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Shandong Province短语³¹⁶⁷⁶ 基本例句 山东省 Handlers at the Wildlife Zoo in Shandong Province say four“ liger” cubs were born to the couple earlier this month. 山东省野生动物园负责人说,雄狮雌虎夫妻这个月初剩下了四个“狮虎”宝宝。 tingvoa In the first quarter of2011, the biggest rise in divorces was in the southwestern province of Sichuan and eastern Shandong Province. 2011年第一季度,离婚上升幅度最大的是西南部的四川省和东部的山东省。 yeeyan Yan Shengqin of Beihe village, in Shandong province, says the distance to the sole officially approved retail outlet and the limited product range deter him and his neighbours. 山东省北河村的严生勤说,唯一政府核准的零售批发商店很远,商品品种也很有限,这使得他和邻居们不太想去买。 yeeyan As well as helping the disabled win benefits, Mr Chen helped farmers in his coastal Shandong province resist illegal land- seizures. 除了帮助残疾人士获得福利外,陈先生还帮助山东省沿海地区的农民抗拒非法的土地剥夺行为。 yeeyan Cabbage is being sold at that price at a supermarket in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province. 山东省济南市超市里的卷心菜就以那个价格卖出。 hxen Changdao of Shandong Province and Laotieshan of Liaoning Province face each other across a great distance. 山东省的长岛和辽宁省的老铁山遥遥相对。《新英汉大辞典》 Google last week that the hacking attacks appeared to come from Jinan, the capital of China's eastern Shandong province and home to an intelligence unit of the People's Liberation Army. 谷歌上周说,表面看来,黑客攻击来自济南,济南是中国东部山东省的省会,同时也是中国人民解放军某情报单位的总部。 yeeyan His100 or so young inmates, mostly boys under16, have been sent to the treatment centre in Shandong province, eastern China, by their parents because they have become hyperactive and uncontrollable. 他的100 名左右的年轻的被治疗者被父母送进了位于中国东部山东省的治疗中心,其中多数是16岁以下的男孩,因为他们调皮捣蛋不听话。 yeeyan If Prime Minister Kan's surname indeed has ties to Shandong province, it may have made the journey to Japan many centuries ago, so any influence on his policy views isn't all that likely. 如果菅直人首相的姓确实与中国山东省有联系,他的祖先也是几百年前就从中国到日本了,所以这层关系预计不会对他的政策产生任何影响。 voa365 In one example of impact, from1998 to2003, CIMMYT extended bed planting in the Yellow River Basin's Shandong Province from a few test plots to more than 26,000 ha. 这方面一个有影响的例子是,从1998年至2003年,国际玉米和小麦改良中心扩大了黄河流域山东省的垄播面积,由少数的试种地块发展到26,000多公顷。 worldbank Meanwhile, farmers in China's eastern Shandong Province say the prices of vegetables they sell to southern provinces have increased a little. 同时,中国东部山东省的农民称,他们出售到南方各省的蔬菜价格只上涨了一点点。 hxen No wonder the Chinese state-owned investment company CITIC is partnering with Lafite to plant vineyards in Shandong province with an eye to future growth in demand. 看到这么好的市场前景,难怪中国国企,中国信托投资公司 CITIC要和拉菲酒庄合作,在山东省经营葡萄园了。 yeeyan One oil producing company in East China's Shandong Province is one of the companies involved in the gutter cooking oil trade case. 中国东部山东省的一间产油公司是卷入地沟油交易案的其中一间公司。 hxen Qingdao, in eastern Shandong Province, was the seventh. 山东省的青岛名列第七。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Rizhao, in Shandong Province, is one of the hundreds of Chinese cities gearing up to really grow. 日照位于山东省,是中国数以百计的加速发展的城市之一。 yeeyan The first case is a27 year old female from Jinan City, Shandong Province. 第一例为一名来自山东省济南市的27岁妇女。 who |