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词汇 sf
释义 sf. ˌes 'ef
It's complicated by the fact that each SF author is an individual human being with an individual personal history.
每一个科幻小说作家都是一个独立的个体,有自己的人生经历,这让整个事情更加复杂了。 yeeyan

The events are generated in Common Base Events CBE format using the CEI APIs included with WBI- SF V5.1.1.
利用 WBI- SF V5.1.1中包含的 CEI API,事件以通用基本事件 CBE的格式产生。 ibm

Working everything up from basics like this, in the interests of SF comedy, had already led the young Douglas Adams into areas where only experts normally tread.
像这样从最基础来构建一切,虽然是出于对科幻喜剧的兴趣,也已经开始把道格拉斯引入了一般只有专家才会涉足的领域。 yeeyan

A digital signature is a signed version of the. SF signature file.
一个数字签名是. SF签名文件的已签名版本。 ibm

As we announced earlier, Technology Review will publish TR: SF, a collection of original science fiction stories, in the fall.
正像我们之前宣布过的那样,《技术评论》会在秋季出版原创科幻小说集 TR: SF。 yeeyan

As you found, the BUSINESS. DSA file and BUSINESS. SF files share the same base file name, with different extension names.
如您所见, BUSINESS. DSA文件和 BUSINESS. SF文件使用相同的基文件名,但扩展名不同。 ibm

But the armageddon weather report is clear for the next few days at least, and with modern data storage techniques there is no reason not to preserve all of the great works of SF ever written.
但是世界大战的天气预报显示至少以后的一段时间里天气还是晴朗的加上现代的数字存储技术,根本没有理由不保留所有的已完成伟大的科幻小说。 yeeyan

Digital signature files are binary files and have the same filename as the. SF file but a different extension.
数字签名文件是二进制文件,并且与. SF文件有相同的文件名,但是扩展名不同。 ibm

Each signer is represented by a signature file with extension. SF.
签名者由带有扩展名. SF的签名文件表示。 ibm

Each signer of a JAR is represented by a signature file with the extension. SF within the META- INF directory of the JAR file.
JAR的每一位签名者都由在 JAR文件的 META- INF目录中的一个具有. SF扩展名的签名文件表示。 ibm

I, myself, grew up in the 1960s reading my father's collection of SF from the30s-50s, so I tend to write about old-fashioned problems like space exploration and totalitarianism.
我自己成长于60年代,当时读的科幻小说都是我父亲收藏的30到50年代的作品,所以我喜欢写些老式风格的主题,比如太空探索和极权主义。 yeeyan

I like writing SF and to a lesser extent fantasy, but I can also see doing some historical novels and alternate histories.
我喜欢创作科幻,也不排斥奇幻,但我也想写一些历史小说和或然历史题材的小说。 yeeyan

I think SF lost a lot of ground to fantasy because fantasy remained focused on stories of wonder and possibilities.
我认为科幻将许多阵地输给了奇幻,就是因为奇幻始终致力于讲述一个精彩而拥有无限可能的故事。 yeeyan

It's a fascinating list, but what are the great SF books it misses out?
这是非常吸引人的名单,但是要遗漏了一些伟大的作品该怎么办? yeeyan

Last year, World Con came immediately after the RWA conference in SF, which she admits made things more than a little crazy, but definitely worth it.
去年,世界大会是紧接着美国言情小说家全国会议在旧金山召开的,她承认这样的安排有点疯狂,但依然绝对值得。 yeeyan

Let's explore the BUSINESS. SF file first.
我们先探讨 BUSINESS. SF文件。 ibm

Of course, the future and its influence on SF isn't really as simple and straightforward as I've laid it out here.
当然,未来以及它对科幻小说的影响并不像我所摆出来的那么简单直接。 yeeyan

Of course, you might want to debate what defines SF in the comments below.
当然,你可能想争论在下面的评论中是什么定义了科学小说。 yeeyan

So in a way, except for Heinlein and Norton, I was actually a fantasy fan before I was an SF fan.
可以这么说,除了海因莱因和诺顿,我其实在迷科幻之前已经迷上了奇幻故事。 yeeyan

Sounds very SF, right?
听起来很科幻,是吗? yeeyan

Swiss Finance Minister Widmer- Schlumpf was asked earlier this week by Swiss national TV station SF whether Mubarak or his family had any money in Switzerland, according to NPR.
瑞士国家电视台 SF在本周初曾就穆巴拉克或其家族是否有钱在瑞士一事询问过瑞士财政部长 Widmer- Schlumpf,据 NPR报道。 yeeyan

Table1 lists the sample content of BUSINESS. SF files in your feature and plug-in JAR files. The version, signature algorithm, JVM, and digest information are provided there.
表1列出了特性 JAR文件和插件 JAR文件中的 BUSINESS. SF文件的示例内容,包括版本、签名算法、 JVM和摘要信息。 ibm

That was SF comedy. But it never got made in the end, which was a shame, because there was some nice stuff in there.
那就是一个科幻喜剧,但是最后没有被制作出来,这真不爽,因为里面有些很不错的东西。 yeeyan

The SF writers I like best are the ones who are funny, and there are not many of them.
我最喜欢的科幻作家是那些最有趣的,这种并不是很多。 yeeyan

They are being released now, in three parts, to mark the first issue of Darker Matter, the online magazine that brings you the best new SF short stories from around the world.
现在为了《暗物质》杂志的第一期发行,它们将被分为三个部分公布。 《暗物质》在线杂志为您带来全世界最优秀的科幻短篇小说新作。 yeeyan

They cannot steal your long term vision: Craigslist started in SF, Facebook at harvard, Google with only millions of pages, and Microsoft started as a basic interpreter.
他们偷不走你长期视角: Craigslist起始于 SF,在哈佛的 Facebook, Google带来的数百万计的网页,并且微软只是开始于最初的基本解释。 yeeyan

To get you started, we have asked some of our favourite writers to suggest their SF greats.
在你开始之前,我们要求一些我们喜欢的作家来提出哪些是伟大的科学小说。 yeeyan

We don't want to limit your interpretation of SF either.
我们也不想限制你对科学小说的翻译。 yeeyan

When the lost tapes resurfaced a few weeks ago, these unpublished insights from one of the20th century's top SF writers seemed ideal for the launch of Darker Matter.
当这些遗失的磁带几周前重现人间,这位20世纪顶级科幻作家从未发表过的真知灼见正好成为《暗物质》杂志启动所需的绝佳材料。 yeeyan

SF- Books is free to join and very simple to use.
科幻图书是免费加入的,而且使用也很简单。 yeeyan




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