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词汇 Shan
释义 Shan.

a branch of the Tai languages
用作名词It bears much the same relationship to Siamese andShanthat Latin does to Italian.它与泰语及掸语之间的关系就像拉丁语和意大利语的关系。 But surely Mr Shan has a point: how can profit margins increase when wages and raw material prices have been rising so rapidly?
单伟建还明确的质疑:在工资和原材料价格双双上涨的情况下,利润率如何才能增长得如此之快? ecocn

“ I'm collecting the data and can confirm several cases of violations by government troops,” said a local member of the Shan Nationalities Democratic Party SNDP.
当地的一名掸邦民族民主党 SNDP成员说,“我正在收集资料,能够证实几起政府军犯罪的案子。” yeeyan

“ In Shan State, voters said they will cast ballots for their ethnic-based political parties, ” he said.
他说:“在掸邦,选民说他们会把票投给站在少数民族立场的政党。” yeeyan

“ Now we shan't have to talk, ” he said, smiling into her candid eyes, as they floated away on the soft waves of the Blue Danube.
“现在我们用不着非得讲话了,”他望着她那双真诚的眼睛露出笑容说。 两人乘着《蓝色多瑙河》柔和的波浪漂流而去。 kekenet

“ Within the next one- to- two years, we will, step-by-step, go from a narrow gap to no gap, to even3D, ” enthuses Luo Shan, software development engineer.
软件开发工程师罗山音译满怀热情地说:“在今后的一到两年里,我们将脚踏实地,从减少裂痕到没有裂痕,甚至要实现3D视频。” yeeyan

Additionally, the Burmese Army is also operating offensives in Karen and Shan States.
此外,缅甸政府军也在克伦邦和掸邦发动了军事攻势。 yeeyan

Although a lawyer by training, he currently owns a successful computer shop in a bustling city in the Shan Province.
尽管他是一个训练有素的律师,目前他在繁华城市“掸邦”拥有一家运营成功的电脑商店。 yeeyan

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are said to be manufactured by armed groups in the surrounding Shan state.
安非他命和甲基苯丙胺据说由掸邦周围的武装集团制造。 yeeyan

He also revealed that another local armed ethnic group, the Shan State Army, also fought alongside the KIA against the government's military offensive.
他还透露,另一支少数民族武装部队,掸邦军,也同克钦独立军并肩作战共同抗击政府军的军事攻击。 yeeyan

He himself was happy to retire to a Rangoon mansion with four young Shan wives, describing himself as “a commercial real- estate agent with a foot in the construction industry”.
坤沙自己非常高兴能带上他的四位掸邦妻子退隐到仰光的豪华公寓,说自己成了一个“商业房地产代理,很快就可跻身建筑业”。 ecocn

His force was first called the Shan United Army, and after1991 he headed the Shan State Restoration Council, holding his village“ parliaments” at a table over a beer.
他的军事力量起先是叫“掸邦联合军”,而到了1991年之后,坤沙又领导着“掸邦复辟委员会”,并把他的掸村视为“议会”任意地商谈大小事务。 ecocn

In 1997, Thein Sein became the commander of the Triangle Region Command based in eastern Shan State.

In Burma the British first encouraged and then prohibited opium consumption in the Burman heartland, but permitted unrestricted usage in indirectly administered areas such as the Shan States.
在缅甸,英国人先是鼓励再是禁止鸦片在缅甸中部地区的消费,但是允许在非直属管辖区如掸邦地区不受限制地使用。 hjenglish

In one of the dimly lit rooms hung a copy of the Panglong Agreement of1947, which promised the Shan people autonomy once British colonial rule would come to an end.
在一间光线幽暗的屋子里,挂着一本1947年签订的“彬龙协议”,协议承诺在英国殖民统治结束后,掸族人民可以实行自治。 yeeyan

Many more arrived before the outbreak of fighting, as government troops moved into Kokang, part of the Shan state, which covers about a quarter of Burma.
由于政府军攻入了果敢地区,交火之前已有不少难民进入中国边境。果敢属于占缅甸四分之一面积的掸邦。 yeeyan

Newland, you must stay and see Sillerton Jackson when he comes this evening: I really shan't know what to say to him.
纽兰,你一定要待在家里,等晚上西勒顿·杰克逊先生来的时候见见他,我真的不知该对他说些什么。 kekenet

Some have shifted their cultivation to other parts in the Shan states.
一些人已经移居到禅邦的其它地区进行罂粟种植。 ecocn

Tai Shan walked around anxiously in the enclosure.
泰山在围墙内不安地走来走去。 hjenglish

The government signed a ceasefire with ethnic groups in the Shan state in1989, allowing them to hold on to their arms.
政府在1989年同掸邦少数民族团体签署了停火协议,允许他们保留自己的武装。 yeeyan

The Shan people were his first priority, he always said.
坤沙总是会说,掸邦的人民是他最关心的。 ecocn

Shan State is located in the northeastern part of Burma bordering China to the north and Thailand to the south.
掸邦位于缅甸的东北部,北边与中国接壤,南边与泰国接壤。 yeeyan

I want to ask members of the Kachin, Karen and Shan armed groups to remember that there are many ethnic people in the Burmese army.
我想请克钦、克伦以及掸族武装组织的成员们记住,在缅甸政府军里也有很多少数民族人民。 yeeyan




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