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词汇 shacks
释义 shacks 英'ʃæks美'ʃæks COCA²⁴⁷²⁶BNC³⁶⁵⁵⁵Economist¹⁴⁴²⁵
名词 shack:
small crude shelter used as a dwelling
动词 shack:
make one's home in a particular place or communitymove, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowlyIn places like Alexandra, one of the city's townships,shackshave been built dangerously close to the river and people drown when it swells.在亚历山大一类的城镇上,棚户盖的离河边很近,这十分危险,河水涨潮时就会有人溺水而死。 And it is the view I have heard on sidewalks and in taxi cabs, in the marble halls of ministries, and in run down shacks of shanty towns.
我在许多地方都曾听到这个观点,包括在人行道上、在出租车内、在政府部委的大理石会议厅内、在棚户区破门的棚屋中。 worldbank

At the time, Tompkins Square Park, across the street, was teeming with homeless people living in makeshift shacks.
那时街对面的汤普金斯广场公园里到处是生活在临时棚中无家可归的人。 yeeyan

Of those interviewed, 67 percent started working between7 and 15 years and came from the outskirts of Beirut or from the northern district of Tripoli50.7% or from shacks or camps49.3%.
这些被访谈者中,67%介于7到15岁开始做事,来自贝鲁特郊区或的黎波里北部地区占50.7%或来自棚户区或难民营占49.3%。 yeeyan

Some shacks in a small number of the most distant settlement outposts have been taken down in recent days, and some Israeli checkpoints in the occupied West Bank have been lifted.
最近几天,作为前哨的最远处的几个定居点中,少数棚屋已经被拆除,被占领的西岸地区的一些以色列检查站也已经撤销。 yeeyan

The only real-life losers were the people of a nearby village who had hoped that six armies might pulverise their own ghastly shacks, and then rehouse them.
现实中唯一的输家是附近的村民,他们曾希望六国部队粉碎他们那糟糕透了的小屋,然后给他们安排新房。 ecocn

The satanic type were little better than gulags, where workers were forced to live in company shacks and spend their money in company shops.
撒旦型公司城比前苏联的劳改集中营稍好,那里的工人被迫住进公司的棚屋,在公司的商店花自己的钱。 ecocn

Tin roofs glitter on the shacks of loggers, miners and planters, each with a smallholding hacked out around it.
伐木工,矿工和农民的棚屋顶闪着光,每个屋子周围都被开辟出的一块块小农地包围着。 ecocn

“Mzungu white person, look at the bananas, ” a young boy shouted, pointing to the banana plant growing among the shacks.
“白人,看看这些香蕉,”一个年轻的男孩指着棚屋间长出的香蕉树大声叫道。 yeeyan

A brick church without a spire was built last year, and the first shops in the town’s history have opened in tin shacks.
去年,他们用砖头建造了一座没有尖顶的教堂。 该市历史上第一个商店在锡制的棚屋里开张。 ecocn

His book is engrossing: naive young northerners, with zero previous experience of black America, living in sharecroppers' shacks, eating grits and using dirty outhouses;
书中的描写非常引人入胜:天真的北方年轻人,他们之前对美国黑人世界一无所知,现如今住在农民的棚户里,吃着粗玉米,忍受着肮脏的露天厕所; ecocn

In places like Alexandra, one of the city's townships, shacks have been built dangerously close to the river and people drown when it swells.
在亚历山大一类的城镇上,棚户盖的离河边很近,这十分危险,河水涨潮时就会有人溺水而死。 ecocn

Most blacks still live in shoddy shacks or bungalows without proper sanitation in poor crime- ridden townships outside the main cities.
大多数黑人生活在主城区外、犯罪肆虐、没有适于生活的卫生条件、环境恶劣的棚屋或平房。 ecocn

Next to some shacks is a sign saying Foreclosure Salea reference to the house repossessions that are symptomatic of the credit crunch which triggered the present economic recession.
旁边则是标有“抵押出售”的破房子——这些房子无疑是作为导致信用危机并进而导致当前的经济萧条的符号。 yeeyan

Otherwise, the shacks won't go away.
否则,棚户就不会消失。 ecocn

Over20% of the city's population are thought to live in shacks and the city cannot build cheap houses fast enough.
该市超过20%的人口被认为居住于棚户中,而城市并没有能力很快建造出廉价房屋。 ecocn

Some of the homes were lushly landscaped, with hibiscus flowers and orange trees, although others were broken-down shacks interspersed with piles of lumber and rubble.
有些房子草木丛生,种着芙蓉花和橘子树,而其他的都是用碎石和原木搭建的破败不堪的棚户。 ecocn

The first town you reach is Archer's Post, a collection of dusty shacks around a truck stop.
在这里,可以歇脚的第一处城镇被称为阿切站 Archer's Post,它是一个围绕着汽车站的棚户区,整日尘土飞扬。 yeeyan

Then everything changes, more like shacks than farmhouses and stands of timber instead of orchards.
再后来一切都变了。窝棚代替了农舍,树木代替了果园。 yeeyan

Though the next eruption will likely follow a similar path, thousands of homes, shacks of hand-hewn eucalyptus boards and sheet- metal roofs, have been built directly atop the old flow.
尽管下一次喷发的岩浆有可能还是循着类似的路径流淌,但这条路线上已经出现了由桉树板和薄金属板搭成的数千棚户。 yeeyan

Thousands have been reduced to living in shacks on the edge of towns.
成千上万的人都被赶到城镇边缘的贫民窟生活。 ecocn

Throughout urban Africa, as well, it is common to see brittle corn stalks peeking out from behind crowded shacks.
而且在非洲的各个城市,也常见到脆嫩的玉米梗摇曳于拥挤的矮房间。 ecocn

Until permanent housing is built, many of the displaced will go back to their villages to live in shacks with little hope of paid employment and scant access to basic services.
在长期住房修建完之前,很多被转移的人将回到他们的村庄,住在简陋的小屋里,没有获得有报酬的工作的希望,欠缺基本的服务。 ecocn

Why not replace the shacks that blight the lives of so many poor people, thrown together out of cardboard and mud, and prone to collapsing or catching fire, with more durable structures?
为什么不将让那么多穷人生活破灭的窝棚换掉,一起从容易坍塌和着火的纸板和泥泞中搬出来,取而代之以更加经久耐用的建筑? ecocn

Women in blue burqas or drab headscarves carry pails of water back to families squatting in shacks built out of rubble and tarpaulins.
身着蓝色罩袍或褐色头巾的妇女们纷纷提着水罐,半蹲着身子从那些用油布和橡胶草草搭起的低矮棚户屋里进进出出。 yeeyan

Women sell home- made cleaning products from shacks.
妇女们兜售各种从棚户里制造出的清洁产品。 ecocn




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