释义 |
Shaliness 基本例句 泥质含量¹⁰⁰ Analysis of the Effects of Temperature, Pressure, Shaliness, Wettability and Experimental Approach on Archie Equation.高温高压泥质含量润湿性及实验方法对阿尔奇公式的影响分析 According to the data of core analysis, it is proposed that the m and n of the Archie formula must be calculated or selected with actualshalinessand water salinity of the formation while calculating water saturation with Archie Formula.本文以岩心实验数据为依据,提出了利用阿尔奇公式计算泥质砂岩地层的含水饱和度时,根据地层的实际泥质含量及地层水矿化度计算或选择其胶结指数和饱和度指数的方法。 A summary of the effects of temperature, pressure,shalinesson Archie equation is given on the basis of the previous study on the influence factors.And a viable correction method is proposed.系统总结了前人对阿尔奇公式影响因素的研究结果,并在此基础上分别讨论了温度、压力和地层泥质含量对阿尔奇公式的影响,提出了可行的校正方法; Interpretation Method for High Shaliness and Low Resistivity Quaternary Gasfield of Three-lake Region in Chaidamu Basin柴达木盆地三湖地区第四系高泥质含量低电阻率气层解释方法 |