

单词 sforza
释义 Sfor·za 英ˈsfɔːtsə, ˈsfɔːtsɑː美ˈsfɔrtsə, ˈsfɔrtsɑAHDsfôrtʹsə, sfôrʹtsä COCA⁹⁵⁷³⁴BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
Carlo Sforza 斯福尔扎伯爵1873-1952,意大利政治家,反法西斯领袖
Luke Syson, the show’s curator, has come to believe that the freedom da Vinci enjoyed there as court painter to Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, was the key that unlocked his genius.
国家美术馆馆长 Luck Syson先生介绍,达芬奇正是因为在这段时期作为米兰公爵 LudovicoSforza的宫廷画师享受到的自由,像钥匙一样打开枷锁,让他的天赋尽情发挥。 yeeyan

But a German now believes she was Countess Caterina Sforza from Italy. The countess is said to have been married three times, had11 children and countless lovers.
这名德国人相信,蒙娜丽莎是一位意大利伯爵夫人,她曾结过三次婚,有11个孩子和无数的情人。 ycwb

Cavalli- Sforza stresses that his mission is not just scientific but social as well.
卡瓦里-斯福尔扎强调他的工作不仅有科学意义,而且也有社会意义。 jukuu

Documents showed he believed that this would mark“ a new start for humanity”, Ms Sforza Galitzia said.
斯沃加·卡利奇亚女士说,有资料显示达·芬奇相信这场洪水将标志一个“人类新的开端”。 yeeyan

Leonardo moved to Milan near the start of the 1480s, and began working for Sforza, as an engineer, sculptor and painter.
十五世纪八十年代,莱奥纳多搬到米兰,开始为斯福扎工作,身兼工程师、雕塑家和画家数职。 yeeyan

Ms Sforza Galitzia, who formerly studied da Vinci manuscripts as a researcher at the University of California in Los Angeles, now works in the Vatican archives.
斯沃加·卡利奇亚女士如今就职于梵蒂冈的档案室,她以前在洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学做研究员时曾经研读过达·芬奇的手稿。 yeeyan

She is turning to look at someone, perhaps at Sforza himself.
她扭头向左看着什么,也许是正看着斯福扎吧。 yeeyan

The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli- Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.
这一项目的主要倡导者,斯坦福大学教授路卡卡瓦里-斯福尔扎,与同事一起经过16年的努力,绘制了这一世界上首幅人类基因分布图谱。 www.8875.org

The16-year-old mistress of the ruler of Milan, Ludovico Sforza, is stroking an ermine.
画中米兰统治者鲁多维科·斯福扎 Ludovico Sforza这位16岁的小情妇轻抚着一只貂。 yeeyan

When he left Florence it was to work for the Duke of Milan, Ludvico Sforza.
他离开佛罗伦萨去为米兰公爵卢德维科·斯福尔扎工作。 iciba




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