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shaming 英ʃeɪm美ʃeɪm 高COCA⁵⁵⁰⁷⁷BNC⁴⁸⁷²⁸iWeb²²¹¹⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.羞愧³;耻辱²³;可耻的人或物¹vt.使丢脸⁴;使羞愧;使蒙羞⁵原型shame的现在分词过去分词shamed现在分词shaming三单shames n.名词 U 羞耻,羞愧,惭愧the unhappy feeling that you have when you have done sth wrong or stupid v.动词 vt. 使蒙羞,玷辱bring dishonour to vt. 使感到羞愧,使觉得丢脸cause to feel shame vt. 使相形见绌,使黯然失色show to be lacking in quality, ability, etc., by comparison Noun: a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilta state of dishonor;one mistake brought shame to all his family suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison an unfortunate development;it's a pity he couldn't do it Verb: bring shame or dishonor upon;he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime compel through a sense of shame;She shamed him into making amends cause to be ashamedsurpass or beat by a wide margin v.动词 shame, disgrace这两个词都含有“使羞耻、羞愧”“使丢脸”的意思。其区别是: disgrace强调的是失去他人的看重或受到冷遇即失宠; 而shame强调罪恶带来的羞愧。shame的语气较disgrace强烈。例如: He disgraced himself last night by drinking too much.他昨晚喝酒太多出了丑。 The president's former adviser is now in disgrace.总统的前顾问现已失宠。disgrace,humiliate,shame,dishonour这些动词均含“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。 disgrace侧重在别人,尤其在众人面前丢脸。 humiliate强调受辱者自尊心的损坏。 shame指由不光彩或不道德的行为引起的惭愧感或羞耻感。 dishonour有时可与disgrace换用,但前者是指因失去荣誉所致。 shame,disgrace,embarrassment,dishonour这些名词均含“丢脸,羞愧”之意。 shame多指因非法婚烟、私生、卖国或犯法等而丢失脸面或败坏名声,使他人认为“丢脸”、“可耻”。 disgrace常指失去他人的尊敬和称赞而使自己感受到的丢脸、耻辱。 embarrassment多指在社交活动中所遇到的尴尬事。 dishonour指失去原来享有的光荣或自尊和自重。 直接源自古英语的sceamu,意为觉得有罪或耻辱;最初源自原始日耳曼语的skamo,意为掩饰。 用作名词 n. 动词+~add another shame to a shame耻上加耻bear shame忍辱bring shame带来耻辱cause shame带来耻辱cry shame on说…应自觉惭愧,责备,非难feel shame感到羞耻have no shame恬不知耻show shame表现害羞suffer the shame受辱take shame upon oneself深感羞辱形容词+~burning shame奇耻大辱crying shame奇耻大辱dirty shame奇耻大辱false shame假害羞great shame大辱terrible shame极大的耻辱介词+~for shame丢脸cry for shame因羞辱而哭泣hide face from shame羞得捂住脸in shame羞得…child of shame私生子past shame恬不知耻,厚颜无耻put sb to shame羞辱某人to sb's shame很惭愧with shame羞耻地~+介词shame at因…而羞耻shame on丢脸shame to one's family家庭的败类shame upon parents使双亲蒙受羞辱用作动词 v.~+名词shame one's family给自己家丢脸shame other companies使其他公司相形见绌shame the whole regiment使整个团都蒙受耻辱 用作名词n.put to shame大大优越于某人〔某事物〕,使…相形见绌 be greatly superior to sb/sth put sb/sth to shameYour beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.你漂亮的书法把我潦草的字迹比得见不得人。 Your beautiful garden put my few little flowers to shame.你那漂亮的花园使我那几朵小花相形见绌。shame on you应该感到羞耻 you should feel shame about what you have said or done 用作动词v. shame intov.+prep.
使某人感到惭愧而做某事 cause sb to do sth by making him feel shame shame into sth/v-ingMaybe they will shame into going to the front.他们也许会上前线的,不然的话他们会羞愧不已。shame sb into sth/v-ingI tried to shame her into voting in the election , but she has no sense of public duty.我试图使她感到不好意思而去投票,但她根本没有公共义务的意识。 It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour.没用多久就使那男孩因感到惭愧而改变了他的行为。 shame out of v.+adv.+prep.
使某人感到惭愧而不做某事 cause sb not to do sth by making him feel shame shame sb out of sth/v-ingHow can we shame the boy out of beating his little sister?我们怎样才能使那男孩感到羞愧,不再打他的小妹妹? Don't think that he can be shamed out of stealing.不要指望他会因为感到羞耻而放弃偷窃。近义词 debasedefilescandaldegradedisgracereproachconfounddiscreditdishonourdiscomfitembarrassdisconcertn. contemptstainv. abash反义词 pridehonourn. distinction 用作名词n.To my shame,I never thanked him for his kindness.我感到惭愧的是对他的好意我从未表示过感谢。 She blushed with shame.她羞愧得脸红。 She hid her face in shame.她羞愧地蒙住了脸。 He feels no shame for his action because what he did was right.他对自己的所作所为并不觉得羞耻,因为他所做的都是正确的。 He was dead to all sense of shame.他没有一点羞耻感。 He is void of shame.他缺乏羞耻心。 What a bloody shame!多大的耻辱啊! How can we make people forget the family's shame?我们怎么能忘记这一家庭耻辱呢? It is a shame that he should attempt to injure the reputation of an honest man.他试图伤害一个老实人的名誉,那是可耻的。 What a shame to cheat at an examination!在考试中作弊真是可耻! It's a shame to take money from those who can't afford it.拿别人的钱使人家无法自立是可耻的。 It is a shame for a young man like you not to study hard.像你这样的年轻人不用功学习是一件可耻的事。 It is a shame to be so wasteful.这样浪费太可耻了。 Isn't it a shame that the rain spoiled our picnic?这场雨把我们的野餐给破坏了,这不是太可惜了吗? What a shame you didn't win.你没赢,真遗憾。 It's a real shame that these poor kids have nowhere they can call home.这些贫穷的孩子无家可归,真不幸。 He is a shame to us.他是我们引以为耻的人。 He's a shame to his family.他是他家的败类。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.You've shamed your family.你给你们家丢脸了。 Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受耻辱。 He wouldn't help us, so we shamed him by doing it without him.他不肯帮助我们,所以我们没有他照样做了那事,从而使他感到羞愧。 They have a record of industrial peace which shames other companies.他们有使其他公司相形见绌的劳资间和平相处的记录。 He was shamed by how much more work the others had done.别人做得多得多,他感到很难为情。 She was shamed and frightened.她感到羞愧和恐惧。It ~s n./pron. +to- vIt shames me to say it, but I told a lie.说出来使我羞愧,但我确实撒谎了。其他It's quite shaming that our society cares so little for the poor.我们这个社会对穷人毫不关心是很难堪的事。 n.名词
shame的基本意思是“羞愧,羞耻”,多指由私通、私生、血统低下、与罪犯有牵连、犯罪等原因带来的耻辱或坏名声,是不可数名词。表示“可耻的人、事或物”“遗憾的事,可惜”时,是单数名词,常跟不定冠词a连用。 shame表示“羞愧感,羞耻之心”时,一般用于疑问句或否定句中。 v.动词
shame的基本意思一是“使蒙受羞耻”,二是“使感到羞愧”,引申为“使相形见绌”,是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 当以动词不定式或that从句作主语时, shame常用于it作形式主语的结构中。 动词64%,名词36% 用作名词He had no sense ofshameand never felt guilty.他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。 He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on toshame.他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子,使所有旁观者都相形见绌。 Your bad behavior bringsshameon the whole school.你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。 It is ashameto take money from those who can't afford it.拿别人的钱使人家无以自立是十分可耻的。用作及物动词He wasshamedby how much more work the others had done.别人做得多得多,他感到很难为情。 Her careful work put all the rest toshame.她的细致工作使得其余所有的人都自愧不如。 Such an act of cowardice by an officershameshis whole regiment.一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。as in.opprobrious 同义词 abasing,calumniatory,contemptuous,contumelious,damaging,debasing,defamatory,defaming,denigrating,depreciative,derogative,despicable,despiteful,detractive,disgracing,dishonoring,disparaging,humiliating,hurtinginjuringinjurious,insolent,insulting,invective,libeling,malevolent,malign,malignant,maligning,notorious,offending,offensive,pejorative,reproaching,reviling,scandalous,scurrilous,spiteful,truculent,vile,vitriolic,vituperative,vulgar 反义词 complimentary,flattering,kind,nice,praisingas in.outrageous 同义词 barbaric,brazen,disgraceful,egregious,flagrant,heinous,horrendous,horrible,inhuman,scandalous,scurrilous,shocking,violent,wantonabominable,atrocious,beastly,contemptible,contumelious,corrupt,criminal,debasingdebauchingdegeneratedepravingdisgracing,flagitious,gross,ignoble,infamous,iniquitous,malevolent,monstrous,nefarious,notorious,odious,opprobrious,shameless,sinful,unbearable,ungodly,unspeakable,villainous,wicked 反义词 clean,gentle,mild,moralacceptable,delightful,good,magnificent,pleasing,reasonable,sensible,wonderfulas in.shameful 同义词 dastardly,disgraceful,embarrassing,flagrant,heinous,humiliating,ignominious,immoral,indecent,outrageous,reprehensible,scandalous,shocking,sinful,vilebase,carnal,contemptible,corrupt,debauched,degrading,diabolical,dishonorable,drunken,immodest,impure,infamous,intemperate,lewd,low,mean,mortifying,notorious,obscene,opprobrious,profligate,reprobate,ribald,unbecoming,unclean,unworthy,villainous,vulgar,wicked 反义词 chaste,good,kind,magnificent,mild,moral,pure,respectable,virtuous,wonderfulreputableas in.meanness 同义词 belittling,cheating,scoldingcoveting,deceiving,defaming,defrauding,degrading,dishonoring,groveling,grudging,quarreling,sneaking 反义词 generosity,nobility,worthiness meannessnoun a mean action belittling,cheating,coveting,deceiving,defaming,defrauding,degrading,dishonoring,groveling,grudging,quarreling,scolding,sneaking opprobriousadjective abusive, hateful abasingcalumniatory,contemptuous,contumelious,damaging,debasing,defamatory,defaming,denigrating,depreciative,derogative,despicable,despiteful,detractive,disgracing,dishonoring,disparaging,humiliating,hurtinginjuringinjurious,insolent,insulting,invective,libeling,malevolent,malign,malignant,maligning,notorious,offending,offensive,pejorative,reproaching,reviling,scandalous,scurrilous,shaming,spiteful,truculent,vile,vitriolic,vituperative,vulgar outrageousadjective very bad abominable,atrocious,barbaric,beastly,brazen,contemptible,contumelious,corrupt,criminal,debasingdebauchingdegeneratedepravingdisgraceful,disgracing,egregious,flagitious,flagrant,gross,heinous,horrendous,horrible,ignoble,infamous,inhuman,iniquitous,malevolent,monstrous,nefarious,notorious,odious,opprobrious,scandalous,scurrilous,shameless,shaming,shocking,sinful,unbearable,ungodly,unspeakable,villainous,violent,wanton,wicked shamefuladjective atrocious;disreputable base,carnal,contemptible,corrupt,dastardly,debauched,degrading,diabolical,disgraceful,dishonorable,drunken,embarrassing,flagrant,heinous,humiliating,ignominious,immodest,immoral,impure,indecent,infamous,intemperate,lewd,low,mean,mortifying,notorious,obscene,opprobrious,outrageous,profligate,reprehensible,reprobate,ribald,scandalous,shaming,shocking,sinful,unbecoming,unclean,unworthy,vile,villainous,vulgar,wicked But all that is only limited comfort to those who regard the BNP's breakthrough as distressing and shaming. 对认为英国国家党的突破可悲又可耻的人们而言,这只是些许安慰而已。 ecocn Its proponents, however, point to the shaming statistic that aborigines on average die almost11 years younger than other Australians. 然而该干预案的支持者却指出,羞耻的数据表明土著人人均寿命比其他澳大利亚人少11年。 ecocn Mr Bush should offer deeper cuts in farm subsidies than he has been willing to discuss so far, shaming the Europeans and others to greater openness. 布什先生应该提供比到目前为止所承诺的更大的农产品补贴削减,这会使欧洲人和其他各方感到羞愧,以促使他们采取更开放的态度。 ecocn There is something thrilling about the fight in the Amazon, yet also something shaming. 有些事使亚马逊的抗争令人鼓舞,也有些事让人羞愧。 yeeyan To prevent people carrying the state flag, thereby shaming Russia in front of the whole world, is a clear sign of progressive political paranoia. 唯恐民众携带国旗在全世界面前丢俄罗斯的脸而下令阻止,很明显,这是一种进步政治偏执狂”。 ecocn Anything less would have been shaming, both for Mr Huhne and the coalition as a whole, just a year after David Cameron promised it would be“ the greenest government ever”. 对修恩先生和联合政府整体来说做不到这点都会是一大耻辱,,就在一年前戴维·卡梅伦才承诺要让本届联合政府成为“有史以来最绿色环保的政府”。 yeeyan China legally bans prostitution but lurches between looking the other way and harsh crackdowns, such as the public shaming of prostitutes and their Johns. 中国法律上禁止卖淫,但在寻求改变和严厉打击之间举步蹒跚。 打击的方式如将卖淫者和嫖客示众 这里有报道。 yeeyan Even the most self-respecting older members find the anti- bribery rules tough, and are subject to public naming and shaming when they breach them. 虽然大部分自重的老成员都承认反贿赂公约十分严格,并且当他们破坏公约时能使他们遭到公开的指控和羞辱。 ecocn From the criminal justice perspective, public shaming serves an important function in deterring crimes by signaling to the public the consequences of criminal activities. 从刑事司法的角度来看,公开羞辱向民众传达了犯罪活动的后果这一信息,这对于震慑犯罪行为有着非常重要的作用。 yeeyan However, the researchers attributed the gap to the shaming effect of poor rankings on teachers and governors, rather than parental choices. 不过,研究者将这个差距归结为让教师和省长蒙羞的可怜排名,而不是家长的选择。 ecocn In fact, on that most controversial and intricate of questions, much that is shaming and scandalous is already known. 事实上,对于那些最具争议性、最错综复杂的问题,众人皆知其中的不光彩和倒胃口。 ecocn It would be interesting to know what the people who gather to watch the shaming parade think about it. 如果我们能够询问那些围观的看客,了解他们对游街示众的看法,我想这将会是很有趣的。 yeeyan It may require the application of pressure at a government-to-government level, not to mention financial compensation, as well as some public shaming and convincing argument. 这可能需要政府间层面施加压力的支持,更不用说对其进行一些经济上的补偿,以及一些舆论压力和建设性的磋商。 ecocn Many times this mind- body connection has been severed through shaming, religious abuse, or guilt. There is no need for that anymore. 很多时候,这种快感和身体的关系,由于羞耻感,宗教迫害,或是被认为是罪行而被摒弃。 yeeyan Next time an airline loses or breaks your luggage, try shaming them with a song and a video. 下次要是有航空公司弄坏了你的行李,试着唱个歌拍个视频羞辱他们吧。 yeeyan One debt collector in Spain uses public shaming a tool of coercion. 一名西班牙讨债者也正在使用公开羞辱作为胁迫工具。 yeeyan The Chinese parent believes that their child will be strong enough to take the shaming and to improve from it. 中国父母相信他们的孩子足够坚强,可以承受羞辱,可以通过这种方式来提高。 yeeyan There is nothing like a bit of naming, shaming and praising. 没有什么能够比名誉,羞愧和赞扬更重要。 ecocn This public naming and shaming is a new tactic. 这次公开点名和羞辱是一个新的战术。 yeeyan Tracking how many people view articles, and then rewarding — or shaming— writers based on those results has become increasingly common in old and new media newsrooms. 追查有多少人阅读这些文章,然后或得奖或难堪,新老媒体新闻编辑室的作者们以这些成果为基础,已越来越普遍。 yeeyan Will this latest attempt by the central government to stop this form of“ shaming” succeed? 那么,中央政府最近禁止这种做法的努力能否成功? yeeyan Yet to row back on deregulation would be intensely shaming for a country that pioneered the idea in the first place, and has been preaching its benefits ever since. 而对于首先提倡放松管制而且此后一直到处宣扬其好处的国家来说,再度就放松管制产生争议会是种很大的耻辱。 yeeyan You ended up shaming your father. 你最后让父亲蒙羞。 hjenglish |