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词汇 shadowed
释义 shadowed

filled with shade;

the shady side of the street

the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed

we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove

cool umbrageous woodlands

in the shadow of在…附近shadow chancellorn. 影子大臣in the shadow在阴暗处drop shadow阴影shadow play皮影戏,影子戏…shadow price影子价格;尾随价;假…eye shadow眼影,眼睑膏…shadow mask荫罩;障板shadow cabinet影子内阁;(政府首脑…shadow boxing太极拳;拳坛暗影;拳…shadow effect阴影效果;屏蔽效应;…shadow of a doubt辣手摧花(电影名称,…shadow region阴影区;静区…moonlight shadow月光下的影子;月影…cast shadow投影;投射阴影…
近义词 shady荫凉的shadowy阴暗的umbrageous成荫的

His remarkshadowedforth some future occurrence.他的话预示了今后要发生的事。
A policeman in plain clothesshadowedthe criminal all day.有个便衣警察整天秘密监视那个罪犯。
The wide brim of his hatshadowedhis face.他的大帽檐的影子映在他的脸上。
He felt he was beingshadowed, but he couldn't see anyone behind him.他感觉到有人在跟踪他,但他看不见身后的人。as in.shaded
同义词 dusky,leafy,screened,shelteredcool,dimadumbral,bosky,cloudy,indistinct,out of the sun,shadowy,umbrageous,umbrous,under a cloud,vagueas in.shady
同义词 cloudy,leafy,shaded,shadowyadumbral,bosky,chiaroscuro,cool,dim,dusky,indistinct,out of the sun,screened,sheltered,umbrageous,umbrous,under a cloud,vagueas in.umbrageous
同义词 adumbral,bosky,cloudy,cool,covered,dark,dim,dusky,indistinct,leafy,out of the sun,screened,shaded,shadowy,shady,sheltered,umbrous
shadedadjective shady
adumbral,bosky,cloudy,cool,dim,dusky,indistinct,leafy,out of the sun,screened,shadowy,sheltered,umbrageous,umbrous,under a cloud,vague
shadyadjective dark, covered
adumbral,bosky,chiaroscuro,cloudy,cool,dim,dusky,indistinct,leafy,out of the sun,screened,shaded,shadowed,shadowy,sheltered,umbrageous,umbrous,under a cloud,vague
umbrageousadjective filled with shade
adumbral,bosky,cloudy,cool,covered,dark,dim,dusky,indistinct,leafy,out of the sun,screened,shaded,shadowed,shadowy,shady,sheltered,umbrous Any optimism from that report was quickly out shadowed byS&P's announcement.
劳工部报告传递的乐观情绪被标准普尔的声明迅速冲散。 yeeyan

But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over- shadowed through the lack of a good self- education.
这是他最初的主题被无望地遮蔽,只因他缺少自我教育。 examw

For more than two months after I announced, the campaign was shadowed by the specter that there might be yet another candidate, Governor Mario Cuomo of New York.
我宣布参选之后两个多月,有一种可能性浮出水面:纽约州州长马里奥.科莫也许会参选,竞选班子对此忧心。 yeeyan

The brightness of the eclipse depends on the conditions in the Earth's upper atmosphere through which all light falling on to the shadowed Moon has to pass.
月食的亮度取决于地球高空大气的情况,因为所有的光都是通过该大气照到被本影遮住的月亮上的。 yeeyan

A security detail shadowed me whenever I left the room.
每次我离开房间时候,都有安保特工在监视。 yeeyan

America is watching North Korea’s ports— a ship thought to be carrying missiles or other banned exports to Myanmar earlier turned back after being shadowed for days at sea.
美国正在监视朝鲜港口-一艘开往缅甸的货船,被认为装满了导弹或其它未尽输出品,在被跟踪了几天后又调头返回。 ecocn

America is watching North Korea's ports— a ship thought to be carrying missiles or other banned exports to Myanmar earlier turned back after being shadowed for days at sea.
美国都在注视着朝鲜的港口,一艘被认为载有导弹或其他被禁止出口的物品的船舶在海上被盯梢数天,已于早些时候到达缅甸后掉头。 topsage

Beyond Derby, at Bell Gorge, tiered pools of dark water, shadowed by ochre cliffs and connected by a tumbling cascade, lay at the end of an increasingly verdant bush walk.
过了德比就到了贝尔峡谷,路上的树丛越来越茂密。到了路的尽头,在赭石色山崖的阴影中横贯着阶梯型的黑色池塘,池塘之间由跌落的瀑布相连接。 yeeyan

But without a thick atmosphere to trap heat, it is possible that permanently shadowed regions could stay cold enough to preserve ices for millions, if not billions, of years.
但是如果不是水星上厚厚的大气层留住了热量,那些永久背光的地区很可能有积存了几百万或是几十亿年的冰存在的。 yeeyan

But because business has shrunk, in recent months only a handful of workers have labored in small pools of light in an otherwise dark expanse of shadowed machinery.
但由于近几个月的业务缩水,这里的大片机器都被笼罩在黑暗之中,只有游泳池大小的地方点着几盏灯,少量工人正在那里劳作。 yeeyan

Dressed in minidresses, perilously high heels, and glittery, dangling earrings, their eyes heavily shadowed in black- pearl and jade, they look like a flock of tropical birds.
他们穿着迷你装,脚踏夸张的高跟鞋,闪闪发亮的大耳环左右晃动,各种首饰遮蔽了双眼的颜色,看上去像是一群热带的鸟,浮躁而色彩斑斓。 yeeyan

Earlier data indicated possible ice deposits in permanently shadowed craters near the moon's poles, where water from comet impacts could have been trapped over the moon's long history.
早期数据显示,可能的冰层存在于被永久遮挡的月球两极附近的陨石坑中,在月球漫长的历史过程中,彗星撞击带来的水可能埋藏在这些陨石坑中。 yeeyan

Emma's death released the poet in Hardy, who was by that time one of the most successful novelists of his generation, but a man whose private life was shadowed by a problematic childless marriage.
爱玛的去世开启了哈代的诗人时代。 哈代是当时最成功的小说家,他的个人生活却笼罩在一段无儿无女的不幸婚姻之中。 ecocn

Foreign journalists in Tripoli are not allowed to travel and report freely and are almost always shadowed by government minders.
在的黎波里的外国记者不允许自由旅行及报道,而且几乎总是由政府人员尾随跟踪。 yeeyan

He felt he was being shadowed, but he couldn't see anyone behind him.
他感觉到有人在跟踪他,但他看不见身后的人。 ebigear

I used to describe those permanently shadowed regions as kind of like the dusty attic of the solar system.
我曾将那些永远藏于阴影之下的区域比作太阳系里布满灰尘的阁楼。 hjenglish

Ledger has a fright wig of ragged hair; thick, running gobs of white makeup; scarlet lips; and dark- shadowed eyes.
雷吉尔那头可怕而粗糙的假发;厚重、粘满粘液的白色妆容;猩红的嘴唇;还有黑森森的眼睛。 yeeyan

LRO's latest science upload has also revealed the possible presence of water ice near the moon's shadowed regions.
月球轨道探测器最新的发现表明液态冰可能会存在于月球的阴影部分。 yeeyan

Next, the team will try to understand how the compounds they saw in the plume relate to what’s actually embedded in the lunar regolith at the bottom of the permanently shadowed crater.
接下来,小组要试图搞清气柱的成分,以及与气柱有关的那些嵌入月球土被、躲在终日不见阳光的陨坑底部的东西为何物。 yeeyan

On the rights and wrongs of the revolution he would not often let himself be drawn; in his last two years, Alzheimer's shadowed everything.
关于古巴革命的是非功过,他也不愿评价。在他生命中的最后两年,老年痴呆症让所有的一切都蒙上了阴影。 ecocn

Reports given to Churchill claimed that a reconnaissance aircraft returning to Britain from a mission was shadowed by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.
丘吉尔接到的报告称,一架侦察机在执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随。 iciba

This changed last month, when NASA shot a satellite into a permanently shadowed region on the Moon’s surface, throwing a plume of material containing water up out of the shadow.
但上个月情况发生了变化,当美国航天局向月球恒久背阴面发射了一颗卫星,撞击产生的一缕尘埃里就有水分。 yeeyan




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