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词汇 sgt
释义 sgtCOCA¹⁰⁹²⁰BNC¹³⁹⁵⁰
A platoon leader, Sgt. Jeremy Latimer, took two of the women into a village elder’s home so they could smooth the way for a male medical officer to treat the Afghan’s ailing wife and daughters.
排长杰里米·拉蒂默军士曾经带着两名女兵去一位村庄长老的家,目的是打消他对男军医为他患病的妻子、女儿治疗时的顾虑。 yeeyan

Colour Sgt Todd snapped his Achilles tendon just before leaving the UK, leaving him unable to run.
就在即将离开英国的时候,托德上士的跟腱撕裂让他不能再跑步了。 yeeyan

Master Gunnery Sgt Charles Padilla, the one US Marine, achieved a personal goal of85 miles137 km in one day, which sparked a friendly trans- Atlantic rivalry.
唯一的一名美国海军军士长查尔斯·帕迪拉就创下了一天之内跑85英里137公里的个人最好成绩,而这引起了一场跨越大西洋的友谊赛。 yeeyan

The cover on a new LP album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a photomontage of a crowd gathered round a grave.
新唱片《帕伯军士的孤心俱乐部》封套是一张合成照片,画面上一大堆人簇拥在墓地周围。 yeeyan

The ODA's only Pashto speaker, Staff Sgt. Miller took charge of the dismounted element and assembled partnered ANA forces to ensure they could move under cover.
作为特战分队里唯一会说普什图语的美国人,米勒上士领着这帮下车步行的美伪混合队伍,为车上的部队提供掩护。 yeeyan

The whole Sgt. Pepper album is“ drenched in drugs, ” as the editor of a London music magazine puts it.
伦敦一家音乐杂志的编辑说“《帕勃军士》整张专辑都渗透着毒品的气息。” yeeyan

“The economy had to play a part in this, ” Sgt. Forrest Vincent says, though he also credits the agency's aggressive recruiting.
该局警司弗瑞斯特·文森特认为“这里面肯定有经济不景气的原因”,但他也承认该局的积极招募功不可没。 yeeyan

A40-year-old man was arrested by police at around0100 0700 GMT on Wednesday night, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sgt Steve Colwell told reporters.
周三晚上约01:00点 GMT07:00,一名40岁男子被警方拘捕,加拿大皇家骑警RCMP Sgt Steve Colwell告诉记者。 yeeyan

Again, with complete disregard for his own personal safety, Staff Sgt. Miller remained alone at the front of the patrol, so his team could bound back.
这样,米勒上士又一次决定完全不顾自身安全,单枪匹马地为全队断后,以便让他的战友们安全后撤。 yeeyan

Approximately an hour and45 minutes later, a quick reaction force arrived, which allowed the ODA to lead a patrol back into the valley to recover Staff Sgt. Miller.
约一小时45分钟以后,美军的快速反应部队终于抵达了战场,这使得特战分队得以进入山谷为米勒上士收尸。 yeeyan

But as Sgt Whitman said, they had no choice; their mission was clear.
而且惠特曼军士表示,他们别无选择;他们的任务就是清路。 ecocn

But an Arkansas man holds the honour of making the biggest impression on Colour Sgt Todd.
然而,一个阿肯色州人却有幸在托德上士心中留下了最深刻的印象。 yeeyan

But that doesn't mean there's a“ war” between police and criminals, says Sgt. Norman Jahn, a20- year veteran of the Las Vegas Police Department.
但有20年服役经验的拉斯维加斯警署警司诺曼·扬说,这并不意味着在警察和嫌犯之间有一场“战争”。 yeeyan

Colour Sgt Todd liked the idea when he saw the film14 years ago, and stashed the seemingly fanciful notion in the back of his mind for a later date.
14年前,托德上士第一次看这部电影的时候就喜欢上了这个主意,他将这个看起来有些不切实际的念头埋藏在心底,留待将来的某个日子再去实现。 yeeyan

During his final charge forward, Staff Sgt. Miller threw two hand grenades into fighting positions, destroying the positions and killing or wounding an additional four insurgents.
在他最后的冲击中,米勒上士向游击队阵地投了两颗手榴弹,摧毁了敌人的阵地,又打死打伤了另外四名游击队员。 yeeyan

Earlier Monday, authorities arrested32 people and cleared out an Occupy encampment. Eureka police Sgt.
周一早晨,当局逮捕了32人并且清除了“占领”运动的营地。 yeeyan

He was so exhausted when he finished around midnight that Colour Sgt Todd had to carry him to his bed.
他到半夜跑完的时候,已经是精疲力竭了,于是不得不让托德上士把他搬回到床上去。 yeeyan

Reported numbers vary, but the respected witness Sgt.
报告的数字有所不同,但受人尊敬的见证人 Sgt.

That night, while Ms. Fauci was decorating the new cookies with red, white and blue sprinkles, Sgt. Jack was at his house jazzing up the canned baked beans with a recipe he pulled off the Internet.
当晚,在费希女士用红、白、蓝三色装饰新制成的小甜饼时,军士长杰克正在自己家里依照他从互联网上下载的一份菜谱调制罐装烤豆。 ebigear

The darkness of the night and limited visibility made Staff Sgt. Miller's weapon, also the most casualty producing, the greatest threat to the insurgent ambush.
夜幕降临,黑暗中能见度很低,米勒上士的机枪,现在是最有杀伤亡力的武器,是游击队的最大威胁。 yeeyan

The next morning I found Sgt. Erick Gallardo outside and Sergeant Giunta on guard duty.
隔天早晨,我发现艾瑞克.盖拉多中士在外面,吉安达中士则在站岗。 yeeyan

The victim here is Sgt. Crowley, not professor Gates.
此事的受害人是克罗利警官,而不是盖茨教授。 yeeyan

To achieve the weird effects on Sgt. Pepper, they spent as much as20 hours on a song, often working through the night.
为了使《帕勃军士》达到不可思议的效果,他们在每首歌上都花费了近乎20小时,常常通宵达旦的工作。 yeeyan

Understanding the potential for catastrophe, Staff Sgt. Miller boldly charged the enemy and accurately engaged the entire force with his squad automatic weapon, thus eliminating the threat.
充分了解大难即将临头,在此千钧一发之际,米勒上士挺身而出,勇敢地冲向游击队,以他的班用机枪的全部火力,准确地压制住了游击队的火力。 yeeyan

Upon hearing such a positive affirmation of his work, Colour Sgt Todd, tired to the point of breaking, had just one response: he cried.
听到有人对自己的努力做了这样积极的肯定,疲惫到崩溃边缘的托德上士只做出了一个反应:他哭了。 yeeyan

Within seconds, Staff Sgt. Miller began receiving a majority of the insurgents' heavy volume of fire.
几秒钟后,米勒上士成功地把游击队的主要火力吸引了过来。 yeeyan

Sgt Colwell said the “ brave” behaviour of the passengers and driver probably prevented anyone else from being hurt.
Sgt Colwell称乘客和司机的“英勇”行为避免了让更多的人受到伤害。 yeeyan




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