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词汇 shabab
释义 shababCOCA¹⁰²⁰⁵⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
It is keen to kill as many militant jihadists in Somalia as possible. It may have had a hand in the recent death of Shabab fighters south of Mogadishu.
美国热切希望尽可能多地消灭索马里的圣战武装分子,它可能还在最近消灭摩加迪休南部青年党武装的行动中插了一脚。 ecocn

The failure of the Shabab to launch their customary Ramadan offensive earlier this month was a belated sign of weakness.
本月初青年党发动的例行斋月攻势遭遇失败,这是个迟到的信号,说明了他们力量并不是很强。 ecocn

The presence of hated Ethiopian troops in Somalia, together with a corrupt and hapless transitional Somali government, gave the Shabab a chance to regroup.
境内受到日益憎恨的埃塞俄比亚军队的存在,再加上一个腐败而倒霉的索马里过渡政府,给了青年党一个东山再起的机会。 ecocn

The Shabab are not yet defeated, but they have lost a lot of ground and support.
萨巴布虽然还没有被击败,但他们已经失去了大部分的地面和支持。 ecocn

“ Al- Shabab enforced the condition that you give50 percent or your farm will be taken over,” she said.
“阿尔-沙巴布强制推行,要求你把农场50%的收成上缴,不然就没收农场,”她说。 yeeyan

An offensive led by the AU and transitional government troops this week hammered Shabab positions on the edge of Mogadishu.
本周由非盟和过渡政府的部队发动的进攻将萨巴布钉在了摩加迪沙边缘的位置。 ecocn

At least53 civilians have been killed in the past week in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, during fighting between government forces and rebels of the Shabab group, which is linked to al- Qaeda.
在索马里首都摩加迪,过去一周有至少53位平民在政府军和反政府武装“青年党”的冲突中身亡,该反政府武装与基地组织存在联系。 ecocn

But al- Shabab, listed by Washington as a terrorist organization, has refused to accept the presence of foreign troops in Somalia and has repeatedly attacked AMISOM bases anda convoys.
但是,被华盛顿定性为恐怖主义组织的青年党却拒绝接受外国军队在索马里的存在,并多次袭击非盟驻索马里特派团的基地和车辆。 ebigear

But, he says, Mogadishu is still dangerous because of what he calls a “ security vacuum” that was created following al- Shabab's recent withdrawal from there.
但是他说,摩加迪沙仍然危险,因为青年党最近从那里撤出后,形成了他所说的“安全真空”。 hxen

But the WFP—and Somalia’s Shabab rebels— would prefer the American government to give cash, as the Europeans do, which can then be used to buy local food, rewarding farmers who produce surpluses.
但是 WFP,索马里的青年党叛乱分子,更愿意美国政府像欧洲人一样给现金,然后去买当地粮食,奖励那些生产有剩余的农民。 ecocn

But the Shabab is on the defensive.
但是,青年党正处在防御状态。 ecocn

But Western intelligence sources say the risk of Shabab now carrying out bombings in Kenya and Ethiopia is higher than ever.
但西方消息来源称,青年党在肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚输出炸弹的危险比以往高出很多。 ecocn

Carson, echoing comments made to a congressional panel Wednesday by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, criticized Eritrea for supporting al- Shabab and trying to undermine the TFG.
卡尔森重申了美国驻联合国大使赖斯星期三在国会委员会上发表的意见,指责厄立特里亚支持“青年党”并企图危害过渡政府。 iciba

European countries have pledged support— but not nearly enough to defeat the Shabab.
欧洲国家也承诺帮忙,可是援助远远不够消灭青年党。 ecocn

In any event, the Kenyan assault on the Shabab is a high-stakes gamble.
无论如何,肯尼亚对青年党的袭击都将是一场高风险赌博。 ecocn

In a separate incident, a Shabab force ambushed Kenyan police patrolling the border with Somalia, raising fears that the Islamists are seeking to widen the conflict.
在另一起事件中“青年党”突袭了在索肯边境巡逻的肯尼亚警察,此举引发人们对伊斯兰青年运动寻求扩大冲突的担心。 ecocn

Lately the war has also intensified to the west and south of Mogadishu, which was previously under Shabab control.
最近摩加迪沙西南部地区以前是在青年党的控制之下战争也在加剧。 ecocn

Most tellingly, the Shabab has learnt how to get hold of money faster. It concentrates its fighters in towns where there is money to be earned.
最有效的还是青年党已经学会如何更快得敛财,它在城镇中聚集更多的战士来赚钱。 ecocn

Now on the defensive, the Shabab have taken actions as desperate as they are deadly.
现在处于防守状态的萨巴布垂死般绝望地采取了行动。 ecocn

Outsiders’ caution is linked to the role of the Shabab, an Islamist militia which controls much of southern Somalia and is locked in battle with the internationally recognised but feeble government.
外界的谨慎与伊斯兰民兵组织沙巴布所起的作用有关,该组织控制了索马里南部的大部分地区并与国际公认但却软弱的政府处于交战之中。 ecocn

Some, but not all, parts of the Shabab seem to be looking for help.
一部分而不是全部的沙巴布似乎也在寻求帮助。 ecocn

That would be harder to do, since the country has no Somali community where Shabab infiltrators could hide.
这一行动显得更加艰难,因为该国家没有青年党渗透分子能够藏匿的索马里社区。 ecocn

The area is under the control of al- Shabab, which had until recently refused permission for international aid agencies which wanted to work in the areas they hold.
该地区一直在青年党的控制之下,在此之前他们一直拒绝希望进入该地区工作的国际救援机构入内。 hxen

The delivery indicates that although al- Shabab has halted food aid by some agencies in areas they control, other agencies can operate in their territory.
这次食品运送称,尽管青年党阻止了他们控制的地区内部分机构的食品救助,其他机构仍然可以在他们的势力范围内正常运作。 hxen

The Shabab may be more resilient than the AU and Western countries would like.
该青年党可能会比非盟和西方国家想的更加适应性强的。 ecocn

The Shabab has learnt from its mistakes in 2006, when it was overwhelmed in a few days by the Ethiopian army. It is now more pragmatic and more aggressive.
青年党从2006年的那场几天之内就被埃塞俄比亚军队击溃的战争中吸取了教训,它现在变得更务实也更好战。 ecocn

The Shabab now control most of south and central Somalia, and much of Mogadishu.
沙巴目前控制着索马里南部和中部的大多数地区和摩加迪沙的大部分。 ecocn

The Shabab used to be seen as genuine freedom fighters, those leading the battle against the thousands of Ethiopian troops in Somalia propping up the previous transitional government.
激进伊斯兰组织青年党曾经被视为真正的自由战士,在索马里领导抵抗几千埃塞尔比亚士兵的战斗,支持上届过渡政府。 yeeyan




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