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词汇 Shao Yong
释义 Shao Yong
Northern Song Dynasty writer, historian Ouyang Xiu, a poet, calligrapher Huang Tingjian, philosopherShao Yonghas this tour.北宋文学家、史学家欧阳修,诗人、书法家黄庭坚,哲学家邵雍曾多次到此游览。
Soon after that, QinghaiShao YongBu Hexi again, he led the troops goes up to hit more than 170 in the first annihilating enemies.未几,青海永邵卜再犯河西,达云率部击歼敌首一百七十余。
Shao Yong’s happiness philosophy is rich in humanness, observing the world from an objective standpoint.The poems are the fruit ofShao Yong’s inner happiness.邵雍的快乐哲学富于人文内涵,他以闲居、读书、饮酒、作诗为快乐生存的四大雅好,而“以物观物”则是他获取生命快感的思维秘诀。
SHAO Yong's image-numberology conceives rich historical philosophical thought, in which his cosmology and the thought on the law of the development of social history are more peculiar.摘要邵雍象数易学中有丰富的历史哲学思想,其中关于宇宙自然和人类社会历史发展规律的思想尤其有特色。
Theory of Observing ofShao Yongand the Explanation of the Coupling Constants of Electromagnetic Interaction, Weak Interaction and Strong Interaction邵雍观物论与电、弱、强相互作用耦合常数试解




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