from Mr. Sharif's party who was running in the provincial elections.
在拉合尔,一名身份不明的枪手星期天夜间开枪打死了谢里夫党内一名参加省议会选举的候选人。 kekenet

Mr. Sharif says today was the deadline for an agreement on the judges and now that the deadline is ending, the ministers will meet with the prime minister on Tuesday to hand in their resignations.
谢里夫说,星期一是在法官问题上达成协议的最后期限,现在这个期限已经过去,内阁部长们将于星期二拜会政府总理,提交他们的辞呈。 kekenet

Mr Sharif needs friendly judges to overturn a ban on his eligibility to stand for election, and wants them restored.
谢里夫希望恢复这些法官的职务,因为他需要他们去推翻一个禁止自己参加选举的法令。 ecocn

The odds against Sheik Sharif are still long, but his moderate Islamist government is widely considered to be Somalia’s best chance for stability in years.
反对谢赫·谢里夫的因素仍旧成堆,但他的温和派伊斯兰政府被广泛认为是几十年来最有机会获得稳定的政府。 yeeyan

With control of Punjab, Mr Sharif would be well- placed to rebuild his party with an eye to the next election.
谢里夫先生控制了旁遮普省,他将拥有绝好优势来重建自己的政党,并重点关注下一届的选举。 ecocn

“ The problem with international aid is that it often comes late and is limited,” Sheik Sharif sighed.
“国际援助的问题是,它经常来得迟,并且很有限,”谢赫·谢里夫感叹道。 yeeyan

“ This government faced obstacles that were unparalleled,” said Sheik Sharif, a former high school teacher, who became president in February.
“这届政府所面对的障碍无可比拟,”谢赫·谢里夫说。他曾是一位高中教师,今年二月成为总统。 yeeyan

But Mr Sharif, who showed little regard for the rule of law during his own two riotous spells in power, refused to compromise.
但在自己的两个混乱任期内都从未向法律表示任何敬意的谢里夫却拒绝妥协。 ecocn

Even before the crisis, Sharif had asked me to help in Kashmir, saying it was as worthy of my attention as the Middle East and Northern Ireland.
其实在这次危机之前,谢里夫就曾请我在克什米尔问题上帮忙,他说,这与中东和北爱问题一样值得我关注。 yeeyan

In the 1990s, when Mr Sharif and Miss Bhutto alternated in power, such manoeuvring, viciously pursued, made Pakistan almost as unstable as it is now.
在1990年代谢里夫和贝布托轮流执政时,这种手段被恶意使用,造成当时的巴基斯坦局面如现在般混乱。 ecocn

Mr Sharif, meanwhile, is likely to focus attention on the country’s economic woes, such as25% inflation, acute energy shortages and strikes.
与此同时,谢里夫先生可能将注意力集中在国内经济灾难上,比如25%的通货膨胀,严重的能量短缺和罢工。 ecocn

On the day I met with Sharif, I also signed an executive order placing economic sanctions on the Taliban, freezing its assets and prohibiting commercial exchanges.
同谢里夫会面那天,我还签署了一项行政令:通过冻结其财产和禁止商业汇总的方式实施对塔利班的经济制裁。 yeeyan

Pakistan's interior minister warned Sharif earlier this week that his actions come close to committing treason and he could be arrested if the rallies turn violent.
巴基斯坦内政部长这个星期早些时候警告谢里夫,他的所做所为已经接近叛国罪,如果集会演变成暴力他就可能被逮捕。 iciba

President Sharif says the government needs the help of international peacekeepers to re- establish order and wants AMISOM troops to stay.
谢里夫总统说,政府需要国际维和部队的帮助,重新建立秩序,并且希望非盟驻索马里特派团留下来。 ebigear

She wants General Musharraf to rid her of the corruption charges, brought by Mr Sharif, that have kept her in exile.
布托女士希望穆沙拉夫能取消谢里夫先生对她的腐败指控,这个指控迫使她流亡海外。 ecocn

So what explains Iran's record, and that of Sharif in particular?
那么如何解释伊朗纪录,是谢里夫大学有什么特别的么? yeeyan

That could spell a huge opportunity for Sheik Sharif, though critics say he must get out of Villa Somalia more and connect with the beleaguered population.
这,对谢赫·谢里夫来说,可是上好机会。虽然批评家说他应该走出总统府,和受苦受难的民众建立更加亲密的关系。 yeeyan

The army, though no friend to Mr. Sharif, may support them.
军方可能支持他们,尽管它与谢里夫并无深交。 ecocn

The court also turfed his younger brother, Shahbaz Sharif, out of Punjab’s provincial parliament and his post as its chief minister.
法院还把他的弟弟沙赫巴兹谢里夫驱逐出旁遮普省议会,罢免了他在旁遮普省首席部长职位。 ecocn

The opposition leader, Mr Sharif, holds the cards: any no- confidence motion in parliament would need his backing to succeed.
反对派领袖谢里夫先生现在控制着局势:议会的任何不信任案都需要他的支持才能成功。 ecocn

Though no stickler for legal process during his own riotous spells in power, Mr Sharif has demanded that Mr Musharraf resign—or face impeachment by a two-thirds maj or ity of the next parliament.
尽管谢里夫在其当政的一些骚乱时期并不强调司法诉讼过程,但他已经表示需要穆沙拉夫主动辞职——否则,下届议会中三分之二的多数派就会对他进行弹劾。 ecocn

Through the chopper’s open door, Shahbaz Sharif, chief minister of Punjab, pitches a sack of food, then looks down and heaves out another.
旁遮普省首席部长沙赫巴兹•谢里夫通过直升机开着的门向外扔出一袋食物,然后低下头又举起另一袋。 ecocn

Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.
然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。 yeeyan

Sharif said he wanted to come anyway.
谢里夫说,无论怎样他都会来访。 yeeyan

Sharif says the two parties could not meet an earlier deadline set for the judges' return, because of differences on how to do it.
谢里夫说,两党无法在早先设定的法官复职的最后期限之前达成协议,主要是对具体做法有分歧。 kekenet

Sharif's party wants to restore the deposed justices and have them decide whether to retain those justices appointed by Mr. Musharraf under the provisional constitution.
谢里夫的政党希望,恢复那些被解职的法官的职务,让他们来决定,由穆沙拉夫总统指派的那些法官是否能够保留他们的职位。 ebigear




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