释义 |
Shand ˈʃænd 高 基本例句 n.尚德¹⁰⁰ Aberdeen Coastguard's AlanShandsaid the sheen from the balloons may have caused the confusion.亚伯丁海岸防卫队的艾伦山德说,这些气球发出的亮光可能造成了混淆。 Shand,Alexander H.The Capitalist Alternative:An Introduction to Neo Austrian Economics.New York:New York University Press,1984.该书对当代奥地利学派经济学进行了广泛研究。 Later the population of Dong Yi nation reduced and its culture declined under the repression of Xia andShanddynasties.齐文化作为我国先秦文化的主流又引领了中华民族传统文化的整体进步。 “The issue is the growing of pharmaceutical products in food crops grown outdoors,” said HopeShandof the environmental nonprofit ETC Group in Carrboro, N.虽然北卡罗来纳州相关利益社团没有抵制,但是却激起了环保人士的反对。 |