

单词 share stock
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A lot of state companies listed in A share stock market and Hong Kong stock market recently in our country.
目前我国同时发行 A股和 H股的国有控股公司越来越多,这些上市公司每年分配的现金股利在两个市场是一样的。 cnki

China's A- share stock market has longer lagged autocorrelations than the US market;
我国 A股市场的连续性波动与跳跃性波动比美国市场具有更长期的滞后相关性; www.wise.xmu.edu.cn

Enterprise share stock system reconstruct is one of new business recently in our country.
企业股份制改组是我国近年来的一项新业务。 cnki

In Shenzhen A- share stock market, winner's ratio is significantly negative to the initial return, which may support the assumption of the offer price manipulation of large institutional.
在深圳市场上,中签率与初始回报间是显著负相关的,说明初始回报与申购风险成正比,大的机构投资者为了弥补申购风险有操纵上市价格的嫌疑。 cnki

Since China A- share stock market was establishment, there had been a number of huge shocks in the market.
我国 A股市场自建立以来,出现了多次巨幅的市场动荡。 dictall

The article explains that implementing the cooperation of share stock is the radical way out, and some problems Paid to that in operation.
本文阐述了实行股份合作制是根本的出路。并提出了集体企业实行股份制应注意的几个问题。 cnki

The Shanghai A- share stock market closed down3.78 percent and was the third-worst performer in Asia on Monday, trailing only markets in Taiwan and South Korea.
周一,上海 A股市场以下跌3.78%收市,成为继台湾和韩国之后,亚洲股市下降幅度第三个受到重创的市场。 yeeyan




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