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词汇 shaler
释义 shaler
Nathaniel Shaler went on to become a teacher at Harvest and then Dean of the Lawrence Scientific School.
纳撒尼尔•谢勒后来成为了哈维斯特大学的一名教师,后来又担任了劳伦斯科学学院的院长。 zftrans

Now, too, Shaler was allowed to read books and discuss his work with the other students.
同时,谢勒也可以阅读书籍,与其他学生一起探讨他的工作。 zftrans

On the day of the questioning, Shaler was seated on a platform.
答辩的这一天,谢勒坐在讲台上。 zftrans

The teacher paid no attention to him. Shaler looked some more time. Finally he decided it was time for lunch.
但是阿加西一直没再理他,谢勒就又观察了一些时间,最后他觉得该吃午饭了。 zftrans

Agassiz was satisfied with Shaler's background knowledge, but this alone was not enough to admit him to the school.
阿加西对谢勒的背景情况很满意,但仅仅有这些还不足以录取他。 zftrans

Agassiz now knew that Shaler was intelligent and physically capable of the work.
现在阿加西知道,谢勒不仅聪明而且体格健壮,能够承担未来的学习工作。 zftrans

And for another week Shaler was left alone with his fish.
接着又是整个一个星期谢勒独自和他的那条鱼呆在一起。 zftrans

At the end of the time, Shaler was told that he had graduated with highest honors.
在答辩会结束时,谢勒得知自己以最高的荣誉毕业。 zftrans

But Shaler did not receive any praise.
但谢勒并没有因此得到任何赞扬。 zftrans

During the four years that Shaler studied under Agassiz he was never given a single test, but the teacher often questioned him as he went along.
谢勒师从阿加西的四年中,老师从未给过他一次测验,但在学习过程中老师经常给他提问题。 zftrans

He was pleased to learn that Shaler had read carefully the article on turtles, plus other books to which the article had referred.
他很高兴地得知,谢勒已经仔细地阅读过那篇有关海龟的文章,以及这篇文章参考过的一些书籍。 zftrans

Nevertheless Shaler was determined to get his degree.
尽管如此,谢勒还是决定要毕业并拿到学位。 zftrans

Sorting all those little bones was the hardest task Shaler had ever tackled, but finally the job was finished.
给这些小骨头分类是谢勒做过的最难的一件事,但任务最终还是完成了。 zftrans

There was one more test to pass, but at first Shaler did not know it was a test.
还剩下一项测验谢勒必须通过,但他本人并不知道这是一项测验。 zftrans

This article had inspired Shaler to become a naturalist.
这篇文章激发了谢勒要成为一名自然科学家的愿望。 zftrans

To do this Shaler must be questioned by seven teachers, including the president of Harvard.
为此谢勒必须回答包括哈佛大学校长在内七位老师的轮流提问。 zftrans

Shaler also attended Agassiz's lectures, and though he found them fascinating, they were a less important part of his work.
谢勒也去听阿加西的课,虽然他觉得这些课很引人入胜,但这是他的工作中不那么重要的部分。 zftrans

Shaler began to try to sort them out like a jigsaw puzzle-a head here, a tail there, and now a piece of rib.
谢勒开始试着像做拼图游戏一样把这些骨骼分开来,这是头,那是尾,还有一根骨刺。 zftrans

Shaler had been taught to fence in Kentucky and felt he was quite good at it.
谢勒在肯塔基州时曾经学过击剑,他觉得自己在这方面功夫不错。 zftrans




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