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释义 SGML 英ˌesdʒiːemˈel美ˌɛsdʒiɛmˈɛlAHDĕs'jē-ĕm-ĕlʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高
abbr.计标准广义置标语言=Standard Generalized Markup Language

computer science a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted近义词 standard generalized markup language=SGML标准通用标…
SGML-- Standard Generalized Marked Language.标准广义标记语言。
PSGML needs to know where to find theSGMLcatalog files.PSGML需要知道到哪里查找SGML目录文件。
Identifier matches an entry in one of yourSGMLcatalog files.标识符要与某个SGML目录文件中的一项相匹配。
SGMLis actually a metalanguage used to define mark-up languages.SGML实际上是一种用于定义标记语言的元语言。
SGMLstands for the Standardized General Markup Language.SGML表示标准化通用标记语言。
SGMLis intended to be absolutely independent of any application.SGML被规定为是绝对独立来应用的。 A direct transplant from SGML, the DTD is too limited for many applications.
DTD直接移植自 SGML,对很多应用程序来说功能太有限。 ibm

On the one hand, it was supposed to simplify SGML down to one reasonable, standard subset everyone could agree on and faithfully implement.
一方面,它希望将 SGML简化为一个合理、标准的子集,使所有人都能认可,并忠实地加以实现。 ibm

The SGML method of declaring reusable external entities is available for XML users, but this has several practical limitations in XML.
XML用户也能使用声明可重用外部实体的 SGML方法,但是 XML中这种方法有一些实际的限制。 ibm

Although PSGML contains an SGML parser, it is not a fully functional parser.
虽然 PSGML包含 SGML解析器,但是它仍不是一个具有完整功能的解析器。 ibm

As such, this question is as old as SGML, the precursor of XML, and has been hotly debated with no universally accepted consensus.
这个问题像 XML的先驱 SGML一样古老,而且曾经历过热烈的辩论,只是最后也没有广泛地达成一致。 ibm

At a first approximation then, XML documents should also be valid SGML documents.
在这样一种近似性的前提下, XML文档也应该是有效的 SGML文档。 ibm

Convert the English DITA file to SGML, and send the whole English book to translation.
将英文的 DITA文件转化成 SGML并发送整个英文图书去进行翻译。 ibm

Convert the translated DITA to SGML, and send those translated fragments with the English book.
将翻译好的 DITA转化成 SGML,然后发出这些翻译过的片段和英文图书。 ibm

Even when graphics were an issue, SGML was ultimately about text, text, text.
尽管图像是一个问题,但 SGML最终围绕的主题还是文本。 ibm

Having a different cultural history from SGML, XML is undergoing its own process of tool development.
因为与 SGML具有的文化历史背景不同,所以 XML所经历的是其自身的工具开发过程。 ibm

However, the designers of XML went out of their way to remove the tag reduction options in SGML.
而 XML的设计者走了另外一条路,去掉了 SGML中的标签缩减选项。 ibm

I use it as a general- purpose editor for creating and managing some of my programming projects, and for writing XHTML and playing around with SGML and XML.
我将它作为一种一般用途的编辑器,用来创建和管理我的某些编程项目,以及编写 XHTML和处理 SGML与 XML。 ibm

If, however, you will also be dealing with SGML, the DTD you are using will probably reference its own declaration.
然而,如果您还将处理 SGML,则正在使用的 DTD将可能引用其自身的声明。 ibm

In a technical sense, XML is a simplification and specialization of SGML.
从技术角度来说, XML是简化和特殊化的 SGML。 ibm

In SGML, architectural forms are a classic way to provide mappings from one document type to another.
在 SGML中,体系结构表单是提供从一种文档类型到另一种文档类型映射的传统方法。 ibm

In SGML lingo, an entity is an abstract representation of a resource or a file in a document.
在 SGML的方言中,实体是资源或者文档文件的抽象表示。 ibm

It does, however, provide the ability to validate SGML and XML documents using an external parser.
但是,它确实提供了使用外部解析器来验证 SGML和 XML文档的能力。 ibm

It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML; it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information.
它是标准通用标记语言 SGML的一个子集,采用文本方式应用和描述信息的树状结构。 ibm

Like SGML, HTML allowed authors to describe the structure of a document, separating headers from paragraphs, ordered and unordered lists.
和 SGML一样, HTML允许作者描述文档的结构,把头部和段落、有序列表、无序列表分开。 ibm

Like SGML before it, XML is a meta- language: It is a syntactic basis for defining further languages.
和原来的 SGML一样, XML也是一种元语言,是定义其他语言的语法基础。 ibm

One of the intentions of SGML was to distinguish textual content from its presentation by embedding the textual content in machine- readable tags.
SGML的意图之一是通过将文本内容嵌入到机器可读的标记中来区分文本内容及其表示。 ibm

So SGML defined a more abstract view of the file system, called entities.
因此 SGML定义了一种更抽象的文件系统视图,称为实体。 ibm

TEI itself is not an SGML or XML application, but rather a set of guidelines from which languages DTDs can be constructed.
TEI本身不是一种 SGML或 XML应用,而是一组用于构造语言 DTD的指导原则。 ibm

When including DITA as SGML fragments, you must declare those fragments as SGML entities, to be resolved later.
如果包含 DITA作为 SGML片段,就必须将这些片段声明为 SGML实体供以后解析。 ibm

XML Extensible Markup Language is a markup language derived from SGML, and its specification is organized by W3C.
XML可扩展标记语言是源于 SGML的一种标记语言,其规范由 W3C管理。 ibm

XML has many components that no one would describe as elegant, including parts that were holdovers from the earlier SGML standard.
XML有很多不那么优美的地方,包括从早期的 SGML标准继承下来的那些部分。 ibm

SGML can seem complex, and HTMLwhich was really just an element set was just not powerful enough to identify information.
SGML比较复杂, HTML实际上仅是一组元素集在识别信息方面不够强大。 ibm

SGML included ways of adding shortcuts to reduce the amount of tagging required, and could even completely redefine document syntax.
SGML包括增加快捷方式减少所需标签数量的方法,甚至能够完全重定义文档语法。 ibm

SGML was created for organizing and tagging documents.
SGML的创建是为了组织和标记文档。 ibm




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