

单词 shamans
释义 shamans ˈʃæmənz COCA²⁹⁷⁸⁹BNC³⁰⁴⁴⁴
n.萨满教的道士;僧人或巫师shaman的名词复数原型shaman的复数 At the hospital in Merced, Dr. Lesley Xiong,26, a resident physician, grew up as the granddaughter of two distinguished shamans.
莫西医院26岁的住院医生莱斯利·熊 Lesley Xiong是两位著名巫医的孙女。 yeeyan

The shamans call upon the power of the elements, which will only be granted if it suits the purpose.
只有当符合协议时,萨满才能请求元素的力量。 xlmagic

And further back, gliding among the trees at the edge of the clearing like wraiths, circle the witch doctors, or shamans.
再往回一望,树林中充满着一股幽灵般的气氛,中间空地有一些巫医或称为萨满的人。 yeeyan

By the time he’s been introduced to African shamans and we’ve returned from Africa, he’s a different person.
然后他在非洲被巫师引见,在我们从非洲返回以后,他变成了一个完全不同的人。 yeeyan

Certified shamans, with their embroidered jackets and official badges, have the same unrestricted access to patients given to clergy members.
经认可的巫医身穿绣花夹克,胸前佩戴有官方证件,能够随意进出被移交给神职人员的病人房间。 yeeyan

Currently, all people have to compare with is DW warriors in PVP, but shamans will be quite different.
目前,所有人不得不把双持萨满和双持战士比较,但是萨满将是很不同的。 iciba

In this sense, shamans are psychoanalysts, much like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
从这个角度看,巫师更像是精神分析家,类似于弗洛伊德和荣格。 yeeyan

Many of these shamans have been discovered as fraudulent, proving the use of slight of hand tricks and passing them off as legitimate procedures, but that isn’t the case for all of them.
大多数巫医都被证实是骗子,他们利用一些细不可查的手部技巧,在繁杂的仪式中来完成整个骗术。但是并非所有的巫医都是骗子。 yeeyan

Resistance Totems: Players will no longer see two copies of these buffs when two shamans cast the totems simultaneously.
抗性图腾:有两个萨满同时插某种抗性图腾时,不会出现两个图标。 www.k88.net

She added that Siberian shamans, or latter-day witch doctors, were also buried in this way but with richer funeral accessories to appropriate to their elevated position in society.
她补充说,西伯利亚的萨满巫师即近代的巫医也是以这种方式埋葬,但随葬品更丰富,以便与他们较高的社会地位相配。 yeeyan

So it's much like these shamans dancing to get the rain, yes?
那么这很像萨满人跳舞祈雨,是吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Sudden Doom this talent now procs a Death Coil rather than requiring an additional button click. It works similarly to shamans' Lightning Overload.
末日突降这个天赋直接触发一个死亡缠绕而不需要你再去点一次按键使用死缠。它现在的工作方式类似于萨满的闪电过载。 ngacn

That search continues today, with the difference only that the shamans work in pharmaceutical laboratories rather than forests.
这种追寻持续到今天,不同的是从森林中的巫师变成今天医药公司实验室中的科研人员。 ecocn

Their way of living in harmony with nature allows them to communicate with the animals who are around them, and the teaching of the Shamans has made them vegetarians.
他们与自然和谐相处的方法让他们与是在他们周围的动物沟通,而且萨满的道士的教育已经使他们成为素食者。 netpk.com

Their shamans revered the creatures, believing that each one had a soul.
他们的萨满教巫医崇敬这种生物,认为每只蜜蜂都有一个灵魂。 yeeyan

There is still not enough evidence to dismiss what these shamans have been apparently able to achieve for decades.
至今仍没有足够有力的证据可以破解这些巫医长久以来的特异功能。 yeeyan

Shamans from early tribes looked after the spiritual well being of their flock, albeit using unconventional, by today’s standards, methods such as inducing trances.
早期的部落里,巫师负责看守部落的精神井。 他们使用了一些在今天看来十分新奇的办法,像是催眠。 yeeyan

Shamans do not take insurance or other payment, although they have been known to accept a live chicken.
巫医没有保险费及其他报酬,虽然据说他们会收下一只活鸡。 yeeyan

Shamans will tell you the same thing: If you want to be a good person, a whole person, wake up!
萨满也会告诉你同一个道理:如果你想做个好人,一个完整的人,清醒吧! yeeyan




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