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词汇 Shady-slope
释义 Shady-slope
Carya cathayensis aphis and bacterial ulcer were found in these lower-altitude areas, especially in shady slope.在该地低海拔处,尤其是在阴坡出现山核桃刻蚜和大面积细菌性溃疡病;
The monthly mean of air relative humidity in shady slope was hyper to it in sunny slope with same dumping years.对于排矸年限相同、坡向不同的样地,阴坡的月平均相对湿度高于阳坡。
In the growth quarter,the monthly mean of air relative humidity in dumping 25~45a spot of shady slope was hyper 4.4% to dumping below 8a,and in sunny slope this value was 5.5%.整个生长季中;阴坡排矸25 a~45 a样地的月均相对湿度比排矸8 a以下样地高4.;4%;
The3-year Calophaca korshinskii Kom shoot to total biomass ration is 71.8% in lower shady slope, 67.8% in upper shady position, and 62.3% in solar position .在阴坡上位、阴坡下位、阳坡上位三种立地条件下,播种后三年柠条地上部分生物量分别占总生物量比例分别为71.;8%、67
The main conclusions are as follow:1. The populations of C. ramondioides are distributed in valley of mountain shady slope, and they are usually found on granite rock at the headstream under evergreen broadleaf forest.苦苣苔种群分布于阴坡山谷中,通常出现在溪流源头的常绿阔叶杂木林下的花岗岩石壁上。




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